
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Celebrities
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83 Chs

Chapter 17

I have filled Lori in on my plan and the reason for it, how I came to the conclusion it was worth a try and she agrees with me. "We need to talk to the whole house about this though" she says to me as we head down to the living room where we think everyone is. "I would need to tell my parents too and Namjoon would have to let his Mum, Dad and Sister know, but that would be it. It would have to stay just in that circle of people to work" I respond.

We gather all 7 guys together and get them to sit down. They look nervous. I begin talking and say "when Lori had Yeong and Ahnjong came to work for them she had ample opportunity to take him but didn't. Why do we think that is?" I pause, no one has a suggestion so I look at Lori who picks up where I left off. "We think the reason she didn't is because she was not working for us to hurt us, we think she was working for us to get closer to Yoongs". She looks over at me and smiles and nods for me to carry on, we have a little double act going here. I feel like the Cagney to her Lacey.

"We think that this plan only came about when Ahnjong told her Sister about my pregnancy. It makes sense that Nari was devastated by her favourite idol having a baby and worked out how she could hurt me the most. Not only could she take my baby, potentially ruin mine and Joon's marriage but she could also devastate my best friend and damage that relationship too by encouraging her Sister to also take Yeong. Her problem is with me, no one else. I'm sure that is what my dreams are eluding too. 'You have got to go' is a warning". I look around the room and all of them are looking at me quizzically like i've lost my marbles.

I continue and try to explain myself better. "I had another dream today, it had the cloaked figure in it again but this time I saw who it was. It was me! I was telling myself that I have to go! So either I need to leave because i'm in danger, or I have to leave for our babies to come back". Namjoon shoots me a look like he knew this was coming, but he has the wrong end of the stick. Lori spots this too and quickly interjects to stop him from escalating like earlier. "Joon, what she means is not for her to leave you and get a divorce or go back to England. We have a plan. It's a little odd but we think it could work".

He relaxes a little at the first part but seems unsure of the last bit. "What do you mean by odd baby?" Yoongi asks Lori but I answer him because at the end of the day it is me that came up with the idea. "I think we should let the world think I have left Namjoon". There is a stunned silence, you could hear a fly fart. I wait for the objections.

"Wait, what? How would that help asks Jin. "So the reason for the idea is this, Nari for sure, maybe Ahnjong too are not in their right minds, or at least that's what we think. None of this was planned for their benefit except for potentially splitting us up as couples, there is no financial gain, neither of them were desperate to be mothers, the only thing they are fixed on is Yoongs and Joonie. If by me 'Leaving' Nari thinks she could have a shot with my Husband if she comes back to Seoul with his child, she is going to do it, and Ahnjong would come with her too. I know it sounds far fetched, but I just keep thinking it's what is supposed to happen. I don't think they have even considered the Police and the possibility of prison, I think they are just so focused on what they want and that is you two" I finish pointing at Yoongi and Namjoon.

I'm not sure but I think they could be potentially seeing my point and I know it's a very strange one, but I can't shake the feeling it's going to work. "We need to try it and see if it works" Lori says. "What have we got to lose at this point". She is right, if it works great, if it doesn't we are no worse off than we are now, well except for having to tell the world it was a hoax. Hopefully though people might understand why we did it.

"It's a crazy idea, you have both lost it, but it could work so why not give it a try? We need to tell Detective Choi though, he has to be in on it" says Namjoon smiling at me. I am so happy that he sees what I am trying to achieve here and is willing to give it a go.