
Chapter Six:The most transparent meeting in the history of mankind

If one day, sudden news makes the long-established worldview in your heart instantly collapse, are you ready?

The time soon arrived at nine o'clock in the evening of the next day, and the meeting room in a warning zone in the south that had received the information in advance was already brightly lit. This time Princess Silk Zhi and Wind of Force passed the guard post at the gate of the guard zone smoothly, and led them to the center of the meeting room.

"I would like to ask Princess Silk, you need to prepare for a few minutes before you can start the United Nations online meeting? Do you need chairs, conference tables and other configurations?" The officer who had met for the first time came over and asked with concern.

"You can start at any time, other things are not needed." Princess Silk replied confidently.

The military officer pointed out to the crowd on the conference table on the side of the conference room. There were many more people at the conference table this time than last time. In addition to commanders and other soldiers, there were also a few more experts, scholars, and scientists.

Princess Silk and Li Zhifeng walked to the center of the meeting room and stood under the spotlight again. There is a digital countdown on the 360-sky ring-shaped large screen, 10, 9....3, 2, 1. The two beeps and the lights are switched, and all the representative countries of the United Nations are switched to the screen, which is different from the last time. This time, every country except the Minister of Defense Behind him were some people who looked like scholars and government officials.

"Hello, all the representatives of various countries on the surface of civilization. The next message I want to convey will only be divided into what can be said and what cannot be said, and will not convey false news to you. The earth's core civilization will be in an earth year Launch a destructive attack on the products of the Earth's surface civilization within it. This is an asymmetrical attack beyond the scope of your understanding. The products of your civilization will be destroyed without seeing the civilization of the Earth's core. The attack method is Huang Baoyun. Huang Baoyun looks like a cloud of light yellow gas from a distance. Microscopically, it is a nano-scale flying insect with high explosive gas in its body. This insect is modified by gene editing to set the target of attack. , As long as it touches the target, it will explode, powerful and pervasive." Princess Silk began to express.

"Wait, you said it was a product of an attack on the surface civilization? Not an attack on people? We don't quite understand here. Is there a specific date and month for another Earth year?" The Chinese representative interrupted his speech and asked the question first.

"Yes, we have no hostility towards surface civilization and have been guarding you for a long time. What we all know is the meteorite shooting down at 9:20 on February 15, 2013 in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and what you said. At 7:20 in the morning on June 30, 1908, the Tunguska explosion was a meteorite about to hit the Tunguska region of the earth. We made it to explode high in the sky and changed its orbit as proof that we took action, and we are the same as 22 The Interstellar Federation jointly established the Convention of Non-Interference in the Development of Surface Civilization. Our civilization level and spirituality are higher than yours. We don't need to obtain any energy and assets from your hands, and it is impossible to fight you through wars and massacres. But this time you Any man-made objects, including planted genetically modified agricultural products, industrial products, buildings, calligraphy and painting handicrafts, tools, weapons, clothing, medical and daily necessities, etc., as long as they are man-made or man-made processed objects will be Huang Baoyun's target. We only count the specific attack time within one Earth year, depending on the time when a wormhole appears between the orbits of the Earth and Mars."

"Sorry, the more I listen, the more I don't understand. Why did an advanced civilization that has lived on the earth for a long time and protected us from disasters suddenly ruined our civilization? What does the wormhole appear between the earth and Mars mean?" Russian representative Asked more puzzled.

