

Rajan son of the mighty warrior Alaric is led by destiny, on his journey to beat the gods and become the strongest Lord ever, however our young hero and his friends will face many challenges that will shake them to their core.

HeavenWaves · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Death to my ennemies

Rajan annonces his departure to his kingdom, but was very badly welcomed by the crowd, and complained how there is no work and the employment and salary in this country are so low they gain 2 Gold per month, barely enough to buy bred let alone pay rent and feed an entire family, and everyone started woowing him for not being a good leader. He felt sad and demoralized, lacerated by the words of his people, he went in his room and locked himself for 2 days, Ayame tried engaging in a conversation with him, but he only replied with yes and no she felt terrible so she stood outside his door and played violin. The next day he reunited the council to discuss of the economy and many problems this kingdom is currently facing, infact Rajan was a very conservative person not being used to interact with people outside his casle, he had no idea or concept of suffering and did not understand why his people complained, however Ayame who grew up in a poor family knew and understood the struggle of her people, she told him he should reconsider his decision, because his popularity could go down, he then admitted he was wrong and changed his mind. He decided to stay and help his people, he then reflected on life and realized being great isn't in the strength but in the heart, he wanted to be loved and appreciated by the nation, so he publicly went out the next morning to distribute food and gold to the people, showing his good will. Quickly a huge crowd gathered around him, he shouted.

"My people i know these last few years haven't been easy, this is why i Promise to all of you, i will do my best to make this kingdom great again, however some people still complained, and a woman in the crowd shouted."

"My husband has been murdered by one of the royal guards, just because he ask for directions, living me a widow with 8 to take care of, and i barely make enought to cook for everyone. Most of the time i stay without so my kids can survive, i demand justice for my husband!!"

The news went to Ayame that Rajan was in the capital city and quickly went out to search for him accompanied of 100 armed soldiers. When she finally arrived, the crowd was so dense and loud she could barely see where she went, but after few minute of pushing and squeezing through, she finally made it to Rajan, and was startled at what she saw, she sat down and listened to what he said, because he was having a heated conversation with mages and sages, then Ayame walk up to the young monarch and touched his shoulders, and told him it's time to leave.

Quickly the royal guards arrived surrounding the young boy, and chased away everyone.

Once the crowd dispersed Ayame scolded Rajan for acting reckless again, "indeed being the ruler brings responsibility but also ennemies, and you could've got hurt or kidnapped, only the gods knows what could've happened." Rajan hug her tightly and gave his word to never worry her again.

The next day Sayer still asleep woke up by the old merchant, he then asked what was going on, seemingly upset he sat on the chair murmuring to himself, and didn't even notice Sayer.

"Sir i've just received a letter."

He then asked him the content of the letter, and it was a 10 min apologies of Rajan not being able to go.

"Sir are you alright?" Asked Sayer.

Mhmmm everything is going as planned said the old man. "Dam it Damn it Damn it!!!! if he doesn't join now, the whole plan could be compromised, i know he is the key....it has to be him."

                      Later in the evening


A letter from who? It's the old geezer from the other day, replied the young soldier, the butler then took the letter a gave it to the butler in chief, he then notified Rajan.

The king sat down on his giant bed, and opened the letter in which the old man explains how he knows he is currently looking for his dad, and knows where his father may have went, however it's a matter of time if he wants to find his dad alive.

Rajan confused clenched his fist and decided to leave but let Ayame know of his intentions.

She then knelt before him, and vow to be his shadow, wherever he goes all the way to the dephts of hell if possible.

             Meanwhile in the open fields

"Today feels kinda very depressing, said Kira while looking at the bubble fields.

"I can't wait to get to the capital city, ....wait for me Rajan darling i'm coming."

While whispering to herself, a water plant was nearby and retracted releasing bubbles who went high into the atmosphere and poured rain on the lands, having her whole wedding dress wet and all her makeup got messed up, she felt annoyed and angry and went back in her home town screaming out of anger.