
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 71

We had a giggle together the three of us for the rest of our available time, just joking about and being really silly, talking about rubbish and even painting Yoongi's toes! We ate a little something so we don't drink on too much of an empty stomach later. It's unlikely we will get to eat again today. We are expecting the hair and make up ladies imminently so we have time to get ready and travel and be at the club in Kyoto by 8pm.

I've had a shower and washed my hair, my things are all together in Lori's room and we are doing our 'out out' tradition of getting ready in the same room with alcohol and music. Yoongi has been forced lovingly into getting ready with Namjoon to free up some space, not that he is complaining, I think he has had his fair share of us two and our girly nonsense for today!

I'm just talking Lori through my outfit when there is a knock at the door. I open it and in the hallway stands Namjoon. "I just wanted to let you know the hair and make up team is here, Yoongi is just helping them in with their stuff". I thank him and go to get back to what I was doing but he calls out "What colour are you wearing tonight? I don't want to clash with you". The eyes of the press are going to be on us for the most part of the night so I can see why he would want us to have cohesive attire. "All black" I reply smiling at him a little and continuing with "your black Chanel suit and black silk shirt would compliment me well".

He nods and turns to leave but then pauses for a moment, he looks as if he wants to say something but doesn't and instead taps on the door frame and walks off. I wonder what he was thinking and what he wanted to say? Lori asks me if I am nervous about having to play happy to the cameras later, and I am a little concerned, but I think I can pretend and act like everything is A ok. We will soon see won't we!

The ladies come in to the room and set up their gear, we decide that Lori will have her make up done first whilst my hair is styled and then we will swap. We quickly discuss what it is we are looking for tonight in our looks and show them our outfits and they get started on making us look like superstar wives.

We chit chat with the girls asking them about travelling with such a big band and being able to tell people they work with idols and how cool it must be. They are both about our age and have travelled all over the world with the boys, they are part of their dedicated style team. Can you imagine what an exciting life that must be!

Dal-Rae is the hair stylist who is currently blow drying my hair, she is tall and slim, with a short pixie cut that is platinum blonde and has a unique dress sense, her look is very alternative but it suits her. She has a few piercings and I spy a tattoo on her shoulder just peeking out of her top. She thinks I should have a strong sleeked back ponytail tonight because it makes her think of strength and that's the word she thought of when she looked at my dress. I trust her judgement and leave her too it. First she blow dries it, then straightens it before sweeping it back and pinning it so it looks as though my hair is holding the ponytail in place. It's a bit different to how I would usually go out, but then, that's what I was aiming for anyway.

Soomin is working on Lori and giving her the soft and subtle look she wanted. She has had dark and intense make up the last few times we have been out and tonight she wants to look different. Her dress is a gorgeous aubergine colour so they decide to let the dress be the statement of her look. Soomin is softly spoken, shorter than leggy Dal-Rae and I am not sure if these are contacts or not but she has blue eyes. Her hair is a light brown colour and pinned into a messy bun. She is very pretty.

When we are both finished we swap over. I was going to have dark eye make up and dark lips, but seeing how gorgeous Lori looks a little softer I decide to change my plan. My dress and hair will shout strong and sexy but I hope my face will show sexy and fun. Soomin describes her plan as mermaid eyes and plans to use shiny and shimmery eye shadows in pinks and blues which she believes will make my eyes pop. I am happy with the sound of that and let her get on with it.

Lori is having her hair curled and then some of it pinned back but with a small plait from the front and centre of her head down one side disappearing into the curls at the back.  It's hard to describe but when it's done it looks lovely. We thank the ladies for their hard work and they pack up and head off, we have about 20 minutes spare before we have to leave so both of us get dressed and put our finishing touches together.

I am so happy with how I look, I'm going to turn heads tonight! I feel super confident and really sexy. Lori looks hot as fuck too so I think the #Bangtanhotwives might be trending later! We give each other a final once over before we head down. The boys have been calling us for about 5 minutes, but we are finally done.

Now the good bit, seeing their faces as they look at us! I can't wait to see Namjoon's reaction. This is not a typical Aimee outfit. It's much more daring and a little risqué! Lori heads down first to wolf whistles and howling from Yoongi, I hear him tell her "you look amazing!" Now it's my turn.

I come down the stairs and hear Jimin say "wow" and Jungkook's mouth drops open and he turns away and walks off. Namjoon stares intently at me and I at him for the last couple of steps and as I reach the bottom he puts his hand out to me and says "you are a vision of beauty and the sexiest woman on the planet!" I take his hand and thank him and we all exit to the cars.