
Dynix: The King of Beasts Festival

Golden_Liger · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 - To qualify for the Festival!

Dynix: The King of the Beasts Festival


Langa's first six months on Virantis have flown by. Now, he stands at the gates of Indigo City, a metropolis teeming with Dynix Controllers. Here, the whispers Calnor shared half a year ago solidify: Langa's fate is tied to this Festival.

Within these walls, Langa will not only learn the secrets of Indigo City, the legendary training ground for Dynix Controllers, but also earn his official license to compete. The ultimate goal? The King of Beasts Festival – a grueling intergalactic battle royale where rookies, seasoned Stadium Masters, and even the elite Ten Kings clash for the coveted "King of Beasts" title.

This ruthless competition is Langa's ticket home. Here, amidst the fiercest battles he's ever faced, Langa, his Dominator, and his Dynix must prove their mettle against the galaxy's strongest tamers. Will Langa conquer the Festival and secure his passage back, or will he fall prey to the unforgiving arena?

Book 1: The King of Beasts Festival Begins!

Chapter 2: Langa's bout of Might

The Virantis desert stretched out like a slumbering golden beast, its dunes shifting under the relentless desert wind. 

A lone figure, Langa, moved with determined strides, his form a stark silhouette against the vast canvas of sand. 

Each step was a battle against the swirling storm, grains stinging his skin and blurring his vision.

Langa pressed on, his resolve unwavering. And then, on the horizon, a glimmer of hope – a verdant oasis nestled amidst the harsh embrace of the desert. 

Lush foliage and crystal-clear water beckoned, a paradise in a world of parched desolation.

Reaching the oasis, Langa threw back his hood, revealing a cascade of jet black and blue hair framing a face etched with determination. 

His golden eyes gleamed with an inner fire as he knelt to drink from the life-giving spring.

But the desert's tranquility proved illusory. A rustle in the nearby foliage sent a jolt through Langa. 

Langa vanished behind a towering palm tree with the reflexes of a desert viper, his senses on high alert. 

The King of Beasts Festival had begun, and his first challenge was upon him.

Emerging from the shimmering sands were a pair of Dynix, their ethereal light bluish white coats shimmering like moonlight on water. 

These magnificent creatures belonged to the esteemed Beast class, their regal elegance masking a formidable presence. 

Their sleek forms danced across the desert floor, leaving temporary trails of phosphorescence in their wake.

Langa, momentarily captivated, watched as the Dynix lowered their heads. 

Razor-sharp fangs, reminiscent of a saber-toothed tiger, gleamed in the moonlight, both weapon and ornate mask. 

These were creatures of awe-inspiring power, and Langa knew he had to be at his best.

In the presence of these beasts, Langa found himself captivated by their beauty and strength, an emblem of the wonders that awaited him on his journey to claim his rightful place as the future King of Beasts.

Langa found himself utterly mesmerized, his gaze fixed upon the Dynix pair before him. Never before had he beheld a mammalian species of Dynix, particularly one displaying such a striking blend of canine and feline characteristics. 

Until now, his encounters had been limited to the reptilian and insectoid varieties, making this sighting all the more remarkable. As his eyes traced the contours of their forms, he noted the razor-sharp claws adorning their paws, honed to perfection for the art of digging.

While the larger of the two beasts quenched their thirst at the oasis, Langa remained vigilant, poised for action. 

With his Dominator at the ready and hand poised over the Core of his Tyrannoblaze, he awaited the opportune moment to capture a second Dynix. 

Patiently, he observed as both creatures indulged in the oasis's offerings, his anticipation mounting with each passing moment.

Yet, amidst the tranquility, a poignant scene unfolded before Langa's eyes. A third member of the Dynix family, a pup, emerged into view, its presence evoking a mixture of empathy and concern within him. 

Judging by its youthful appearance, Langa surmised that it was the offspring of the mating pair, no more than seven or eight months old. However, his heart sank as he noticed the telltale signs of injury—a broken leg hindering the young Dynix's movements.

The pup's struggle was clear as day, evident in the pained expression etched upon its face as it limped towards the water's edge. Sensing an ominous shift in the atmosphere, Langa's instincts surged, prompting him to scan his surroundings for any potential threats. 

It was then that he saw a chilling sight: a pair of glowing eyes lurking beneath the water's surface, their malevolent aura betraying the presence of an unseen menace.

With a surge of adrenaline, Langa sprang into action, his every instinct urging him to retreat from the looming danger. 

Yet, as the sinister force drew closer to the unsuspecting trio, he braced himself for the harsh reality of nature's unforgiving grip—a stark reminder of the brutalities endured by Dynix amidst the relentless cycle of life and death.

He retreated swiftly, his cloak draped over his face as a deafening roar echoed through the air, a chilling prelude to the unfolding chaos. Whirling around, Langa's eyes widened in horror as the sinister creature from beneath the water's surface launched itself towards the injured pup with lethal intent, dragging it into the murky depths below.

"Langa: Damn it! It got the pup?!"

 Langa exclaimed, his voice tinged with urgency and frustration. Turning towards his trusty Dominator, he called upon E.v.a for crucial information amidst the escalating crisis.

"Langa: E.v.a, I need intel on those two—especially that thing in the water!" 

He demanded, his heart pounding with a mixture of dread and determination.

As E.v.a materialized above his Dominator, a cascade of information unfolded before Langa's eyes. The first entity, identified as Wolvlare, emerged as a formidable Fire/Dark type Dynix belonging to the elusive Carnivorous Beast class—a creature shrouded in myth and mystery. Known for their ferocity and unwavering loyalty to their chosen masters, Wolvlare wielded flames imbued with dark energy, capable of unleashing devastation upon unsuspecting foes. Their razor-sharp fangs, honed to perfection, inflicted damage with a relentless precision, epitomized by their signature move, Spiral Bite.

With newfound understanding, Langa's gaze shifted towards the valiant efforts of the Wolvlare parents, locked in a fierce battle against the aquatic assailant. Their noble defense of their offspring spurred him into action, propelling him towards the watery depths with unyielding resolve.

Yet, as he plunged into the fray, a sense of apprehension gripped him. The towering figures of the canine Dynix loomed ominously, a testament to their formidable strength and prowess. Nevertheless, driven by a sense of duty and compassion, Langa steeled himself for the impending confrontation.

Turning his attention towards the water Dynix, E.v.a's holographic projection unveiled a new adversary—the Crocosheer. A Water/Light type Dynix hailing from the treacherous Arctic Swamp, these creatures were renowned for their territorial nature and lightning-fast reflexes. Masters of evasion and ambush, Crocosheers struck with deadly precision, their formidable prowess posing a formidable challenge to even the most seasoned of adversaries.

As the conflict reached its zenith, Langa found himself thrust into a harrowing battle against adversaries whose very essence eluded comprehension. Yet, fortified by E.v.a's sage counsel and his own unyielding resolve, he steeled himself to confront the daunting trials that lay ahead, acutely aware that the destiny of both Dynix and humanity hung precariously in the balance.

With memories of his parents flooding his thoughts, Langa rose to his feet, determination etched upon his features as he unclipped the first Dyna-Core from his Core-Holder. Gazing upon the emblem of his beloved Tyrannoblaze, he uttered a resolute command to his faithful companion.

