1 Start

6 years ago from today, everything changed. On one sunny day in May, I remember it like it was yesterday. The streets were joyful ; everyone was happy, it was peaceful. Children loudly laughing together in harmony, adults enjoying steaming cups of tea and gracefully chatting away... Although, at one point throughout the day, something didn't feel right in the atmosphere ; no birds in the sky, a sudden sound of silence around me. No noise at all.

Pacing to the door of the café, i placed my steady hand on the door handle, in that moment, the ground started to shake tremendously like an earthquake, like a gun firing shots. Everyone started to panic, shove, run through the oncoming traffic of crowds. Terrified, i look around realising I was on my own...

"Help me, PLEASE!" I pleaded to the people around me, desperate to get somebodys attention.

Nobody, not the Baker, nor my neighbour, nor the adults that were pacing past would help me. I felt alone, alone in the world, alone in life, alone in my head.

Fatigue overthrew me as I got home. Shaking uncontrollably, i grabbed the television remote as if it was a matter of life or death and switched on the news. I couldn't believe what I was being told. Tears of horror and panic filled my eyes when words flew out of the television like an eagle catching its prey, mid air... " WE ARE GOING TO THE MOON! "