"Yes, you asked the key point. What I want to say next will exceed and subvert your cognition of the mainstream historical view and world view of your civilization." Princess Sizhi said with a serious face, without the slightest doubt. "According to the level of civilization of Kardashev on your surface, the surface of the earth has been firmly controlled by a 4.2-level civilization called the Dragon Star Civilization since 241,200 years ago. Their superior race lives in you The planet named Alpha exists in most parts of the Milky Way and seizes control of Orion. Their lower races live in Orion Y. The way they travel trillions of light-years between planets is not the spacecraft you know. It is to create a wormhole on the planet's revolution orbit. By setting the destination interstellar landmarks to start distorting the space latitude, fast interstellar travel is carried out. After the wormhole is activated on the planet's revolution orbit, the planet will enter the wormhole according to the predetermined revolution period. When I came out of the white hole, I reached the target orbit and completed the interstellar traversal, which is the place I said before that would appear between the earth and Mars, and then make a short-distance flight to the earth via a spacecraft. This Draco uses The planet that travels between the stars is called Nibiru. To the Dracos, Nibiru is more like a super-giant interstellar mining ship. Since 240,000 years, they have been on Earth every 3,600 years, and from 150,000 years ago. After the implementation of the 5+2 plan, the cycle that appeared every time became about 11500. There are many mysterious organizations on the earth who know that there will be a physical event every 11500 years on the earth. The secret is that the Dracos control Nibiru. The reason for the arrival. So on the specific day it will appear, we will work with your surface astronomers to pay attention to the space conditions between the orbits of the Earth and Mars."

"What is the inevitable connection between their coming and your attack on us? Why do they say that they are once every 11,500 years? It means how many times have they been here before? Will entering the wormhole be torn apart by the huge gravitational force?" The experts on the scene couldn't bear it. Just ask questions, just like the previous questions have not been answered yet, and more new doubts have emerged.

"Dragons are not friendly without sympathy, but they come to the earth every 10,000 years not to kill, but to obtain the earth's golden resources. How can civilization technology that can control and use wormholes be torn apart by wormholes? The anti-gravity device on the planet can ignore this problem. With your knowledge of the surface, it is easy to understand that the Draco has launched a very stable Schwarzschild wormhole in the orbit of Nibiru. Draco's civilization has been It has a history of 4 billion years and your knowledge of the universe is only a few thousand years." Princess Sizhi continued.

"Yes, there is a record in the Sumerian clay tablet ruins. It is said that they collected gold from the earth to bring it back to repair their damaged atmosphere. At that time, the people who helped them carry out the collection task were called Anunnaki. Anunnaki is a transliteration of the Dogon people from Africa and should be called Ant-Man friend." A historian from the Middle East interjected.

"The Neferlins were the true aboriginals of Nibiru before they were controlled by the Dracos. You really believe that they collected gold from thousands of miles just to repair the atmosphere. That is what the Dracos taught the Nefers to the natives of the earth at that time. It's impossible for a civilization that can control the wormhole belt to travel through the planet without the ability to repair the atmosphere. The Dracos have been comprehensively improving them from dozens of fields such as genetics, genetic engineering, biochemistry, physics, celestial mechanics, and sports nutrition. The lifespan of one's own superior race, now known that the life span of the Dracos on Alpha Star can reach 50,000 to 80,000 years. You can interpret and judge from the Sumerian King List unearthed in Egypt. They came to the earth to be the king. The lifespan of a group of managers is also between 10,000 and 30,000 years. Not only are they collected from the earth, they mine a large number of interstellar gold and transport them back to Alpha planet. The real purpose is to increase life span from astrophysics. The principle Simply put, the larger the mass of the planet, the slower the time and the longer the relative lifespan. If they directly said that they were transporting gold back to increase their lifespan, the aborigines on the earth whose lifespan was shortened at that time would definitely resist fiercely, but the ancient humans on the earth at that time Kind compassion has been used. Think about why your surface people's biological clock is 25 hours a day, while your earth's rotation is only about 24 hours a day. Who took that one hour away."

"Sorry, the verifiable history of our human beings is only 5000-6000 years. You said that 24W years ago, when the Dracos came to the earth for the first time, there were already people? And you still don't understand the arrival of Dracos and your geocentric civilization attacking us. What is the relationship between surface civilization?" a Chinese professor asked.

"The earth is 4.5 billion years old. Why do you simply think that civilization will only appear in the past few thousand years? Our new Atlantis in the center of the earth has been unified in the last 300 years. Before that, we were all surface civilizations. The survivors of the crucifixion entered the inner earth in batches. It can be said that we today are you in the future. The epic civilization that we entered into the inner earth in batches is the Gendaya civilization that originated 960,000 years ago, Muria Civilizations, Mesopotamian civilizations, Sumerian civilizations, Lemurian civilizations, Atlantis civilizations, and niche civilizations, you call them Maya, Sanxingdui, Golden Sands, etc. dozens of large and small Surface civilization. The reasons for entering the center of the earth are also different. There are natural disasters, the ice age of the earth, the great flood, interstellar wars, nuclear wars of the same kind, etc. There were humans on the surface 240,000 years ago and they were like us who were not caught by the dragons. Aboriginal people on Earth who have been genetically modified by the planets."