"Langa: Alright, Ripper, it's time to forge a new bond!"

With a swift motion, he inserted the Dyna-Core into his Dominator, a surge of brilliant blue light heralding the commencement of a new chapter in his journey.

Days melded into nights as Langa Kented the unforgiving expanse of the desert, his visage transformed by the rigors of his trials. Taller and more weathered, his once vibrant dreads now hung in tresses, their azure hues faded by the relentless passage of time. Clad in attire unseen before, he exuded an aura of quiet strength and determination.

A white sleeveless tech jacket adorned his frame, layered over a sleek black undershirt, while black denim pants accented with rose gold details hugged his form. His feet, encased in strap-on boots of ebony and gold, bore the weight of his journey with unwavering resolve. Adorning his forearms were two golden rings inscribed with the kanji for the word "Rise".

With his face concealed beneath a brown cloak and goggles shielding his eyes, Langa pressed onward towards the distant cityscape, his heart heavy with the weight of his experiences on Virantis. Though the past five months had tested him in ways he never imagined, they had also served as a showing of his growth and maturation, shaping him into the resilient individual he had become.

As he went towards the next leg of his journey, Langa harbored a glimmer of hope that sanctuary awaited him amidst the urban sprawl, a relief from the hard ground he had been sleeping on.

As Langa journeyed onward, memories of his distant homeland, Earth, flooded his thoughts, tugging at the strings of nostalgia that remained in his mind.

"Langa: Man, I miss home." 

He said aloud, his voice tinged with longing. 

"Langa: Six entire months away, so many wild Dynix battles, so many assholes tryna snipe me before I can enter, so many faces... I have to make it back. Winning the Festival and claiming that stupid ass title is my ticket home."

Lost in his thoughts, Langa's mind drifted back to his childhood, reminiscing about the simple joys of his former life before fate whisked him away to the world of Virantis. Yet, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted as the sprawling silhouette of a city came into view, its towering spires and dazzling lights beckoning him forth.

A smile graced Langa's lips as he realized it was the very city he had been instructed to seek—the bustling capital of the region. Entranced by the spectacle before him, he marveled at the city's advanced technology, which surpassed anything he had ever witnessed on Earth.

However, his moment of awe was shattered by the intrusion of a gruff voice behind him, snapping him back to the present.

"???: C'mon, kid, time's ticking! Pay up or suffer the consequences!" 

The voice demanded, its ominous undertones echoing through the air.

Turning, Langa's gaze fell upon three towering figures—aliens of different species—surrounding a smaller, seemingly defenseless individual. 

With a sense of urgency, he stealthily approached the scene, concealing himself from view as he assessed the situation unfolding before him.

Amidst the imposing trio stood a young woman, her figure obscured by a hooded cloak of black fur, her attire a patchwork of muted hues. 

Observing from the shadows, Langa's resolve hardened as he prepared to intervene, the Core of his Tyrannoblaze was at the ready.

"Langa: Alright, time to show them who's boss, Ripper." 

He muttered, determination gleaming in his eyes as he readied himself to confront the three.

Langa said as he summoned his Tyrannoblaze, the loud thud of the beast crash landing onto the ground echoed, shaking the area so bad that every citizen of the city in that area fell to their feet, scaring the men and startling the girl behind them.

The three men turned to see what had shook the ground so badly, and were met with the glaring blue eyes of Langa's Tyrannoblaze, the three men freaked out as they fell to the ground again, quickly backing up till they were almost against the wall themselves.

They had just seen a Tyrannoblaze, a species of Dynix that was thought to have been fully extinguished with the death of the last living Tyrannoblaze 19 years prior, but were met with the snarling mouth of the last living member of the beast's.

The Tyrannoblaze soon took a step, his footstep slamming into the ground with a thunderous boom, the beast bellowed loudly as Langa walked up to the men, his hood obscuring his face as his yellow eyes flashed before turning a deep translucent blue and were glowing from behind the darkness of his hood.

"Langa: Hey guys! It would be quite beneficial for you three if you just left her alone and went on about your business. If you catch my drift?"

The men all backed up momentarily, but as they did, the biggest and meanest of the three stepped forward.

He looked like an Avalonian, a race of beings that were just as mysterious as they were elusive, it was quite rare to see an Avalonian off of their home world, and Langa had never seen one before, he knew they looked almost human, save for a few key differences between the two races.

The Avalonian people generally had tanned skin yet also were very colorful in nature, their hair can be one solid color or it may be a gradient of two or in very strange cases even 3 colors. 

Langa was often told that the species have markings that generally appear on their hands, over their eyes and on their thighs or legs, some have them on their shoulders as well. The colors of the markings are often the color of their eyes. 

Also in Avalonian women, the color of the hair is the color of her lips, and the base color of their markings is the color of their nipples. Aside from the biological markings, they do practice scarification, resulting in thin lighter designs around their body, most of the time in their chests or abdomen. 

Other physical features include their long, pointed ears that have the same color of the markings except for the light gray fluffs of hair that cover the inside of them, their light or white colored pupils and the pointed fingers in some members of the species. 

The man was clutching a Dyna-Core in hand, the man looked at the other men who each stepped forward with their own Dyna-Core in hand.

It was gonna be a Controller Battle.

Langa smiled as his Tyrannoblaze bellowed another thunderous roar as the three men launched their Dynix into battle from their Dominators.

Three large Insect class Dynix crashed into the ground as they bellowed loudly, Langa smiled as a sudden boom went off, the Langa had leapt out of the way as his Tyrannoblaze hurled the three insect Dynix out of the alley, walking out as his eyes gleamed an Azure blue, the three men ordered their Dynix to attack.

The insects immediately launched their respective attacks as the sound of fingers snapping could be heard, the Tyrannoblaze's maw ignited in flames, Langa walked out of the alley as he smiled.

"Langa: Ripper, end it now. Strike-Core engaged, Volcano Burst!"

Suddenly the eyes of Langa and his Tyrannoblaze glowed simultaneously, blue flames plumed from Langa's mouth as did his Tyrannoblaze, he then snapped his fingers as the beast bellowed once more, charging the insects with blue flames pouring from the theropods mouth.

A few seconds later, a huge explosion shattered the area as Langa's eyes glowed blue for a second time before returning to their usual golden yellow, as the men returned their Dynix to their Core's, they quickly ran away with bloody noses and burns all over their bodies vowing to get revenge on Langa for this humiliating defeat.

Langa simply snorted as smoke exited his nostrils, he soon placed a hand on his Tyrannoblaze's head before he walked to the girl.

"Langa: Aye, you ok? Did those guys hurt you?"

Langa said as he held out a hand for the girl to grab onto.

She looked at him for a moment before shaking her head, she smiled at him as she took his hand as he pulled her up onto her feet, as the girl dusted herself off, Langa smiled before walking away.

He then had a look of pride and joy spread across his face, he snorted out smoke again as he soon walked towards the stadium, aiming to register for the first round of the King of Beasts Festival, as he smiled brightly.

The girl blushed a bit as she watched Langa and his Tyrannoblaze walk away, it was the first time since she landed on this planet that someone showed her kindness, of course Langa wasn't native to the planet himself, but she doesn't know what made a complete stranger like him come to her aid.

