
The Bloody War

After taking over South Africa, Jeff decided to take over Africa and camp at Europe for 5 days. But while preparing his crew shouted that he found a suit that is able to deflect and take damage with no problem from the aliens and there was 4.7 million of them just lying down in the general's office so Jeff let his men wear them and because there arn't enough for all of his men he left some behind to guard and protect the ship and area by leaving his assistant to be in charge. After taking over Africa there was onnly one country that haven't taken down and that was Eygpt. Many of the aliens troop retreated there but the emergency signal was not on so they still have a chance so Jeff have to follow a tactic by the famous Napoleon Bonaparte. He agree to suprise the aliens by stiking from the back meaning that the group will spilt in to three one in the middle the others are on the side. Jeff says We would attack by the middle and when you hear gunshots you go in by the back attacking and killing the general and disprogammed the emergency button then you will attack by the back leaving the aliens trapped. After succeeding the mission they decided to go to Europe and camp there when suddenly winter came. They saw the Aliens in winter, They were shriveled, hopeless and many drop down to their death. Jeff saw this as an advantage as the suit helps warm the person wo is wearing it. So they attack Asia in winter. The aliens since that winter is 4 months Jeff killed them all in 2 months period of time. But there was Cambodia which was dry so he kew that the general was old and the Alien King of Africa and Asia is there and their general are as stupid as a pig so they went in but Jeff had a plan They would go in burn down some stuff angered the general and send their army running towards Jeff troops. The aliens were to dumb to argue and fell right into Jeff's trap. Now There was the kingdom. The Aliens Kings are hiding in the Royal palace of Cambodia where King and Queens of Cambodia kept it as a place where they live. Jeff using the Napoleon's method he decided to strike from behind he picked all the best swimmer to make sure they won't drown. He had all of his troops by his side and is second assistant side. He also found out that the aliens hate water so he told his men to fire from the water making th aliens to have no choice but to go in to the water and fight. He also ordered 100,000 men to wait till the guard of the entrance went and helped to fight Jeff and his assistant men. After then they would break in and kill the Aliens King. The pplan work great and they won the war it was time for North America and the South America.