
Earthling Soul

Safo Nur had been poisoned and woke up in a cage with another hundred victims. Soon, for some unknown reason, he was chosen by the monsters and was dragged away from the cage. In a special room, his spine was drilled and implanted with a strange device, after the procedure Safo was able to understand an alien tongue. Safo Nur - discovered that his origins came from an alien race called - Psiora. To unlock his power, which Psiora called a "Resource", he and three aliens came to Earth. During that process, Safo blacked out. Upon coming to his senses, he found himself falling from the spaceship on a different planet. His three companions changed in behavior and were alarmed by him. They hid the truth about the events that took place after his awakening. Safo Nur's powers were sealed away by a mighty enemy who took over the Earth. To oppose the "Owners" of the Earth and save his family and friends, Safo needed to get stronger. Meanwhile, on Earth, an entity that terrorized the universe 12000 years ago woke up. The first thing on his agenda was to destroy Psiora and Safo Nur. Two individuals from Earth, followed him to avenge the people that were killed in the process of awakening the Psiora.

Suroj_Sapayev · Fantasy
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111 Chs

Female White-Black

Chapter 90: Female White-Black

On the Tired Can, Captain Capua Ayala was on her seat in front of the monitors, her crew of 20 ex-criminals was in their positions. Everything was ready for the battle. 

She was glad that she listened to her instincts on the last Track. She sensed that something was amiss. The rest of the ships thought that the Green Twinkle used Wild Warp technology to lose their followers. 

But she had a feeling that they went towards the restricted border. And luckily for her, she was right, and a week-long journey paid off. She finally caught up with the green giant. 

Capua sent an ultimatum knowing that the green giant was not equal to her ship in terms of firepower, but was genuinely surprised to see that they were willing to fight.