But of course that was how the world worked sometimes, and she wasn't a child so she wouldn't ask him about it, but as she watched him and the Tyrannoblaze round the corner, she had made a decision, she ran after him, adamant that she would join him in whatever he would do, as he was her savior, and she would repay him for his help.

"???: Hey mister! Wait up!!" 

Langa had heard as the voice shouted, that being the only warning Langa got that jarred him out of his thoughts, turning only to see the girl now trying to skid to a stop only to crash into him, sending him down to the ground as she was on top of him. 

Dust soon clouded the air around them as Langa was now on his back and was holding his head.

The girl also held her head as she sat up, soon shaking her head.

"???: Ow, sorry about that."

She said as she opened her eyes, immediately seeing that she was straddling her savior, her face immediately turned bright red as steam plumed from her head.

She immediately pushed herself off of him before he could realize what was happening, shaking her head in annoyance and embarrassment at what she just did before offering a hand to the dazed Langa who took a moment before accepting the help as he shook his head. 

Trying to keep his balance and ignore the small pain from being crashed into, he saw that the girl he just saved was now standing in front of him again.

"???: I am so sorry, I was in a rush and I'm not that good at stopping-" 

The girl admitted, looking very embarrassed as she asked if he was okay.

"Langa: Yea I'm fine. It's no biggie, just wasn't expecting that is all. But did you want something?" 

Langa said, giving a smile to reassure her. 

He stood up dusting himself off as he stretched out a bit, he sighed in relief as he looked at the girl, he soon saw she was blushing quite brightly, her tanned skin was tinted red across her face as she was twirling her fingers.

The girl looked relieved as she sighed herself, she looked at Langa as he looked at her, which made her blush slightly more, her face now fully red as she soon shook her head and put on a serious yet soft expression.

"Riju: That's good, I was worried you might've broken something, oh I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Riju. My full name is Princess Riju Ozuna Okoya, and I'm a member of the Daorin people, a race of beings native to Planet Kinzin."

Langa smiled as he looked at her.

Riju was unlike most aliens he has seen since his arrival on this Planet, as he looked at her, he finally got a good look at her.

She looked to be almost completely human, which was much appreciated by Langa, having seen nothing but the most wild looking Aliens for the past year and 6 months, she was standing shyly in front of him while holding the folder from before.

He noticed that she was easily standing as tall as four feet and eleven inches. She had left an ample amount of mocha shaded skin barely covered by her black one piece bodysuit zipped up to her neck paired with matching fingerless gloves. 

Opposite of the sable colored bodysuit left a pair of latex thigh highs wrapped around her skin, one look at her eyes and hair gave hint to inspiration for the color choice as they'd been color matched with the dual colored fingernails. 

The longer Langa's eyes stared, he was made further aware of her body as she walked towards him more; Due to one of the men having reached for the zipper near the nape of her neck when she tried to run before Langa had saved her, she was unknowingly providing Langa's yellow hues with a quick glance at a hefty amount of cleavage with the slight peek of a mantis shaded undershirt.

And just above that, reddish orange hair was kept in twin-tails, with a single white patch in the front, her hair perfectly framed by a set of sharp piercing eyes, shining like orange gemstones beneath dusky eyelids. Beneath all that, soft yet plump lips, the upper was shaded black while the lower lip was the same shade of orange as her hair and eyes that framed a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth.

"Langa: Cool, nice to meet you Riju, my name is Langa. Also this is my first time hearing about your people." 

As Langa heard her name, he smiled brightly, but as soon as he heard 

her name, it instantly dawned on him that this woman wasn't just an intergalactic celebrity, and not just any celebrity, she was a Princess, something he hadn't seen before in his life.

He didn't know what to think at first. 

This was the very first time he ever encountered royalty and now he had to make sure he didn't make a bad example of Humanity back on earth by showing the princess a bad time.

"Langa: So, what's your reason for being here? I'm here to qualify for the first round of the King of Beasts Festival."

Langa's made her think for a second, she knew why she was here but she couldn't just tell him because it would jeopardize her mission.

She smiled at him before pulling her hair back from her face, her orange eyes glowed as she soon spoke.

"Riju: I'm here on a royal engagement, my father sent me to find a champion who would represent Planer Kinzin in the festival, and I was on my way to the registry to find said champion when those brutes cornered me in the alley."

The music of the city grew louder as they talked, Langa smiled at her when she finished talking, he was impressed, knowing himself, he knew he would never be able to handle all that she had to, finding a representative this late when the Festival is only a few hours away from beginning.

But the more they talked, the more interesting the conversation was getting. 

And as they talked, the people around them started to gather, as Langa still hadn't returned his Tyrannoblaze to his Core.

The people were staring as it was the first time many of them had seen a Tyrannoblaze, the King of the Plains had returned. 

Langa turned to see the people gathering, he was shocked, he wasn't used to the people of this planet acknowledging his existence, as he was just another human to them, or at least that's what he thought.

The people of the city started cheering with a passion. It's about as passionate as their view of Controller Battles, and now he was getting attention for something, the people were chanting the word "King of the Plains" over and over again. 

Langa didn't know what to think as he could only look at the people as his Tyrannoblaze bellowed loudly.

After a while, the crowd dispersed and Langa was on his way again as Riju accompanied him on the way there, he still wasn't used to the alien women native to the planet or the ones who come and go on the daily, but he wouldn't make humanity look weak as he snorted smoke.

He didn't even want to think about asking Riju why she was walking with him, as she clearly had a reason as to why she was, but he also wanted to get to the stadium as quickly as possible. All he wanted to do was win this festival and go home.

But as they walked to the stadium, Riju was telling him about her time on Virantis, to which Langa didn't hear any of it, he was thinking about his qualifying match, and how he would have to win, as well as what about his strategy for how he'd fight these matches.

"Riju: I am glad you were there to save me, I was waiting on a friend of mine when those brutes cornered m–Langa. Langa? Langa!"

Riju called his name a number of times before she saw him lost in his thoughts, his mind was clearly on something else that must've been important.

Riju giggled as she saw his expression, she had noticed that his mind was elsewhere and it made her happy, he was someone she could vent to without worrying about what he would think of her.

This made her happier than she could have imagined, soon she walked up to him and was sizing him up before wrapping her arms around his arm.

This left Langa slack jawed a bit as his fangs were showing.

"Langa: U-uhhh....you are something else entirely...."

Riju laughed at his shocked expression as she couldn't hold back her laughs any longer.

Normally, she would take a man like this back to her home world and have her father to gauge if he was right for her. She had half a mind to do so.

But she had plans to keep.

Riju didn't dwell on it, though. Soon a pair of arms approached from behind her and grabbed her.

"???: Boo!"

Riju almost jumped clean out of her skin when she heard a whisper in her ear. That became difficult as she was swooped off her feet by a pair of arms that wrapped around her waist.

"Riju: H-Hey! Who is tha-" 

Riju snapped her head back with a hiss as Langa watched confused, but blinked when she came face to face with her captor.

"Riju: Echo?"

"Kimmie: Hellooooooo!" 

Her high voice was bubbly, a toothy grin meeting her eyes.

Kimmie Akeem, a Kafurian girl that Riju has been friends with since childhood, who she more affectionately called Echo. She was rather large in certain aspects, larger than most other Kafurian women she'd met. She stands over five foot five. The number always seemed to jump around. 

