

Love is sweet and unique like the flavor in candy, sometimes sweet sometimes sour. Sometimes, something that looks good will look bad. Vice versa, it is the same with matters of the heart. Sometimes, giving in is sweeter than being with someone you love. However, with an acidic groove. The sweet and sour side is like a unique unity, like a complicated storyline. But, made an impression on the heart. Two separate earphone cables, reconnect. The sweet taste that accompanies the sour taste that will not move gloomy. Because, the sweet one will be loyal to make the sweet groove on the sour. Isn't this a unique and fair epilogue? When the smile comes off and the shackles of disappointment both embrace at the end of the story.

Nursari_ · Teen
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5 Chs

Photography Club

Adel's lonely dinner went through with a thousand questions crawling through his mind, So all this time I've been next door to Sis Agra?  How come I just found out, thought Adel as he sipped the noodle soup.

 After dinner, Adel immediately went to his room to sleep, from behind the window of his room he only saw a silhouette of a male figure from the window of the room next to his house.

 To be precise is Kak Agra's house and it must be Kak Agra's room, Adel immediately looked down and then crept towards the light switch of his room.

 Adel turned off the lights in his room then closed the curtains of his bedroom window, "This way I will no longer be caught watching Brother Agra," Adel whispered a little parting of the window curtain.

 "The silhouette looks really handsome," said Adel, smiling.  You can see Agra writing at her study table which is right in front of her window. Adel did not think that she could have a handsome neighbor who is a famous student in her school.  However, Agra suddenly got up and went to the window of his room and then closed the curtain, it immediately discouraged Adel.

 "Well, how come it's closed," murmured Adel quietly as he immediately got up from his hiding then opened the curtains of his room, staring at Agra's window which was covered by the window curtain.  Unexpectedly, Agra suddenly pulled open the window curtain, the two of them looked at each other.  Adel froze in place.  This was unthinkable to him, Agra gave him a cold and indifferent look.  Embarrassed, Adel immediately closed the window curtain and threw his tired body onto the bed.

 "Oh, how come," grumbled Adel, worriedly because Agra caught him.

 Already ah, better sleep.  Adel's mind immediately tried to close his eyes.


 The soft rays of the sun greeted the bright morning, Adel yawned wide as he made his bed.

 "Del!"  shouted someone who was none other than Fathan.  Adel, who was still wearing his pajamas, walked limply towards the door of his house, "Fathan?  It's really morning you give me a thumbs up, "said Adel.

 "Geez Del, not ready yet?  You have to be enthusiastic, hurry up and get ready, "Fathan ordered while putting his hands on his hips as if he were telling his son.

 "Haha ... yes, I'll get ready first," said Adel, immediately dashing into the bathroom and getting ready to go to school with Fathan.

 A few minutes later, Adel was ready with all the necessities to go to school.  The two of them left together, Fathan felt different things for Adel this morning.  Curiosity that could not be stopped Fathan finally got the courage to ask Adel, "Del, how come you look more cheerful today?  What is it."

 "Oh, I have already decided what extracurricular activities I want to take."

 Fathan raised an eyebrow, "Oh yeah?  What Del. "

 "I'd like to join the Photography Club, Than."

 Fathan immediately stopped his steps after hearing Adel's words, "Why?"  A word came out of Fathan's mouth who looked at Adel seriously.

 "Wh-why Than?  something's wrong, right? "asked Adel.

 "No, I just advise you not to join the club," explained Fathan, then continued his steps ahead of Adel, who was still silent in his place.

 Adel swiftly caught up to Fathan's steps and grabbed Fathan's shirt to stop him.

 "Than, why?  You don't like it, "said Adel, looking down sadly.

 Fathan immediately became silent when he saw Adel's reaction, "It's not that I don't want to join basketball extracurricular activities, Than.  But I really don't have the skills there, I don't want you to get mad at me.  You're the one who helped me all this time, please I'm sorry, "continued Adel.

 Fathan smiled slightly and then grabbed Adel's cheeks and lifted him slowly with both palms, "Sorry, I made you sad.  No, it's not your fault Del, I'm just afraid you'll leave me because we're different in taking extracurricular activities.  I want to always be by your side Del, if you want to enter the club, it's okay for me to let you.  It was me who was wrong to be overprotective of you, "explained Fathan at length.

 Adel looked closely at Fathan's eyes who were truly sincere with him, he was really lucky to meet him as well as Fathan who smiled closely at Adel.