   Princess Sizhi took a moment to relax. She didn't know if the genetically modified sentence she just blurted out would harm everyone sitting there. She changed the subject and said:

  "When the Dracos first came to the earth, they only asked the Neferlins to help them mine gold. Later, after a long, long time, day after day heavy and boring mining labor, the Neferlins became bored and went on strike;

This annoyed the high-class Dracos, but because they needed labor to continue mining, they tried to launch a good genetic modification program, trying to genetically edit and test-tube different creatures on the earth, because there were no interstellar laws and ethics at the time. , A large number of humanoids like bird heads, wolf heads, sphinxes, fish heads, apes, giant dwarves, etc. have been bred out of your prehistoric legends, and try to make these genetically modified half Gods used their own innate intelligence or strength and longevity to form a ruling class to continue to control and manage the earth's ancient humans for mining, just like the humanoids recorded on the Sumerian slabs and the ancient Egyptian pyramid stone carvings, they all existed before. ;

Finally, after tens of thousands of years, these ancient human labors slowly developed and formed a socialized system. The Dracos began to plan to try a more evil, concealed, low-cost mining method and has been using it today. Please understand carefully, here is why we need to attack the surface. It is important for the products of civilization to launch an attack of destruction.

Due to the maturity of the Interstellar Act and the intervention of higher latitude civilizations, the Dracos ostensibly compromised and withdrew from supervision, and sent a giant ice comet into the earth's orbit while traveling. After the ice comet rubbed with the earth's atmosphere, the high temperature melted and formed huge floods. The pouring rain for dozens of days directly destroyed all the biological evidence that the ground has undergone genetic modification, saying that it was to allow the previous laborers to develop freely according to their own civilization, but in fact, they secretly carried out the last time in the genes of the laborers on the earth before they completely withdrew. The 5+2 gene-lock editing project, it is this time that the 5+2 gene-lock project has allowed countless generations of reincarnation of human civilization to be used by them so far:

  1, there must be five original sin genes in human genes: selfishness, greed, sensibility, arrogance, and ignorance. With these five original sin genes, these laborers can never unite due to various reasons and cannot form a higher civilization. Think about whether you are as small as your family brothers and sisters, or as large as your country's religion, whether it has been a history of infighting and war for thousands of years. Even in 2035, when you feel that science and technology are developed, how many of you and the country still want to suppress it by any means. Competitors

2. It locks your lifespan and pineal gland. By editing telomeres, the longest biological life span of labor is not more than 120 years old. This age is just enough to meet the creation of labor value, but it will not make civilization and technology high. Inheritance of quality. If there is no life-span lock, the life span of scientists and researchers is not to say tens of thousands of years, even if it is only a few hundred thousand years, then the technological development of this civilization will be so fast that it is difficult to control. It should not be difficult to understand that if people like Nikola Tesla, Einstein, Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Von Neumann, Maxwell, etc. have a life span of several thousand years or even longer, your current technological civilization will What height did it reach? After the Dracos came back in 11500, they might not be able to control the scene; it locked your pineal gland, allowing your eyes to see the spectrum and ears to hear the frequencies, and the brain's reception of spiritual frequencies. So that you can't see the radiance of the noble people around you and can't identify the true spiritual leader, lose the spiritual communication and begin to lie and deceive, and can't hear the sounds of all things, thus limiting your understanding of the truth of all things.

