
Eastern Horror Story Antholog

Horror Folktales from the East, including China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, and more.

Snow_Jon · Horror
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156 Chs

The Mysterious Phone Call

In a holiday resort, faint lights flickered. Zhang Chaotian sat at a desk in a room, working on his laptop. Suddenly, the phone rang. He turned to look and paused his work to answer it.

His wife leaned against the bed while talking on the phone, saying, "Chaotian, where are you right now?" Her freshly showered hair was still wet, and the sound of water running in the background came from the bathroom.

Zhang Chaotian held the phone with one hand while clumsily typing on his computer with the other, replying, "Didn't I send you a message this morning? I'm going to the suburbs these days for some fieldwork. Can't return."

His wife looked toward the door and said, "I'm scared..."

Zhang Chaotian stopped typing. "What are you afraid of?" he asked.

His wife replied, "Someone just knocked on the door. I looked through the peephole, and to my surprise, I saw you. I was about to open the door, but that person turned and left."

Zhang Chaotian said, "They must have knocked on the wrong door."

His wife continued, "But they looked so much like you!"

Zhang Chaotian chuckled, "There are lookalikes everywhere. What's so strange about that? Ha-ha. Do we have an extra man at home? Why would you be scared if you saw me?"

His wife playfully complained, "Stop making things up. I suspect you're with some vixen!"

Zhang Chaotian said, "This is the suburbs; maybe there really are vixens around."

His wife said, "It would be best if you bumped into a male vixen!"

Zhang Chaotian laughed, "Okay, stop being paranoid. Gu Tong is with me."

His wife said, "Alright, get some rest and don't tire yourself out."

Zhang Chaotian agreed, "I know, sweetheart. Have sweet dreams. Bye."

His wife replied, "Goodbye."

After hanging up, Zhang Chaotian noticed a man stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He asked, "Who were you talking to on the phone?"

His wife stood up and embraced him. The two of them shared a passionate kiss. After a while, she held him close and tumbled onto the bed, smiling mischievously, "I called Zhang Chaotian. I needed to confirm that he definitely won't be coming back tonight. Gu Tong, you know what he said? He said he's with you now!"

Gu Tong, wearing his pajamas, responded calmly, "He's definitely using me as a shield."

She said, "I'll pretend to be clueless with him. If I expose his lies, the two of us can't be together anymore."

Having said that, they embraced once more, kissing passionately.

Back at the holiday resort, the lights in the guest rooms went out one by one. Only one room remained illuminated.

Zhang Chaotian stretched lazily, shut down his laptop, and called out to the other room, "Gu Tong, are you asleep?"

The door to the other room was half-open, shrouded in darkness. Gu Tong, dressed in his nightwear, gradually appeared in the doorway. He said, "Chaotian, you're exhausted. Get some sleep."

Zhang Chaotian remarked, "My wife just called, saying that someone knocked on our door and looked just like me. She was about to open it, but the person turned and left. What could this mean?"

Gu Tong continued to stand in the dimly lit room's entrance and then suddenly smiled. "Maybe that person was you. Everyone has two sides."