She has dark tanned skin and short dreaded up hair. She was initially from the lower villages before moving to the castle to be a personal friend of Riju. She wore a maroon full-zip shirt.

She wore a black pair of short shorts, black leggings and all black, high-top Exo-sneakers.

Riju shook off her surprise, pursing her lips as she slapped her shoulders. 

"Riju: Thanks for scaring me, you ghost!" 

Riju slapped her shoulder before grinning, leaning forward and wrapping her arms tightly around her neck for a hug. 

"Riju: What are you doing here on Virantis!!"

Kimmie laughed as she hugged her friend back.

"Kimmie: I actually just came back from grabbing your royal dress, your father said it was imperative that you look your best as the first round of the Festival is being held later tonight once all the qualifying controllers gain their license to be Dynix Controllers! But enough about me, what're you doing out here by yourself?"

It wasn't long until the two friends were done talking, but once they finished, Riju attempted to introduce her best friend to her savior.

She quickly turned towards Langa after jumping onto Kimmie's arm.

"Riju: Echo, my dear best friend and most trusted advisor, this big guy here is the master of the last King of the Plains, his name is Langa!" 

Riju said as Kimmie had a look of utter confusion on her face, Riju had her eyes closed as she waited for the reaction of Kimmie.

But nothing happened as silence was all that could be heard, it wasn't long until Kimmie spoke up.

"Echo: Uh? Ju? Where is the King of the Plains? There is no one standing there???"

Riju quickly opened her eyes as she looked all around for Langa in that instant, she could have sworn he was standing right there, Riju soon turned to see that Langa had already walked ahead, she caught a glimpse of him entering the stadium after returning his Tyrannoblaze to his Core before entering the door.

Riju blushed brightly as Kimmie laughed lightly, causing Riju to roll her eyes at Kimmie's laughter before walking past her, now headed for the stadium with Kimmie in tow.

Riju went straight inside as she wanted to introduce Kimmie to Langa before the License matches begin, now inside the building, she and Kimmie begin to catch up to Langa as he is at the main desk signing up to become an official licensed Dynix Controller.

Before Riju could say a word, Langa is greeted by one of his newest friends on Virantis.

An alien man of an unknown species walked towards Langa, easily three times his age.

"???: Long time no see you young Babana! How's it been man? Last time I saw your ass, you were beating the hell out of Vega in a Controller Battle." 

Langa smiled as he shook the young man's hand then they hugged.

"Langa: Been good mr. Levine, how's your home? I know the city has been quiet since I accidently took down that crime boss, and how's your mother and sister?" 

The man laughed as he and Langa caught up with each other, the two friends have known each other enough since their first meeting and battle a year ago when Langa had put a stop to a local crime boss.

"Levine: Everything has been fine man, not much illegal activity has been happening thanks to you for smacking the absolute hell outta Vega!!" 

They both laughed as they talked, the old man laughed as he talked with Langa, seeing the young man was changed since he last saw him.

It had been two months since that battle with Vega.

"Langa: Well, someone had to stop Vega, especially after what he tried to do, if he had left Ako alone he would still have his empire, dumbass. But besides that, how's life with that hottie of an Aqua Controller???"

The young man blushed as he punched Langa in the arm a bit.

"Levine: REALLY?! Haha! You just can't leave my personal life alone can you?"

Langa laughed hard as the two kept talking, all while Riju and Kimmie watched them patiently, but as the two kept talking, Riju had started to become impatient as she watched the clock.

Soon she tried to get Langa's attention as he and his friend turned to Riju.

"Riju: Echo, I would like to introduce you to my savior: Langa! Controller of the last King of the Plains!"

Kimmie was shocked by her words, she looked at Riju with a surprised and shocked look on her face, she was hesitant to believe Riju, but seeing the way Riju looked at Langa was all she needed to see and is slightly happier than she already was.

"Kimmie: Huh?! You really mean it?! He's the controller of the last King of the Plains?! But how?!" 

Riju smiled with a sense of pride and joy, she befriended the man who controlled the last Tyrannoblaze.

Langa and Levine both looked at the smug look on Riju's face as she stood there with her hands on her hips as Kimmie looked at Langa in awe, he was used to having his most trusted partner at this point, and he had proven that as a Controller, he was capable of doing things that most Controllers couldn't do with their Dynix.

After a while of talking, Langa watched as Levine had exited the stadium as he already had his license from competing 18 years ago, even though hours had passed since he arrived in the city, the reality of standing inside a city this massive after spending a year in the wilds of Virantis still struck him with a sense of awe. 

He hoped he never forgot this feeling. 

In contrast to the bright colors that made up the building's exterior, the interior walls were of a paler tint. 

The floor was mostly covered in green diamond-shaped tiles aside from marked paths of yellow and red which split and led to several doors, each in different corners of the room. 

The furniture in the reception area consisted of different purple fixtures where the walls intersected as well as on the countertop of the reception desk. 

Towards the back wall, chairs were positioned facing a television which served as a reception area. 

Broadcast-wise the television was set to an intergalactic news channel dedicated to covering events both around the planet and from around the galaxy from Controller Battle highlights to celebrity gossip.

Typing away behind the desk was a woman of similar age to Calnor who wore a similarly styled green uniform. 

Her olive hair ran back below her shoulders. Wendy was the name written on her nametag.

"Wendy: Hello and welcome to the Indigo City Dynix Stadium, how can I be of assistance?"

She said as she greeted him with a bow.

"Langa: Oh, I am a Controller competing in the tournament, I am here to get my Controller License." 

Wendy smiled as she nodded before clicking her mouse a few times, pulling up a spreadsheet. 

"Wendy: Langa Obasi Rivera yes? May I please see some identification?" 

She asked him.

"Langa: Oh, sure. And, please call me Langa." 

He said, producing an ID from his wallet and presenting it to Wendy.

"Wendy: Thank you."

The receptionist gave a smile once she had finished verifying the young man's identity. 

"Wendy: Alright! Everything does appear to be in order. I'll let you know when it is time for your match. Please feel free to go up to your room for the week."

Langa smiled before bowing.

"Langa: Thank you."

Langa replied before going to take the elevator to his room, while in the elevator, he had decided to listen to the broadcast..

"Thank you, Scarlett." 

A newscaster said before turning towards the camera. 

"And in business news, intergalactic technology giant, Vil-International, has entered negotiations for funding as they conduct research that will revolutionize how we traverse space!" 

The man said before footage of a press conference was played, the speaker of which being a fairly tall man with dark brown hair and gray eyes.

Langa's neutral expression dropped into a frown. 

"CEO Chase Villin has unveiled his company's plan to construct a device capable of utilizing what he describes as a 'convenient loophole in space-time' to allow for instantaneous travel whilst substantially reducing carbon emissions. Since its unveiling, Vil-International's innovation has been met with criticism from investors and has been likened to Dyna Robotics Dynix Management Machines. When questioned by our reporters, Mr Villin declined to comment." 

Langa quietly pondered what Dyna Robotics had to do with Vil-international.

It all made his head hurt, despite being on this Planet for 6 months, he still didn't understand what was going on, he was especially cautious of Vil-International and Dyna Robotics.

Both were big names even back on Earth, but to see them here on Virantis was both shocking and disturbing, he knew both the companies and their CEO's, having history with both.