3. In the end, it is precisely because of this set of 5+2 genetic locks that the development of your civilization to a certain stage of competition will inevitably lead to the outbreak of a full-scale nuclear war to erase all traces of civilization left by each 10,000-year cycle, and each one survives. Everyone who starts a new cycle will think that he is the first round of civilization on this planet, and the last civilization that has been passed down from the mouth of the survivors of all things from scratch, the nuclear war will sound like you are listening since the Stone Age. The ancient mythology is the same, until you invented the airplane, rocket, nuclear weapon, did you feel that ancient war mythology was so familiar? However, you will occasionally find ancient human shoeprint fossils, tool fossils, ancient nuclear waste, animal bone fossils hit by bullets, extremely accurate maps of the ancient world, and various modern aircraft on ancient rock carvings. The civilization relics at the bottom of various submarine lakes, the Nazca Lines, Stonehenge, the Pyramid of Khufu, these relics of ancient civilizations that make you feel like you are passing through and can't explain.

5. Every time science and technology of labor civilization controlled by gene locks develops to a certain stage, scientists will discover atoms and then invent atomic bombs, and then attack each other at a certain historical stage. The world nuclear war will begin fully until this civilization completes a cycle of destruction; At this point in time, it is the harvest season for the Dracos. They will send the planet Nibiru through the wormhole to appear in low-Earth orbit, then hum and sing songs, and transport them directly to the underground vaults under the ruins of major banks in the world. Gold is fine. They transport tens of thousands of tons of gold each time they come to the earth. And they don't need to do anything during these 11500 years. After each round of the world nuclear war, the survivors after each round of the world nuclear war will again develop the next cycle from the primitive society where everything has recovered, just like the seeds after the wildfire of the grassland..."

All the representatives present listened to the hairs erected. All the representatives who participated in the online conference were silent for dozens of seconds, digesting the truth, and then fried the pot. After all, for thousands of years, the arrogant humans who came from thinking that the earth dominates have never thought of themselves. It's just interstellar leeks that are harvested every 10,000 years. Without waiting for everyone to discuss, Princess Silk continued:

"Why we never want to interfere with the development of your surface civilization, but after you dropped the first atomic bomb of its kind on Japan on August 6, 1945, we became nervous and worried and reminded you to use nuclear weapons cautiously in various ways. Because today you are us a few times before the reincarnation. In your opinion, you are proud to have discovered the new technology that destroys the world. In the eyes of our people, you just opened the Pandora's box again. Civilization has entered the countdown without knowing it. .

The elders and the 22 Interstellar Federation plan to attack the products of your civilization with yellow burst clouds, not to destroy your body, but at least three of your countries have already begun to manufacture and prepare to use cobalt bombs for so-called nuclear deterrence. I need me here. Do you call it? The duration of nuclear pollution caused by such nuclear weapons. When will your next reincarnation of civilization begin? Wake up for yourselves.

1. Since your selfish, arrogant and ignorant suicide nuclear attack has been deeply rooted in your genes and cannot be discouraged, the 22 Interstellar Federation and our Presbyterian Council have jointly negotiated and decided to be the first to use Huang Baoyun without any nuclear pollution to destroy all your weapons and civilizations. The product can at least allow the Dracos to transport away the gold of this cycle without being aware of it. It can also help your survivors to resuscitate and awaken the next cycle of civilization as soon as possible without nuclear pollution, as long as your next civilization is not between yourself. Killing each other, the Celestials will have nothing to do under the new cosmic treaty. This action plan is called the Earth Zero Project in our presbytery;

2. I found that your surface civilization has already produced high spiritual astral body people. This is an important turning point for you to enter the next level of civilization. I personally need to find them and work with them to help some of you through this yellow explosion. Cloud attack

3. I also hope that your scientists can think of ways to alert the next survivor civilization that begins reincarnation, control your selfish, greedy, sensual, arrogant, ignorant, help each other to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and stop being the slaves and slaves of the Draco Gene Lock Victims, although it is very difficult for human nature to be written into genes. "

"Hahahaha... Honorable Princess Silk, it's okay for you to scare other countries. You should know that our United States has always had technological cooperation with aliens. How could this kind of thing happen to us." It's that again. The arrogant US Secretary of Defense broke the silence of the venue.

