

come aboard the journey as samparjeet and the bull's gang fight to avenge humanity! in a world taken over by zombies, witness the protagonist's struggle against his own inner demon, holding onto his soul, will his friends now turned his only family be able to save him or will he go down the path of despair! find out for yourselves,will humanity's final stand be turned to despair by a plan set in motion since the begining of times or will the protagonist defy destiny and prevent EARTH'S RETALIATION!!

Drackai69_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


After learning about the officers side of the story we told them whatever we knew of the imunity against the virus

Keeping everything in mind we made plan to divide our groups, you guys better hear it from the planners themselves

"So we have to split up"(:karan)

"what if all of this is a lie and you are just trying to seprate us and kill us as right now we are the ones who are holding your necks"(:Amaya)

"hey, hey don't be so rude Amaya, forgive her officer"(:Karan)

"but that is still a possibility,so what I plan is we will give a message to the people in the bunkers that we have you guys as hostage and we would make a demand for them to disclose their location, based on their answers we would be able to determine their nature"(:Yamamoto)

"And our team will leave here to Ontario without anyone of you accompanying us,is it alright with you officer"(:Sapna)

"You kids are really demanding, and drop with the officer my name is Sanjay Singh, anyways I am glad that we met up with more of us, I have no problems

but you know if military is involved in taking over the world we would probably counter your plan by already setting up a plan just for this scenario, that is what it takes to be one of us you know, they could play it like they are saving the location of the bunkers and are ready to sacrifice us for the greater good to fool you people,and they would say it in such a compelling way you would never be able to judge"(:SanjaySingh)


"I wanted you to say that, I left the plan with such a great flaw to let you explain it to me, if you hadn't I would have taken you hostage and left for ontario but you pass"


"haha.. haha. hahahahaa you are really good kid you should be in the CBI or something and that too at your age"

I really liked officer Singh's attitude towards us, although he is so much burdened with the present condition he is still trying to be as happy as he could

"Alright then this is how we are going to split-

first let's cover the ones going back,.....

it would comprise of Samar and-"(:Yamamoto)

"what! no you would need me to get clear of the zombies in that place we are going to"(:Samar)

"no,listen to reason here, your bite is a vaccination against this virus, so it is absolutely necessary for you to be there, "(:Suzuki)

"what! so we are supposed to leave without Sam! well anyways no problem"(:Karan)

"what! grr what a leader! "(:Samar)

"well anyways Tina would accompany you along with Jannat,sorry but that's all the people who are going to come with you as we need the rest to create a base of operations, we cannot all come and work in the bunkers as first of all we don't know if they are our allies completly, so Samar you are best suited this test and if things go south you are also best for escape as well,Tina may seem dumb but she is the greatest in recognizing people for who they are, so you could make a run before you fall in trouble"(:Suzuki)

"hey!! don't say it that way" said Tina although she was quite happy to accompany me I guess

heyy, I am going to tell you guys something but don't laugh at me alright! alright?..

I feel like I kinda like Tina now.. hehe i guess it's ever since that one time she had hugged me, I felt really warm from that point on, and I guess I should be honest with my feelings for her, you guys better pray for me alright!

your boy's gonna get a wife hehe


*Jannat grins*

*everyone stares at her with awe*

"what! when did this happen" said everyone and most of us were completely shocked

"well anyways her awakening her power means two things-just in case you get hurt you would still be able to heal and secondly it means that all of us would be able to awaken our powers shortly and hence ,we by ourselves would be able to overpower even the likes of that zombie Samar and Suzuki fought while leaving the dock back in manglore"(:Amaya)

"Alright so it is decided then"(:SanjaySingh)

"yep, let's do the formality call and be on our way"said Karan,nervously grinning, his grin represented all of us as we were more or less in the same condition

after confirming from our plan to call them and whatever, we decided that it is safe for us to go

I had grown quite the liking to Mr Sanjay, he was the most honest person I had seen and I kinda wanted to be like that, haha...

So now we are leaving our separate ways... at least I have Tina and Jannat with me...I felt a slight roar in the stomach due to nervousness

"EVEN WHEN WE FACE A LION"...said Karan we all went through a burst of emotions


"that was cringy"(:SanjaySingh)

"SHUT UP! "(:everyone)


to be continued

(:(name) ) represents the speaker