As he went to his room, the interview was playing in his mind, what could Chase be planning? He was always suspicious even when they were kids.

As he walked to his room, he noticed that one of the doors nearby was open, maybe his neighbor for the week was out, but he didn't pay it too much mind and decided to go find his room.

He smiled as he ran towards the window, seeing the Stadium, his sharp teeth flashed as he ran as quickly as he could, he was free once more and he would make sure it stayed that way, his only goal was getting home at this point and his only chance of doing that is by winning this tournament.

It took some time, but Langa was able to find the Relic Stadium and he gaped as he stared at it.

It was a huge building, The stadium sits atop a hill overlooking the city. Two statues of a Tyrannoblaze and Spinostorm are situated at the top of the stadium. 

It is a Colosseum with lights and a scoreboard, possibly eight stories with beautifully engraved windows on the front, two palm trees by the entrance.

It doubled as both a Stadium and Hotel.

Langa was pretty sure that just staying a night here would cost more money than he's ever had in his life. Thankfully it was free for Dynix Controllers to stay in during the rounds, as it is paid for by the Richmond Foundation, though Tourists had to pay for themselves.

After taking a deep breath, Langa found , went inside and was greeted by the inside décor that looked amazing.

The hotel was huge with the ceiling being high up there, holding a crystal chandelier that sparkled from the lights shining off of it, impressive paintings on the wall and a huge fountain in the middle where a small island was built in with a huge pond tree.

"Langa: Whoa."

Langa breathed out, never seeing anything like this before.

As he walked through the building towards the hotel part of the stadium, he saw things he thought he'd never see in his life, a luxurious place like this was free? It blew his mind.

"???: Ah hello." 

Langa turned towards the voice to see a man approaching with his dark brown hair neatly combed and sharp glasses pushed up the bridge of his nose, wearing a fancy black suit. 

"Jasper: Welcome to the Relic Hotel, I'm the manager of this fine estate where we provide quality lodging for Tourists and Aspiring Controllers alike, you may call me Jasper."

With that he gave a short bow.

"Jasper: You must be Langa Obasi Rivera?" 

Jasper asked, earning a nod. 

"Jasper: As I thought, your room is ready for you, if you'll follow me."

He turned rather sharply and led the way to one of the two elevators in the lobby with Langa quickly taking off after him.

"Jasper: You'll be staying in a room on the sixth floor." 

Jasper said as the elevator ascended to the right floor. 

"Jasper: We've had plenty of potential Controller's arriving by the droves in the last few days, I'm sure you'll come to enjoy your time with us."

Langa gave the man a respectful nod, earning a smile from Jasper before the elevator opened. 

After leading Langa to his room, Jasper bowed once more before leaving Langa to get settled in, or at least that is what Langa wanted to happen, but Jasper had left two special guests in the room waiting on Langa.

Exhausted with his long travels, Langa landed face first on his bed, he quickly stretched out as he flipped onto his back, he hadn't felt a bed in a year and now he was going to make the most of it.

He had decided to go straight to sleep, but as of now, he has something more important to do. 

He unclipped his Dyna-Core holder from his belt, grabbing the Cores of his Dynix; he had brought out his two Dynix.

The now somewhat larger form of his Tyrannoblaze's restricted form appeared next to him, now roughly the size of an ATV, next to his larger beast appeared his new Wolvlare pup.

The little one was picked up by Langa as he looked at his Tyrannoblaze.

"Langa: Alright, Ripper, you've already met her and her parents, but it is good manners to say hello, so say hello to Lycera! Our new team member." 

As Langa said this, his Tyrannoblaze roared in joy, his smaller form easily standing as tall as Langa was while sitting on the bed with the Wolvlare pup laying on his lap, he smiled as his two Dynix played together, showing they were still quite young despite his Tyrannoblaze being a young adult like him.

As he cleaned their Cores, Langa heard a loud knock at the door, at first he didn't think anything of it, seeing as Jasper told him that if he heard a noise it was most likely the neighbors, a pair of intergalactic celebrities.

But he heard the knock again, and soon found himself hearing the door to his room opening, he got up thinking it was Jasper, going to the door as he opened it.

Once the door was open, instead of seeing Jasper, he saw two women of varying height, Langa's eyes had slowly fixated on other parts of the women's bodies: Below the chateau colored tentacles which adorned the first woman's head left an ample amount of mocha shaded skin barely covered by a black one piece bodysuit zipped up to her neck paired with matching fingerless gloves. 

Opposite of the sable colored bodysuit left a pair of latex thigh highs wrapped around her skin, one look at her fingertips gave hint to inspiration for the color choice as they'd been color matched with the dual colored tentacles adorning her scalp. 

The longer his eyes stared, he was made further aware of her body as she leaned away from the bar; Reaching for the zipper near the nape of her neck and giving a tug, providing his yellow hues with a quick glance at a hefty amount of cleavage with the slight peek of a mantis shaded areola.

"???: Wow! You must be the new guy! If you're wondering who we are and what we're doing here, I'm Marina! We'll get to the pipsqueak next to me in a lil' bit though! We just wanted to get to know our newest neighbor for this month and find out what you're doin' in the festival, I haven't seen a guy like you before."

Langa blinked, his mind stuck fast on rewind. 

Just moments ago, he'd been elbow-deep in the mundane task of cleaning the Core's of his Dynix.

Now, his entire reality had taken a nosedive into the bizarre. 

Two women, both undeniably alien, stood at his doorway, their voices washing over him like a wave of confusion.

He didn't recognize either of them, but a primal instinct hummed beneath his skin, urging him to stay alert. Marina, the one doing most of the talking, seemed friendly enough. 

Yet, Langa found it difficult to concentrate on her words when his gaze kept darting to the mesmerizing – and frankly unsettling – tentacles twitching on her head. 

Marina's voice droned on about being happy to meet a new human, her enthusiasm lost on Langa. The second woman, however, had remained silent until now. 

Finally, she cut in, her voice a stark contrast to Marina's bubbly tone. It was a low, guttural sound, sending shivers down Langa's spine. He braced himself, heart hammering against his ribs, as she spoke…

"???: Please don't mind this blabber mouth of a giant next to me. Anyways, we've been lookin' for somebody like you to pop up, we got a few things we wanna do and need someone who's up for it."

The interruption hung heavy in the air as Langa turned to see another woman standing there. Her tentacle hair, a style of golden and white mirrored Marina's style in its length, but the shade was a stark contrast.

Instantly, Langa recognized them as the close friends they likely were. He watched as they entered the room, the door sighing shut behind them. This gave him a chance to finally get a good look at Marina's plus one.

He'd bravely ventured outside to push for more interaction since arriving in the city, and now his efforts were rewarded with the sight of a woman whose skin held a soft, tawny glow, several shades lighter than Marina's. It was the color of sun-kissed beaches and whispered secrets.

Her singular tentacle, a marvel in itself, was adorned with a fascinating interplay of gold and pearl hair bands. A closer look revealed a braid, meticulously woven with the bands woven throughout its length. Her clothing spoke volumes about her personality. Unlike Marina's meticulously color-coordinated outfit, this woman embraced a more personal style.

She possessed a fuller and rounder figure than Marina, and she confidently displayed it in a backless sunflower-yellow crop top that showcased her smooth, creamy skin.  White, skin-tight pants completed the look. However, a jarring detail broke the visual harmony. 