"Mr. Minister, I originally thought you would not talk about the little gray man in the Roswell incident, but I still overestimated you. Do you know the bully theory? Just find the most domineering person in the village and give it to you alone. With a gun, the village tyrant can only bully men and women and never have peace in this entire village. The surface is a big global village. Your American Saxons are the village tyrants who were chosen to take the gun. The little gray Airl seems I accidentally crashed in your country and took this opportunity to teach you some of the so-called cutting-edge technology that came to hand guns. The little grays themselves are only artificial organisms of the higher grays without genital reproduction, and the big grays are among the Dracos Inferior race. If Airl is really important, will no extraterrestrial civilization come to find him and pick him up? Because you Americans are convinced and obsessed with the technology of the Little Greys, in August 2002, we were in Winches, Hamilton, England. The special observatory has specially made a crop circle to warn the little gray people, reminding all countries that are in contact with the little gray people to do not trust the little gray people from Orion: beware of false gifts and untrustworthy people, goodwill and good people exist. , The guidance is closing..." Princess Silk once again used well-known facts to fight back the arrogance and ignorance of the U.S. representative. The Secretary of Defense couldn't say a word.

"Sorry, we humans are really not evolved now? In addition, since your civilization is so high and you have the cooperation of 22 interstellar federations, why can't you break the conspiracy and control of the Dracos for hundreds of thousands of years?" The representative from the United Kingdom proposed himself Question.

"Darwin himself realized that the theory of evolution lacks the most critical ape-to-human fossil evidence. Your biologists have found that 90% of the organisms suddenly appeared on the earth more than 200,000 years ago by sequencing the genes of all living things on the earth. It evolved slowly, and all of you biologists in the United Nations know that six three-fingered alien corpses with a height of about 60 cm were found in a cave not far from the Nazca line in Peru in 2016, and the height of 168 cm found in Peru. The three-fingered corpse from the Arcturian and named Maria, they are evidence that more real than fossils exist in front of you, and several of your major countries have also done DNA sequencing on the corpse, Maria has more than 20% of the DNA It is in line with ancient humans. It's just that you humans are more willing to accept the theory of evolution for various reasons."

Princess Silk took a deep breath and continued, "Of course we have worked hard. Other peace-loving civilizations in the galaxy have helped the earth fight. The various interstellar wars in your ancient myths and the wars of alien civilizations on the earth have all existed. Yes, for hundreds of thousands of years, the various civilizations of ancient ancestors have paid tens of billions of lives for this, but the difference between our level 2.5 civilization and the level 4.2 civilization of Tianlongxing is not just 1.7. Our earth center civilization and The level of your surface civilization is also exactly 1.7. What is the concept? Specifically, if we want to destroy your entire surface civilization, there are hundreds of ways to choose, and you don't even have a chance to see us directly. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Tianlong Star people seldom directly participate in earth wars. Instead, they allow those genetically modified demigods to participate in the war. Later, as their wormhole control technology matures and diligently, the war basically does not need to be fought..." The silence did not help but sighed.

"Why not fight? For the permanent peace and justice of the earth and even the galaxy, we cannot give up any opportunity to fight because we are afraid of sacrifice. If from now on, all of our nuclear-weapon countries abandon and destroy nuclear weapons, will the Earth Zero Program be terminated?" A Chinese representative said solemnly.

"It has been fought, and many wars have been fought in hundreds of thousands of years. I remember there is an ancient legend in China. In ancient times, 10 suns suddenly appeared in the sky and burned the earth into scorched earth. A hero used The ancient bow shot 9 of them, restoring the earth to the past.

The truth is that the 10 suns that appeared at the same time are the 9 stars that the Dracos control wormhole technology transmitted from each galaxy to the solar system. How to fight this battle? 10 stars act on the earth at the same time, the earth's surface will become scorched earth within 24 hours, and the earth will fall apart in front of the huge gravity and solar wind in less than 48 hours and then fly into ash and annihilate, and we can't even see the other side's front. Even if our geocentric technology can easily allow a fully-armed anti-gravity aircraft to single out the entire US aircraft carrier formation, there is no way to survive in the face of the civilization gap of the Tianlong star people, let alone war. At that time, the Star Alliance immediately compromised. The 9 stars were then teleported back to the original galaxy orbit by the Draco Stars, of course, they were shot down by the hero Da Yi in your legend.

