
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 3

I wake up to crying, it's been about 3 hours I suppose and she's obviously hungry again or needs changing so I get up trying to get to her quickly before she wakes her Daddy. I pick her up and coo at her, shushing and bouncing as I take her to the change table in the opposite corner to sleeping beauty. I pop the studs on her little outfit and pull it up and open her nappy. Wow, what a mess that is. I get the wet wipes and clean her up, place on some cream and a new nappy and do her up. We go back to the bed and she's still fussing but as soon as I get her comfortable with me and she feels my nipple she's feeding again.

This process repeats a couple of times along with me needing to frequently change my pad until it's the following morning. Namjoon wakes up a little stiff from sleeping in a chair but says he feels well rested and wasn't disturbed by her crying at all. I'm not quite sure if that is a good thing or not at the moment. He comes over to us and tells me I look beautiful, a compliment I take gratefully. I get a kiss on the lips and the baby a kiss on the forehead. Along with all the stuff we had to bring when I went into labour we also brought a bag of clean stuff for him too, so he quickly goes to have a shower in the rooms bathroom and brushes his teeth and gets changed into fresh clothes.

The nurse comes in with breakfast for us and checks on the little one. She has been noting her routine during the night and it seems she will be best on an every 4 hour feed cycle, occasionally that may need to be every 3 but I am to take my lead from her. She suggests that whilst she is still calm I should try expressing some milk so that Namjoon can feed her from a bottle later and also suggests he do some skin to skin bonding with her. She brings me over my breast pump, it sits in your bra and does it's thing whilst you get on with anything else. It's really clever. I pop it in and turn it on and realise i'm starving.

When Namjoon returns i'm sitting eating some cereal, pumping away with our little girl sleeping next to me. I hold up my finger to him showing that I found the ring and say thank you. "Your welcome, I had it made to fit the other two and it has come out really well" he says coming and sitting on the edge of the bed. "You know, we have to decide on a name for her now don't you" he says softly. We have been through lots of suggestions, for boys and girls, and whether it should be a Korean name or an English name but hadn't settled on anything concrete. We both liked Joon-Tae for a boy or Forest if we decided on an English name. Girls had been a little more difficult to decide on.

"How about Jangmi?" I ask him.  "Kim Jangmi Kyung-Seo?" I think it fits her perfectly, Rose after my favourite flower and part of Namjoon's Mum and Sisters names as a tribute to the other women in his life. I look at him waiting for approval and he stands and cups my face and kisses my lips. "It's perfect".

After we have finished eating we lay on the bed together, Namjoon has taken off his top and we have laid the baby on his chest in just her nappy but with a blanket over them both. She is sleeping peacefully and we are snuggled up together. It's such a wonderful moment. I grab my phone and try to get a picture but I'm at a strange angle. The nurse, who always seems to be there when we need her spots this and comes in to take a picture for us, the first one of the three of us together. "What a lovely little family you are" she says sweetly and passes the phone back to me.