Unlike Marina's color-matched ensemble, this woman's fingertips were painted a loud, obnoxious Mardi Gras shade of purple. Langa couldn't help but imagine the clash of that vibrant purple against dark clothing that likely matched her hair color. 

It was a curious choice, one that sparked his curiosity about the woman behind the bold fashion statement.

"Dianna: I'm Dianna by the way, but most people call me Di. And as you know the tower of power next to me is Marina, she's damn near obsessed with finding humans out in the open, let alone havin' one show up at our workplace like this."

Dianna said as she looked at Langa, but before she could continue, the towering Marina had cupped her hands around Dianna's mouth, blushing brightly.

"Marina: Please don't pay Di any attention, she's always got a lot on her mind and just HAS to ruin my fun! ANYWAYS! You seemed a little stressed comin' through the door earlier with those two girls following you, so I figured why not help you relax a lil' bit by coming over and hanging out for a bit."

The invitation for some downtime with his thoughts obscured by the pair of women in front of him felt sound, but he decided to decline as he was more worried about preparing for his qualifying match in the morning.

He thanked them for coming over and held the door open.

Marina's eyes remained fixated on her new favored member of the night. 

Following behind Dianna, Langa put forth the effort in sticking his neck out to watch his newfound neighbors. 

Once in their room, Dianna spoke.

"Dianna: Aight, I told you that wouldn't work, he may be a human, but he isn't stupid rina. Last time we tried to have fun with a human ended with you feeding him strawberries and him being obsessed with you for a week."

After hearing the girl's door click shut, Langa looked at the time, he would need to prepare for his match, it would be 7:00 PM soon enough.

Several hours later, Langa was ready, both his Dynix were within their Core's, and he was prepared for the fight of his life.

Now he was heading for the field for his first battle.

Much to his surprise however, Langa saw a man waiting for him at the end of the hall right before the stadium.

The man gave a grin at Langa's very obvious surprise. 

"Kent: It's bout time you made it here, I'm here to be your qualifying opponent, my name is Kento Yoshida, but everyone calls me Kent! Now we'll see if you have what it takes." 

Kent said, gesturing for Langa to follow him. 

As they walked out towards the built in stadium, Langa was unsure of who Kent was, he was a new face that Langa hadn't seen before, but as they walked, soon a familiar face would appear alongside several new ones.

Langa was blinded by the floodlights as he entered the stadium, and was met with three people standing within the center of the stadium: it was Calnor, and the women from earlier: Marina and Dianna.

"Langa: What the hell??? Calnor??? The hell're you doing here??"

Langa said as the huge Kylosian man smiled, he walked up to Langa and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Calnor: Welcome my boy! It's good to see you again after these past 6 months."

Calnor said as Langa smiled, he hadn't seen the Kylosian man in ages, their last meeting was quite exciting, if you could call it that.

Nearly dying in your first Controller Battle was quite the remarkably stupid thing in Langa's mind, but it also taught him a valuable lesson: don't trust Calnor's word on anything-

As the reunion between the two continued, Langa was also met by Dianna and Marina once more, it was definitely something out of the blue, as he did just see them earlier, so to see them now in the stadium was quite exciting.

But as the four talked, Kent walked towards them.

"Kent: Langa, I'm excited to see your skills, Calnor has told me about how you beat him in battle, so I expect you to show me the full power of the Unchained King! And don't expect me to hold back, if you want that License you need to give it everything you have. Ikuzo!"

Kent said as he flipped a Dyna-Core in his hand, he smiled smugly, thinking Langa being a newbie to the festival would give him the edge.

"Langa: Got it! Koi?!" 

Langa agreed and that was when the door opened and he was almost blinded by the light that shone through the doors, only hearing the loud shouts of the audience that were there to watch the battles.

Still he walked and by the time he could see, Langa felt his heart leap into his throat at seeing countless people in the stands.

He's never seen so many people in a place like this and his gut began to twist from nerves.

Just focus on the battle. Langa berated himself, walking towards the left side of the field where he would be fighting from while Kent was on the right side.

He ignored the commentary that began to introduce the fighters, instead pulling out his Tyrannoblaze's Core, getting ready to release the Dynix.

It would only be a one on one fight, so he can win this.

"Let the match...BEGIN!"

The Announcer shouted and that was the signal Langa needed to let his Tyrannoblaze out.

With a swift movement, he raised his Dominator, the Dyna-Core slamming into its socket with a decisive click.


Langa's yell became one with the roar of the Dyna-Core as it rocketed skyward. 

A vibrant blue light pulsed from the spinning orb, intensifying with each rotation. 

A hurricane of wind, unleashed by the Dyna-Core, forced Langa to shield his eyes. 

When he dared to peek through the swirling chaos, a sight burned itself onto his retinas, forever altering his reality.

From the Dominator, a colossal beast, conjured from pure energy, materialized high above. 

The very ground trembled beneath Langa's feet, fracturing as molten lava bubbled forth. 

Pillars of fire erupted around him, momentarily sending him airborne as he smiled. 

High above, the colossal being roared, a raw, untamed force. Then, with a deafening clang, the Dominator blared to life.

"Dyna-Core insertion complete. Commence DNA fusion! Tyrannoblaze Dynalize!" 

The device whirred as the energy before it coalesced into the unmistakable form of his Tyrannoblaze. The same image flickered on the screen before a bone-shaking roar erupted from within the device. A blue and white aura pulsed outwards, then a searing red beam shot skyward, revealing the Dyna-Core. Light danced around the Core, solidifying into a colossal creature before crashing to the ground in a burst of energy.

"Kssh! Booom!"

Langa instinctively shielded his eyes from the blinding light. As it subsided, he opened them, his heart pounding, he never got used to seeing a Dynix materialize from a Dyna-Core, but he loved seeing it now. 

He smiled as he looked at the light, seeing his trusted friend and partner materialize before him.


A tremor shook the stadium as a colossal beast emerged from the shadows. His massive, scaled body pulsed with an inner light, casting dancing blue motes into the air. With a whip-crack of his tail, the air vibrated with a deep, primal growl. The creature, reptilian and proud, bellowed loudly.

Combustible drool dripped from his maw, igniting in small, eerie flames as the otherworldly light faded. Beneath his sleek, muscular frame, power coiled and uncoiled with every twitch. 

Though feathers, thick and downy, blanketed the beast's upper body, traditional scales protected his limbs, underbelly, and face. A striking white ruff, reminiscent of a regal lion's mane, flowed down his neck and back, forming a smooth coat of feathers.

But it was the face that was truly captivating. Reptilian, yes, but with intelligence burning in his eyes, eyes that spoke of countless battles and hard-won victories. 

Razor-sharp teeth gleamed in a vicious snarl, while atop his massive head, a crown of vibrant yellow feathers stood defiant.

Species name: Tyrannoblaze 

Attribute: Pyro/Beast


Height: 25 feet tall

Weight: 30,000 Ibs

Origin: ???

Attack: 3100

Defense: 6000

Speed: 8000

Dust swirled into the air as he brushed it aside, his eyes fell upon his Tyrannoblaze, seeing his beast sent a wave of adrenaline crashing through him. 