Later, under the mediation of civilizations of higher latitudes, we abide by the cosmic convention of non-interference in the development of civilization on the surface of the earth. The Dracos completely withdrew from the earth on the surface, and sent a giant ice comet to friction with the earth's atmosphere before going. The high temperature melted down. Days and nights of heavy rain, used to destroy all the evidence of their genetic editing and transformation on the earth, the demigod and their descendants, so you have your ancient legend of the great flood and the story of Nuwa patching the sky and the greatness in the Western bible. The story of Flood Noah's Ark is the same. We have also returned to the center of the Earth to focus on the development of our own civilization. The Star Alliance has also begun to covertly observe the development of civilization on the Earth and contact and cooperate with our civilization.

Sorry, my level doesn't talk about terminating the Earth Zero Project, and I don't even have the identity of directly participating in the Presbyterian Council and the 22 Interstellar Federation Council, so I'm not here to discuss with you, I'm just to convey information. And how many years have been the agreement between your major powers to reduce nuclear weapons, do you believe it? "Princess Puzhi said that, she slid the tip of her hair with her hand. It turned out that this meeting had been talked about for 3 hours without knowing it.

"Thank you Princess Silk for letting us know the whole cause of the matter and what happened. I know that for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, every country where I sit has brought top scholars to participate in the conference, but if every question is made by Silk The princess elaborated, then we will not be able to finish this meeting for several days and nights to prepare for the next work. So please princess Pezhi to tell us how you plan to help us, and how should we cooperate with you?" The Supreme Commander issued a question. .

"To put it simply, there are two points: First, let me borrow and mobilize your celestial eye system and all monitoring satellite systems on the surface to find and unite the high spiritual astral people on the earth, and let me activate their potential to reduce yellowness. The destruction of the cloud to you; second, use every method you can think of to pass information to the next reincarnation of human beings, so that they can restrain their selfishness, greed, sensibility, arrogance, and ignorance, and they should focus on improving their spirituality and Civilization level." Princess Silk actually knew in her heart that these two points are not simple at all.

"You have now told us the ins and outs. We also realize the seriousness of the problem and immediately destroy it and do not use the cobalt bombs to cancel the Earth Zero Project?" asked another representative of the United States who has no silver three hundred taels here.

"You have to know a situation. The Earth Zero Project is a decision jointly negotiated and made by the 22nd Interstellar Federation and our Presbyterian Church. It is my personal behavior to choose to find the astral body and lead you to civilize. My current behavior may have violated. The interstellar non-interference treaty, and because of my personal decision, the Presbyterian Church has lost a first-tier celestial master... I am now a second-tier celestial master, and I have not yet entered the presbytery and have the right to vote on important matters. I have deceived lies. It is your normal state. Under our guidance, the plan to reduce nuclear weapons was also proposed by you decades ago. Now there are fewer or more nuclear weapons in the world? What can you guarantee that the cobalt bombs will be destroyed? Who will destroy them first? "Princess Silk shook her head and said disappointedly.

"What is the social structure of your earth-centered civilization? Can it be of reference to our surface civilization? If it is a more advanced social structure, we also hope to find a way to pass it on to the next reincarnation of the surface civilization and let them Learn from the rapid development and avoid detours." A German sociologist asked.

"Our social structure is a parliamentary system of elders in the credit society. It is impossible to say it completely here. Let's just talk about it in a few ways.

From a personal point of view, our society is different from yours. There is no money or currency. Everyone can be matched from the data station to an exclusive starting credit point. Through this point, you will have basic food and accommodation for a lifetime, unless you are deducted for violations of laws and regulations, never have to worry. Basic survival issues. But if you want to eat, live and wear better, you need to work hard to create value for the society to earn higher credit scores and get high scores to match the food and housing conditions. The biggest advantage of this is that everyone can live for ideals and hobbies, not just to survive. There are billions of people in your surface civilization who are still living on the food and clothing line every day to survive. And because none of us has the goal of pursuing money, the relationship between people is very peaceful, friendly and trusting, and social communication costs are very low and very efficient. This is why I keep saying that we have no habit of hypocrisy and deception.

