

come aboard the journey as samparjeet and the bull's gang fight to avenge humanity! in a world taken over by zombies, witness the protagonist's struggle against his own inner demon, holding onto his soul, will his friends now turned his only family be able to save him or will he go down the path of despair! find out for yourselves,will humanity's final stand be turned to despair by a plan set in motion since the begining of times or will the protagonist defy destiny and prevent EARTH'S RETALIATION!!

Drackai69_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Ohh that was intense, so Sri Lanka huh I hope everything turns out well".."Well we don't know that but Sam, have you tried this Ice cream! this Yatch is full of surprises,you can have one, there is a ice cream maker in the kitchen *lick lick*

"what!! heyy Tina don't be emptying all the flavor now, its for everyone "


"what wait for me you little"

and they got to chasing each other, Suzuki can be so stingy some times, and Tina too is normal, although Tina is quite the gentle girl when it comes to food she can be Avinashi 2.0

well anyways it's around 8:00 pm and we all plan to sleep early, this awsome yatch has a kitchen and bath house near its hull, on the surface it has a bedroom that can hold around four people and it also has a hall along with a tiny storage room, on top of these rooms is the captains and the fisherman's place that are reached through the stairs on the side of main rooms, the front of the streamlined ship can be reached through a slight raise from the surface of the yatch, it is on the same route to reach the toilet which is three in number and is also equipped with high tech restroom equipments, to be blunt,it was beautiful and probably Custom made to as along with engine, it also had a gigantic sail, which went up and came down as well at the push of a button, the absolute front had fishing poles and so did the rear end which was more like a outdoor balcony of sorts, in the place where we could enter the main hall was a slightly raised metal hollow steps that had enough space for anyone to sleep in, although I would prefer not to, on the top where there was a little space left as the captain's room and fisherman's equipment room was not as big as the rooms beneath it, there was a glass enclosed hanging sleep or whatever it is called in which you could rest while enjoying the view not being afraid of falling off, in the balcony there was also an tiny swimming pool too which had little fishes in it as well, you could swim in it at the same time get yourself massaged by the fishes, the water restored itself on the push of a button,I for one never though I could be in something so luxurious,It is even equipped with a lots of weapons in the storage room not to mention the country of the art tank that Suzuki brought, It was on a level of itlself

well anyways we left for Sri Lanka from the coast of mangalore it would approximately take two days says Suzuki, man I hope we get through this safely

"how cheesy can you be man"..."what the... who are... wait arrr there is no one here but I did hear a so-"

"oye its me the handsome blue eyed man you met today.. man you can be forgetful.. so rude of you"


"well I am in your brain so don't you think it's normal for me to talk to you "

"what..does that mean even when I marry you....wahhh! "

"man what's wrong you don't like an audience"

"shut up! get out, this is invasion of privacy!! "

"well then can I have that Ice cream your girlfriend was talking about,I wanna taste it, from so long I was studying ao much data from your brain that's what took so long for me to speak up"


"Hey Samar you alright! you are going to wake up everyone"

"nothing Karan just a little Ice cream thoughts"

"ohh well if you need it you can have it,.."

"yeah..thanks man ill go have that ice cream "

"when you do,Come to the fisherman's place me, you and Sin are sleeping there,since it is overpopulated here"

"ohh yea alright "


"alright now that I have given you the taste of it you are going to shut up and not disturb me alright"

"man such a ungrateful guy hump! "

well that's a surprise now I no longer have privacy, well anyways at least he is no longer speaking, about time I have a good night's sleep

*two days later *

"well everyone we are at the coast of Colombo now" shouted Sin from the captain's room, luckily for us we didn't meet any demonic whale on our way here, except for maybe Avinahi who noticed me staring at her tits when she was taking a swim, man she was so demonic, and I was actually not even staring at ger tits, I was just trying to get a view of her back, well anyways I am still in a better shape than Kishan, who is unconscious as of now!

but it is true, as we were ariving near the coast we could see tons of zombies and right now they were in the more pop culture form of zombies,although all were having normal skin, all of them had cuts yet from which blood didn't flow and their clothes were barely hanging onto them

All of us took a glup and got ready to dock, Suzuki cleared the shore with his cannon now and we were ready to dock..