"E.v.a: Tyrannoblaze! The Undisputed Tyrant of Virantis! A beast from an unknown land somewhere on Virantis, known as the Undisputed Tyrant of the land for its immense presence on Virantis. Among all the species of Dynix, there's one species that stands out from all the others, the ultra rare Dynix species known as Tyrannoblaze. This species is seen as the ultimate Pyro Attribute Dynix. They're the generals to a Controller's Dynix. Extremely loyal, faithful and much more cleverer than your average Dynix,"

Langa looked at his beast who snorted smoke and flames from his nose, the beast had grown in the half a year they had spent together, like Langa himself, his Tyrannoblaze had grown into a fine fighter.

"Langa: Ripper, let's show 'em our power!" 

Langa said as his beast bellowed loudly, turning from him to see that Kent had stepped forward.

"Kent: Wow Langa, that's a fine Tyrannoblaze, first one I've seen! But now it's time to release my own Dynix! Now! Falco the Hawkstryke!!!"

Kent called out as he slammed a Dyna-Core down into Dominator, Kent's yell became one with the roar of the unreleased Dyna-Core as it rocketed skyward. 

A brilliant burst of energy flared above the field as the crowd in the stands shielded their eyes, an invisible force field shielded them from the gust of wind and energy as a humanoid creature began to materialize before their eyes.

A vibrant blue light pulsed from the spinning orb, intensifying with each rotation. 

A hurricane of wind, unleashed by the Dyna-Core, from the Dominator, an avian beast, conjured from pure energy, materialized high above. 

The very ground trembling beneath Kent' feet began to lose its grip on his shoes as he was lifted into the air, momentarily sending him airborne as he smiled. High above, the being shrieked, a raw, untamed force. Then, with a deafening clang, the Dominator blared to life.

"Dyna-Core insertion complete. Commence DNA fusion! Hawkstryke Dynalize!" 

The anticipation was electric. Machinery thrummed, energy crackled, and condensed into a swirling vortex. 

A familiar image flickered on a nearby screen just before a thunderous roar shook the very foundations. 

A blinding eruption of golden and white light erupted from the machine, followed by a dazzling beam that shot straight into the sky. 

As the light subsided, a pulsing core, the Dyna-Core, hovered in mid-air, radiating power.

Suddenly, the core pulsed brighter, and an avian form materialized within its light. On Kent's Dominator screen, the mirrored image flickered to life. 

Then, with the dramatic flair of a superhero landing, a magnificent avian beast burst forth from the Core, crashing onto the ground with a resounding thud. 

Its gaze met Langa and his Tyrannoblaze, a silent acknowledgement passing between them.

A wide grin, eerily reminiscent of a human expression, spread across the creature's face as it rose to its full height. Its vibrant plumage was a stunning display of yellow, white, and black feathers. 

The creature boasted a sharply angled beak, both the upper and lower halves lined with humanoid teeth that only added to its menacing presence. 

Narrow, glowing blue eyes pierced through its head, imbuing it with an aura of otherworldly power.

Atop its head, a magnificent crest of feathers resembled a stylish bandana, adding a touch of flair to its already striking appearance. 

Powerful arms, clad in feathers that resembled a sleek black and gold bodysuit, hinted at immense strength. A captivating design element – a striking "X" symbol with connecting white lines – adorned its chest and shoulders.

Large white patches outlined in bold red marked its powerful legs, while its arms were adorned with spiky feathers. Three sharp claws on each foot provided both balance and agility. 

The finishing touch: intricate golden adornments on each knuckle, resembling gloves, completed its awe-inspiring physique.

This magnificent creature, the Champion of the Virantian Wilds, was none other than Hawkstryke!

Species name: Hawkstryke

Attribute: Aero/Combat


Height: 7'2"

Weight: 300 Ibs

Origin: Eastern Plains

Attack: 2100

Defense: 1500

Speed: 3000

A plume of dust rose from the trampled field, swirling around Kent and Langa as they locked eyes. 

Both their Dynix, gleaming and primed, stood poised on the field.

Langa's resolve was a single, burning ember – victory. It didn't matter how, fair or foul, he would win. 

His eyes, a startling sapphire that mirrored his Tyrannoblaze's flames, flickered momentarily before returning to their usual warm gold.

Kent, prepped by Calnor's intel over the past six months, felt a prickle of apprehension. Here he stood, facing the son of [REDACTED], the legendary hero who saved Virantis eighteen years ago. Langa mimicked the stance, the very same one [REDACTED] had all those years back.

A booming laugh erupted from Calnor, his amusement piqued. Langa, up against a Hawkstryke – a formidable opponent. These Dynix were no slouches, and Calnor couldn't wait to see how Langa would conquer this challenge.

"E.v.a: Hawkstryke! A towering Dynix species with an average height of at 7'2" for males and 6'2" for females, reigns supreme in the Eastern Territories. These apex predators, unmatched in strength and agility, dominate both land and sky. Their grin reflects unwavering confidence as they effortlessly overpower any challenger. A symbol of safety, A Hawkstryke's mere presence in an area protects both Dynix and lost explorers. With a single punch generating hurricane-force winds, their power is undeniable. Yet, these guardians peacefully coexist, ensuring the safety of all."

The Hawkstryke let out an ear-piercing screech that let loose a gale of wind as well, blowing everything that wasn't behind the force field away,

It was also a small Dynix compared to his Tyrannoblaze yet was still huge, being twice the size of Kent which made Langa hesitate.

No doubt this Dynix was fast and it could easily dodge Tyrannoblaze who would be a lot slower due to the size difference.

However it should take one or two good hits to take it out compared to his Tyrannoblaze whose bulk will be his strong point.

So it depended on if they could hit the Hawkstryke, which prompted Langa to smile brightly, azure flames pooled and leaked from his mouth as he smiled, his Tyrannoblaze sharing the same excitement, their first Festival Match, despite being the qualifying match, they were excited.

As the Hawkstryke closed in, Langa's expression shifted, a mix of determination and anticipation. 

The tension was palpable as azure flames flickered from his lips, mirroring the excitement coursing through him and his Tyrannoblaze. 

This was their first Festival Match, albeit a qualifying one, but the thrill was undeniable.

For Langa, this match was more than just a competition; it was a step closer to his goal of finding his way home, and his Tyrannoblaze was his ticket.

With the referee's hover chair gliding onto the field, the stage was set. 

"Referee James: Controllers, prepare your Dynix! This K.o.B qualification match for Langa Obasi Rivera will end once one Dynix is incapacitated. Ready? Jyu-battle!"

The command was given, and the Dynix charged, roaring as they closed the distance. 

But the Hawkstryke proved elusive, expertly dodging the Tyrannoblaze's attacks and delivering punishing blows in return. 

Langa felt the impact reverberate through him, a stark reminder of the stakes and the connection that all Dynix Controllers have with their Dynix.

Surprised and frustrated by the pain, Langa's resolve hardened. 

His Tyrannoblaze's eyes glowed with a deep azure, matching the intensity of the Hawkstryke's power. 

With a roar of defiance, they launched into the fray again, but each exchange left them reeling.

Desperation fueled Langa's strategy. As the Hawkstryke prepared for another assault, Langa saw his opening. With split-second timing, he issued the command.

"Langa: Ripper, now! Use your tail to knock that man bird out of the sky!"

