

come aboard the journey as samparjeet and the bull's gang fight to avenge humanity! in a world taken over by zombies, witness the protagonist's struggle against his own inner demon, holding onto his soul, will his friends now turned his only family be able to save him or will he go down the path of despair! find out for yourselves,will humanity's final stand be turned to despair by a plan set in motion since the begining of times or will the protagonist defy destiny and prevent EARTH'S RETALIATION!!

Drackai69_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A change of Plans



"and done"(:??)says a female voice.....


says another voice hesitatingly, it was Avinashi the prankster of my class who along with tina, the go easy girl poped my sleep

"This ought to get me a lot of views!"...(:Avinashi) 

"I am sorry, she had my little duck!! so I had to go along with her or she would have ripped its eye out!"Said Tina although I could guess she enjoyed it from that little smile she was trying to hide.

"don't sweat it, Tina, I know you wouldn't do it intentionally, and as for you Avi it's payback time"(:??weird protagonist who didn't introduce himself even after the book began) 

Although I did want to pay her back by throwing her overboard, I still am a man of culture. wait, don't get the wrong idea, its only natural that your mouth stinks early morning and I am not the kind of person to torture anyone with that smell, so I need to brush my teeth. 

 anyways I guess I am bound for some self-introduction... 

I am Samparjeet Khan...

as for the name my parents had interracial marriage so I had a tough time adapting to religions hence I chose to be a non-believer and my parents didn't mind it as they too were not deep in religion

not to praise my self but I am the epitome of male height as I am exactly 6 feet tall and have quite the build

Me and my class of 20 students are on a trip to the Andaman and Nicobar islands on my friend Suzuki Yamamoto's classical houseboat.

He joined our school recently as a transfer student from Japan but I personally knew him before as my dad and his were former classmates in Tokyo.

He is pretty rich as his dad is a doctor well known for his charity works as all of his hospitals are set up 

 in rural areas for the absolute least prices

 to be honest, see I considered his dad, Mr. Santora Yamamoto, a role model but I could bet Yamamoto would surpass his dad soon and I am not even joking he could answer all of our icse questions with closed eyes and he was quite skilled in the stuff that doctors do...just like me Ha ha

 our boat had 5 bunkers hence, we were somehow able to adjust sleeping in it, we have planned to take the trip slow because most of us loved the ocean and as my dad says, I'll quote it in his words

"everything must be enjoyed slowly and thoroughly, for life is Math, your answers get messed up if try to finish it quick, take your time and enjoy it, and you will eventually find the right answer "

although I guess he was just trying to get me to take my math exams seriously by adding the concept of life in it!? wait for a second...no! I am good at maths as well!! 

well I guess that's enough for my monologue, now time continues to move! 

we sailed on the wind, the boat we were on was a Kerala style houseboat that came with a wind sail.we had one elder with us (not like we needed him or anything but for some reasons parents don't allow kids to travel alone but to be honest no way in hell am I a kid anymore) Everything was going good but things are going to take a very bizarre turn from this point on... 

"So you are awake! now go ahead and make breakfast for yourself!! The Salmon we cooked for you was eaten by Kenny, that's what you get for waking up so late." said Yamamoto but..but.. but.. I don't know jackshit about cooking! the only thing I know how to cook is cup noodles..what an inconsiderate friend..grrr. 

I got up and did the morning chores on the wide blue ocean. There was a toilet reserved for girls and boats aren't supposed to take entire gangs on board now, are they...

 ohh yea random fact our class is known as the bull gang for our amazing skills and reputation in kabaddi well, not that it's that important but I just wanted to flex my game skills, humph!

I started to boil water and planned to start my day with just water...but Tina came along and said she would cook stuff for me! I couldn't be happier! Actually, Tina is a goddess. I forgot to mention that! And then I got down to the holy business of the body and the soul and took a bite off that thing she had cooked for me...ahhhhhhhh.. so good! 