"what it's the same noise as the last time! " said Kiran

"no this one seems quite different, rather not the same,..hey look the zombies appear to be retreating " Said Suzuki looking at us

"we should proceed with caution, the helicopter may be necessary but so is our lives, everyone get all the weapons you can we will leave in this tank and Sam you are just a last resort so don't use your power for this one,as I don't know what kind of a effect it has on your body"

"man this guy likes to order you around,doesn't he"

"what! you again, well I don't know how I power up so You can guess him saying that"

"hmm I can teach you about how your power works, alr.."

"Alright so which one you guys know how to ride a chopper and also navigate" asked my brother jumping to Yamamoto's place

"I do " said Mr Choube" I was studying it since the past two days and also took lessons from my dad and also have a compass ready just in case, I already know which place does Ontario comes so it won't be a problem for me drive it although I am not a pro my dad had me run simulations on a expert level a lot of time and so i can probably drive it by now"

"ohh then it's decided,you are coming with us, we will bring the chopper to the Orio place you guys should leave now, me Santaro Karan and Mr choube would bring the helicopter you guys are not as fast as air travel so you should leave now"

"what that's ridiculous, you need a ship to tie this tank to again so there is no way we can leave, plus didn't you hear that screech earlier there is.. "

"when did you convince yourself that we would need a tank, lil brother"said Suzuki's brother

"wha! "


what I saw was unbelievable my brother got down the yatch and lightly punched the nearby street light which broke the compound near it and sent the light flying to probably the horizon

"hey little brother, You were really strong and so I need you to guard your gang alright, as for finding a attacker in the ocean,you guys probably forgot but Suzuki is nit the only genius among us, Karan brought all the raw things you would need for a Sonar from the ship we went aboard to fuel this ship, the rest you guys can figure out, "

"but if we have a sonar then why do we even need to come here"

"well actually the reason why I had you guys bring us here is.... I wanted to visit a temple so getting a helicopter is kind of a bonus for you guys,we will scout the world as we come to the orio place, Mr choube here is perfect for that, after all his father used to be a WW2 soilder, he knows his deal anyways kids here is something important you guys should know

all of you guys have power within you, it's not just me or Samar all of us do I and Santora and Karan have tapped to it and since you are going on this long journey, you have plenty of time to train so I suggest you get to it we will meet you guys in Orio"

"Hey Sahil I think it's Ontario"

"does it matter Kiran, let's go and talk to god as of now"

"wh.. wha... what the hell it's too much to take in at once god dammit "

"Hey Suzuki calm down" I said Suzuki who was confused as hell...I was happy as I knew there was no way I could have surpassed my brother

"Hey Senior ill get stronger just like you" said Karan which I was thinking as well

"alright byee then we will be leaving, meet you guys in Orio"

" byee "We said with no one understanding what really happened but we just went with with the flow...Sin started the ship as well

Me Karan Amaya and Suzuki were still staring at the coast of Colombo and along with us Jannat was staring the coast as well.. I don't know much but she and my Karan's brother were kind of close after some incident and she always seems so worried about my all time badass brother

"well You guys heard what senior said, we are going to train and get strong as hell and bring Earth back to it's senses " shouted Karan

"hmm your brother seems like a monster kid I was going to tell you about the power thing but he not only discovered it but even got that strong so soon, although he had a high ranking speciman working for him, "

"hmmm now go back"

"what.. grr"

so now all of us have to train, My brother would be fine there is no reason for me to worry about him but still I had a kind of fear deep in my heart, well I don't have time for that I need to get stronger,strong enough to protect the greatest friends..no greatest family one could ask for in this rather selfish world, If god existed I would have thanked him for a gift like this but I guess I'll stick with thanking luck.. wahhh well anyways now we have a long journey ahead of us...

is what I thought....


to be continued


Drackai69_creators' thoughts