 When the atmosphere was just the two of you, Agra suddenly passed by and said sarcastically, "The drama will be postponed first, then if it's late there is no tolerance."

 Adel and Fathan suddenly came to their senses and kept their distance from each other, "Breakers of atmosphere."  Fathan chuckled at Agra's presence.


 30 minutes before recess, a loudspeaker can be heard saying the student council is going to class to distribute extracurricular paper forms.  While waiting for the student council to arrive, Adel and Fathan were having fun chatting.

 But their activities had to stop when there was a loud crashing sound from the direction of their classroom door, it was seen that Agra looked grimly at the entire class.  "If it's empty, the class leader should report, not let it be.  You are already in high school, not kindergarten children who are completely ordered.  How do you want to enter a university if your behavior is still negative, "said Agra firmly.

 "Sorry Sis," said Fadly, the class leader.

 "Next time, be more disciplined.  Okay, morning everyone I'm Agra Student Council President and this is my deputy, Melan.  We are here to share the extracurricular form to all of you, when it's finished you can collect it to the class leader or go directly to the student council room and hand it over to me or Melan, "said Agra, who nodded in unison from the class.  After saying that Agra and Melan distributed paper forms to all the Disciples.

 "Okay, all done, right?  I'll take my leave first.  Mel, I will continue with a sudden call to Mr. Andri, "explained Agra briefly.  Melan nodded quickly, Agra left the classroom and was replaced by his representative, Melan.

 "I'm sorry everyone, those who don't know Agra will be shocked.  So, Agra is really a very disciplined person, "said Melan breaking the silence.

 "That's the name Caper, Sis!"  said Fathan.

 "No, it's really cool, you know!"  Defended Putri, who turned out to like Agra, then said by several other female students.

 Melan chuckled softly, "Wow, there are a lot of Agra fans.  There are more rivals, "said Melan.

 Rival, why am I thinking this way?  Do I feel that I want to be the woman chosen for Kak Agra, could it be that I like Agra?  but is it possible that the perfect Agra Agra likes me, a girl with a strange voice, thought Adel suddenly fell silent.

 "Del?"  said Fathan, who broke Adel's reverie.

 "Eh, yes," said Adel.

 "Daydreaming Del?  already rested, let's go to the canteen, "asked Fathan.

 "I don't, Than, I'll just leave it," said Adel briefly.

 "Okay, what do you leave Del?"

 "Fried dumplings, but don't use peanut sauce," said Adel, smiling.

 "Okay, ready!"  Fathan also walked towards the canteen.

 Adel reads the Extracurricular form and resolves to choose the Photography Club.  "It's already here, but I think I'm waiting for Fadly for a long time to get together to the student council room," said Adel then left the classroom and went to the student council room.

 "How come it's so quiet, ah definitely going to the canteen.  I'll just put it on the student council table, "murmured Adel slowly opened the knob of the student council room and went inside.  However, Adel's estimate was wrong in that it turned out that Agra was busy plucking his guitar strings.

 "Brother Agra," called Adel, but there was no reply.  Adel then walked over to Agra then tapped his shoulder lightly, Agra suddenly stopped his activities and turned towards Adel with a surprised look.

 "Sis, why don't you hear Agra?  Even though you only use the earphone next door, "said Adel.

 Agra suddenly got up from where he was then put down his guitar and looked at Adel with an annoyed look, "Tch, really stupid," said Agra.

 "Really bad Sis!  Every time I meet them, I will say I'm stupid, "argued Adel.

 "Yes, what are you doing here.  It's really annoying to know, "chided Agra.

 "Uh!  I just want to collect extracurricular forms, "said Adel angrily.

 "Hm, where."  Agra immediately stretched her hand in front of Adel.

 "Here," said Adel, handing over his paper forms.

 "Photography, seriously?"

 Adel nodded quickly in agreement with Agra's words.  Agra immediately smiled crookedly, "Okay, accepted."

 Adel tilted her head in surprise, "Eh?  Accepted Sis, "said Adel.

 "Yes, I am the Club Leader, this weekend there is a photography festival and I want you to refuse when you enter the club in the afternoon, anyone who wants to convince you to be his partner.  Remember?"

 "Why, why?"

 "I like it, I've gone back to class.  Remember my message earlier. If you don't want to regret it, follow it. "

 Adel pursed her lips with a sullen face, "You know, you fierce!  Bwee .... "sneered Adel before vanishing from behind the student council room door.  Seeing Adel's behavior made Agra chuckle softly.