"Heyy! Heyyy guys I can see a gigantic fish everyone swimming come on board or you are going to be fish food" said Uthpal interrupting my holy prayers, that bastard is my god damned rival in height who was 6.2 feet tall he liked to play pirate hence would be seeing through his binoculars for at least 6 hours a day 

everyone swimming in the ocean, which is pretty dangerous if you ask me, not that I don't know how to swim in cold water no way that's true, haha! came back aboard and all were looking out for the fish whose name, Amaya, a fish expert in our group, was trying to figure out. since it was still quite far from us no one could estimate its size nor the distance between us(and by the way don't judge me I don't know what fish experts are called)

 The elder dude who's name I forgot was just slacking off as he got his cash for just being with us.he had told us to call him if we needed something but we kept to ourselves as we didn't want a stranger dude on our trip. although he was someone known to Amaya and is my father's friend as well..but I don't care enough to give a crap

 Anyways all were looking in awe at the fish which was looking amazing from a distance but Uthpal who was seeing through his binoculars was having a totally different view! it was a whale was what we could determine from its size after it had closed into our boat a little bit.. although it is a rare sight it was terrifying for Utpal which I don't know why?

out of curiosity I approached him and snatched the binoculars from him..there was something wrong the whale seemed to have a lot of cuts and its eyes seemed dead white!  it gave really creepy vibes..its mouth was open and it was oozing saliva out of its mouth but I noticed another thing...

 the image he was seeing was getting bigger and bigger! while noticing that I had let my guard down and in the instant Uthpal snatched the binoculars back... 

 after noticing the rapid speed of the whale, he screamed to the entire crew

 "move the goddamn ship it's a whale and it is headed this way(since he couldn't describe its appearance as he too couldn't fully Comprehend it nor would it be of any help) 

The captain and the leader of our gang Karan Kaur started the motor and made it work at full capacity. The motor was slacking off for 2 days straight and was now probably ready for some action.

 We felt a speed that felt to be around 15kmph but the whale too seemed extremely fast for a whale. A kind of fear and excitement gripped probably everyone on the yacht.. well except for Utpal and me..for us it was straight fear 

 he put his binoculars down and Through our eyes we spoke the look in my eyes confirmed Uthpal of any doubts he had about just hallucinating, after gripping himself he responded to my eyes that asked him to tell everyone what was coming our way, his look gave me a clear look that said 'don't cause '

I understood him but as a safety measure, I ran down and took the shotgun my bro had kept in the hull which only our gang leader, me, and Yamamoto knew about. I was hiding in the background to not scare the shit out of my friends with a shotgun. 

the Whale seemingly was catching up to us and more people started noticing that the Whale was not normal...

Kenny short for kenchappa was a negative thinker of the next level and he made it loud and clear to everyone that the whale is not normal. Me and Uthpal both looked at each other then gave him a sharp look then I decided it was no longer Meaningful to hide the gun and just as I was about to make an appearance commando-style...

 "heyy guys I see a dense fog ahead," said Karan "it's probably sea Fogg," said Umesh who is from the crpf(Central reserve police force) and aims at being a naval officer and I guess he has way more knowledge about the sea than any of our class teachers combined and was the one who was actually deciding the course of our ship, basically BTSs captain.

"That means an island is nearby, go right into it I will try to navigate through it others get ready to dock and get flashlights we will need it for navigation through the fogg.. docking would probably be our best bet of survival if the whale is trying to kill us"(: Umesh) 

"what if there is no island there this demon from hell will ea--"and I punched Kenny in the head before he could finish as the last thing we want is panic

 everyone brought up their hopes on Umesh and they brought their valuables with them from the small storage deck above the hull, we had around three flashlights max and Umesh had to make work with it. 

"We should probably wake me choubey up," said Avinashi "if he were useful he would probably wake up by himself," I said hissing a little bit but Tina goes ahead and wakes him up

"wahh..""trr. grr... chrrr..tusss"(: Choube!?) 

"What kind of sounds do you make when you wake up," asked Yamamoto

"I only said wahhh nothing else," said Mr. Choube when the speed of the boat starts falling...

"The motors offfff! "shouted Chinmey



at first, I thought it might be Kenny's stomach roaring but noo, that bastard even ate my part of the fish so there is no way in hell that he should be hungry....hmmm

And now the whale is right behind us... yea.. yea.. GRAAAAAAA!!! 


to be continued


*""*  - thoughts

(:)    - person speaking