From the perspective of the authority, apart from the basic social functions, we are mainly composed of the 7-level celestial master council system from the 7th to the 1st grade. Only the first-grade celestial master can enter the presbytery of the highest authority. Everyone can sign up for the 7 Pin Tianshi, and the selected person can participate in the management of street community-level disputes and project voting. The disputes and projects you participate in the resolution will be evaluated from a historical perspective every five years, because the law alone The angle rating is rigid and inhuman, and the public opinion rating is emotionally irrational. Only by re-examining the judgment plan at that time from a historical perspective is the most objective and fair. After 20 years, the Qipin Tianshi with the error rate up to the standard can apply for the Liupin Tianshi to participate in the management of district and town-level disputes and project voting, and so on. Therefore, those who can be elected to the Presbyterian Church after 140 years of selection have experienced various tests, and their character, wisdom and ability are sufficient to bear the responsibility of the new Atlantis national movement.

From the perspective of social development and technological innovation, everyone who wants to do a project can write a plan application. In order to solve the problem, which types of work are required to participate, how many points need to be applied for the project reward distribution, etc., first need to go through the relative level of celestial masters. If there are any problems in the review, they will be returned or modified. If there are no problems, they will be publicized in the data station. Everyone who is interested and corresponding to the relevant work type can submit comments or sign up for participation during the publicity period. The project can be started when the number of participants is reached within the specified time. After the project is successfully implemented and created value, everyone will receive corresponding points; if the project fails, there will be no points. If the country needs a major scientific research project to establish a project, it can be directly announced by the presbytery of the plan and reward points for each job position. At this time, experts or teams in all fields of society will sign up to participate. The biggest advantage of this is that the cost of establishing a project and mobilizing resources is extremely low. Everyone, regardless of background, as long as the project is creative and the planning book is reasonable and reliable, they can borrow leverage to move a large project. Therefore, the technological development of our geocentric civilization is changing with each passing day. And skip the primitive and copper-smelling capital markets like your so-called financial stock investors. Finance may bring some benefits to you, but it is more to help the powerful capitalists in developed countries harvest the disadvantaged groups and increase the society. Gap and injustice. Thinking back to your financial crisis, financial tsunami, housing market collapse, who are the most exploited and suffering people, most of them are the working people who create social value and scientific research and technical personnel who are harvested by capital who do not create social value but play finance.

From the perspective of social welfare, we have received basic points for basic food, clothing, and housing from birth. Other necessities of life need to earn points in exchange for them. We do not have any other brand of clothing except for special occupations and occasions. Everyone wears them. The only difference between the gowns and clothes is that the higher celestial masters have their own gowns of corresponding colors. Therefore, we do not have luxury jewelry to satisfy the so-called vanity. We don't have a restaurant or a kitchen. Everyone can use their points to pick up good food from the central kitchen. So we don't have to spend time buying vegetables, cooking and washing dishes every day. We have more time for ourselves, and This can minimize food waste and unfair distribution. The food you create is enough for all people on the surface to eat, but billions of people are still hungry every day because of the wrong and backward diet and distribution methods. Because of the more livable underground environment and scientific exercise diet without genetic lock, our average life expectancy is 900-1000 years old. According to personal points, we can obtain the corresponding level of medical and pension resources, but we cannot clear all personal points after death. Inheritance and transfer avoid inflation, and the children of martyrs who sacrificed for the benefit of the country can directly enjoy the points corresponding to the 4th Grade Heavenly Master. We do not have medical insurance and pensions, and 99% of health problems can be solved by smart medical equipment. There is no need for pensions. The disadvantage of your pension system is that it deducts money from young people who are willing to spend it, and distributes it to the elderly who are unwilling to spend it to save it. On the contrary, it reduces the liquidity of social funds.

From an educational point of view, we do not have a specialized school but we need to take credits from an early age. In the future, the credits required for different levels of programs will be different. The knowledge and content of learning can be obtained from the data station. There are industries with hundreds of years of experience every day. Experts make online guidance and answer questions to earn points. There are different people and teams who edit various teaching plans and upload them to the data station for students to watch and learn after being reviewed. The more credit points can be earned by the teaching materials that are learned and watched the most, and everyone in the same subject can follow Your own learning style prefers to learn different teaching programs, and the country only organizes a unified examination to assess your credits. Since education is a special and very important industry, editing and making learning materials enjoy additional national credit subsidies. Compulsory education is free of credits. The credits required for learning basic education or professionals in urgent need of the country are also very low. It is equivalent to a large learning environment with a very loose and massive amount of data. As long as the credits are enough, you can start a business to earn points in the field of study. The review of the project book only requires a professional counterpart. There is no project author, so we go from knowledge to application. The cost of failure to the landing is very low. Often geniuses who have only studied for a few decades have successfully established projects and directly created scientific and technological value services and applied them to society. It is said that you are still staying at the stage where your parents spend their entire lives looking for a prestigious school for their children to find a school district room. This is the backwardness of the top-level design of educational resources.

