
East Meets West, A Buddhist Love Journey

This novel mainly tells a love story between a Buddhist and a Christian. It mainly records the exotic adventure trip and daily life of a devout Buddhist, as well as the heart journey in love.

ShiguangHuixin · Urban
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16 Chs

Five Silas in Buddhism

2-24-2023 Friday,

If you want to become a Buddhist, the first step is to accept the Three Refuges.

They are:

1.To the Buddha I return and rely, vowing that all living beings understand the great Way profoundly, and bring forth the Bodhi mind.

2.To the Sangha I return and rely, vowing that all living beings form together a great assembly, one and all in harmony.

3.To the Dharma I return and rely, vowing that all living beings Deeply enter the Sutra treasury, and have wisdom like the sea.

Whether he is a true Buddhist depends on whether he accepts and keeps the five precepts/Silas,

1. Ahimsa

(1) There is living life.

(2)The participant knows this as a living life.

(3) intended to kill.

(4) To Kill.

(5) lead to death.

Only when all five elements are met will the precept be violated, and as long as one element is not established, the precept will not be violated.

2. Don't steal

(1) There is a subject.

(2) Knowing that there is an owner.

(3) Intend to steal.

(4) Steal.

(5) Items were stolen as a result of this act.

Only when all five elements are met will the precept be violated, and as long as one element is not established, the precept will not be violated.

3. Do not commit adultery

(1) Objects that should not have sexual relations (other people's spouses, partners, and underage girls under the care and guardianship of others)

(2) Intending to have intercourse with any of the above objects.

(3) Coitus.

(4) There is lust.

Only when all five elements are met will the precept be violated, and as long as one element is not established, the precept will not be violated.

4. Do not lie

(1) Lie.

(2) Willing to lie.

(3) Tell lie.

(4) Others understand (understand the lie being told).

Only when all five elements are met will the precept be violated, and as long as one element is not established, the precept will not be violated.

5. No drinking

(1) Alcohol or narcotics.

(2) Intention to drink (alcohol or narcotics).

(3) Drank.

(4) Alcohol or narcotics enter the throat.

Only when all five elements are met will the precept be violated, and as long as one element is not established, the precept will not be violated.

Here are the five Silas are the basic principles that Buddhists must abide by.

Buddhist believe in the law of cause and effect, trans-migration. So for a Buddhist, they are not afraid that their lover will have this person today or that person tomorrow. We just worry about whether we are not keeping the Silas. All upcoming effects will be fine if we keep the Silas.