   Finally, from the perspective of civilization, why this set of social system is not suitable for you to apply directly? This is the last lock-the pineal gland in the 5+2 plan given to you by the Denon Stars. You can't see the radiance of high-quality people, just like the radiance on the portraits of saints like Buddha, Jesus, and Our Lady in your faith; and because the pineal gland of the brain is locked, your optic nerve cells can receive it. The visible range of light is also limited. This lock has prevented you from correctly distinguishing and following the correct beliefs for thousands of years, and it is easy to chase other wrong things. You can see a muscular person who encourages himself to exercise through fitness, but an astral person will not cherish it because you can't see it. Only when I see it will I believe her, worship her, follow her, and eventually become her and influence an era. "Princess Silk Zhi finished speaking, lowered her head and took a deep breath, obviously tired.

  Lizhifeng immediately said, "Everyone, Princess Silk has been extremely tired from the past few days, and she needs to rest. She has other missions tomorrow. I'm sorry that I can only answer the two last questions briefly tonight."

   "Dear friends from the higher civilizations from the center of the earth, can you tell us, do gods in religion really exist?" A religious person finally grabbed the opportunity to ask.

"Sorry, I can't answer this question directly at the current stage of humanity. Civilizations of all latitudes want to try to guide your heart from selfishness, greed, sensibility, arrogance, and ignorance to love, dedication, rationality, humility, and intelligence. It's a pity. It is the original doctrines of various religions that have been distorted and changed in the inheritance of the mind and nature of certain agents for thousands of years." Princess Silk said very briefly and simply, without a trace of thought.

  "Can Princess Silkzhi explain the meaning of quantum mechanics?" An Israeli scientist asked anxiously.

"Your current level of spiritual civilization is not allowed to control all the scientific applications of quantum mechanics. For you, if you use it in the military, it will cause more terrible consequences than the atomic bomb. I will only answer you this way. You have discovered quantum in the three-dimensional world. Mechanics, just like creatures in the two-dimensional world discovered Newton's theorem in the three-dimensional world when studying microscopic objects, quantum mechanics is a fundamental science at a higher latitude. In terms of the application of quantum technology, our new Atlantis civilization has reached Space travel, quantum computer miniaturization, quantum AI technology, each has a micro quantum host to run an upgraded version of the blockchain technology, including the data station I have mentioned before is also a small quantum server." After stopping, she realized that she could not reveal more about science and technology.

   But this Israeli scientist was dumbfounded, and gradually showed an expression of intoxication. Yes, for scientific researchers, the application of these technologies mentioned by Princess Silk is simply envious and fascinating.

Although there are still many people on the screen wanting to ask questions, Princess Sizhi and Li Zhifeng looked at the Chinese representatives sitting at the conference table. Because they chose to cooperate with China, the Chinese representatives had already acquiesced to their guests. identity. The highest commander said something to the officers around him, and the officer motioned for the meeting to be suspended first, and walked over and asked: "How do you two arrange tonight? Can we do anything for you."

  Wind of Force said, "We need to stay tonight. Tomorrow we will start looking for Astral People from your system data. This needs your help."

   "It's that simple?" The officer was surprised, and the two people who came to help the earth tide over the catastrophe demanded it to be so simple.

   "Yes, that's fine." After that, the officer arranged for two guards to take a rest, and told them to be protected by a first-class guard.

   After the two left, the lieutenant general returned to the conference table, and the United Nations member states on the screen continued the meeting concerning the destiny of mankind.

  The representatives who did not have the opportunity to raise the issue were still a bit aggrieved.