The roar of the crowd threatened to drown out all other sound as the Tyrannoblaze pivoted, his tail swinging like a giant club aimed at the Hawkstryke. 

But to Langa's dismay, the avian anticipated the attack, catching the Tyrannoblaze's tail mid-swing. 

Kent, the Hawkstryke's Controller, wore a triumphant grin as his eyes shimmered with an eerie green hue, mirroring the intensity of his beast's gaze. 

With a snap of his fingers, Kent orchestrated a counterattack, sending the massive theropod spinning through the air, propelled by the Hawkstryke's strength, before hurtling skyward himself in pursuit.

A second snap of Kent' fingers and the Hawkstryke unleashed a flurry of strikes upon the Tyrannoblaze, each blow landing with bone-rattling force. 

The final strike, a devastating blow to the Tyrannoblaze's midsection, sending him plummeting to the ground, crashing with a deafening impact, cracking the stadium ground and forming a crater.

As Langa tasted the metallic tang of blood in his mouth and felt the warmth of a nosebleed trickling down his face, he couldn't ignore the painful reminder of battles past. 

Memories of his previous Controller Battle with Khristtian flooded his mind, each blow his Tyrannoblaze endured echoing the sting of that battle.

But amidst the chaos and pain, an unexpected sensation welled up within Langa—a twisted, almost manic joy. 

The rush of adrenaline, the thrill of combat, it all coursed through him like a drug. 

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, a crazed grin twisted Langa's lips as he welcomed the challenge with open arms.

"Langa: Alright! Looks like this will be a good fight, huh Ripper?"

With a resounding shout, Langa's command pierced the chaos, igniting a primal response within his Tyrannoblaze. 

As if awoken from a slumber, the beast's eyes blazed a brilliant blue, its massive form rising from the earth with an aura of fiery determination.

A rumble echoed through the arena as magma seeped from the ground, swirling in a molten dance beneath his Tyrannoblaze's feet. 

With each thunderous bellow that reverberated from his chest, the intensity of the spectacle only grew. 

Sensing his beast's thirst for victory, Langa pressed a button on his Dominator, causing a Strike-Core to fire into the air, he grabbed it before snapping his fingers to unleash a blazing aura that engulfed him in crackling energy. 

Flames danced around his form, swirling in a mesmerizing display of raw power.

Excitement surged through Langa, his eyes alight with the same azure energy that enveloped his Tyrannoblaze. 

With another snap of his fingers, he spurred his beast into action, a beacon of determination amidst the chaos of battle. 

Across the arena, Kent mirrored Langa's enthusiasm, his own eyes aglow with a brilliant emerald hue. 

A shared nod of understanding passed between Controller and beast before they too surged forward to meet the impending clash.

In that electrifying moment, two forces of nature collided, each driven by their Controller's unwavering resolve.

Langa smiled as he saw Kent grab a Strike-Core of his own, both Controllers were aiming to win this immediately, this was a do or die moment for Langa, either he wins this fight or he is trapped on this Planet.

Within a second, both Langa and his Tyrannoblaze lifted their eyes to meet Kent and his Hawkstryke, Langa pointed towards the sky as his Tyrannoblaze dodged a strike from the opposing Dynix, clamping his jaws onto the arm of the Hawkstryke, throwing the man bird into the air as droplets of blood flew into the air.

Kent's agonized cry tore through the air, his arm throbbing as if it had been rented in two. 

Collapsing to one knee, he grimaced, blood oozing from his wounded limb and pooling in his mouth. 

The force of the Tyrannoblaze's bite had inflicted more damage than he initially comprehended, leaving him reeling as he spat out a crimson tide of pain.

But amid Kent's anguish, Langa's grin widened, a feral glint in his eyes as his Tyrannoblaze seized the opportunity to strike once more. 

With a deafening roar, the massive beast lunged forward, jaws clamping down on the Hawkstryke with relentless force, rending flesh and sinew with each powerful bite. 

Kent's scream echoed through the arena, mingling with the awed gasps of the crowd.

Sensing the decisive moment approaching, Langa felt the Strike-Core pulsating in his hand, its heat a tangible reminder of impending victory. The rush of adrenaline fueled his anticipation, the thrill of the impending triumph coursing through his veins.

With a snap of his fingers, Langa spurred his Tyrannoblaze into action once more. With brute strength, the beast hurled the Hawkstryke into the air, only to pounce again, jaws clamping down on its flailing form. With a mighty heave, the Tyrannoblaze flung his avian rival across the field and flying into Kent himself, the impact sending Kent and his Hawkstryke skidding across the ground before they slammed into the force field.

Traves got up slowly as his Hawkstryke staggered to his feet, one foot hovering above the earth in a testament to the severity of the damage inflicted.

In that fleeting moment, victory hung tantalizingly close. With just one well-placed strike, the battle would be won. 

Langa knew it, and so did Kent, evident in the muttered exchange between Controller and Dynix. 

With a nod of grim determination, the Hawkstryke surged forward once more, a final gambit in the relentless struggle for dominance.

Even with a damaged leg, the smaller Dynix was rather fast as the man-bird jumped into the air before slamming into the Tyrannoblaze's back making the large Dynix roar before backing off as he dodged a swipe, now doing hit and run tactics.

But thanks to that the Hawkstryke became rather predictable.

A wicked grin split Langa's face as he tapped into the primal power of his Strike-Core, unleashing a tempestuous vortex of wind that enveloped his Tyrannoblaze. 

Within moments, the towering creature became shrouded in a swirling maelstrom of blue flames, his own deafening roar muffled beneath the might of the erupting inferno.

"Langa: It's time to end this, Ripper! Volcano Crusher!"

With a surge of electrifying energy, Langa drove the Strike-Core into its designated slot, igniting a blaze of determination within both himself and his beast. 

His Tyrannoblaze responded with a thunderous roar, flames billowing forth from his jaws as he charged headlong towards his opponent, the Hawkstryke.

Kent, undaunted by the impending onslaught, mirrored the motion, his own Strike-Core was slammed into the slot as his Hawkstryke suddenly got a new burst of energy, now poised to meet the challenge. 

The Hawkstryke dashed forward, racing along the ground as wind pressure began to build around the man-bird's fists, his smile never leaving his face as his eyes gleamed a deep blue.

Yet, despite the man bird's formidable power and his renewed determination to win, his injuries proved to be more severe than either the Dynix or Controller had anticipated, as the Tyrannoblaze had unleashed a powerful offensive force. 

With an earth-shaking impact, the Tyrannoblaze delivered a devastating headbutt, sending the Hawkstryke careening across the arena, his pained screeches echoing through the air as he collided with a nearby wall, sending debris scattering in its wake.

Both Controller and Dynix were injured badly, but they refused to give up.

Undeterred by the man-bird's futile resistance, the Tyrannoblaze pressed his advantage, launching another ferocious assault. 

With savage precision, his razor-sharp teeth tore into the Hawkstryke's hide, eliciting agonized cries from the wounded creature. 

Despite the man bird's desperate attempts to retaliate, the Hawkstryke found himself  lifted into the air by the Tyrannoblaze's powerful jaws, only to be hurled into yet another structure with bone-rattling force, the impact sending clouds of dust and embers billowing into the sky.

Langa's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he witnessed the relentless dominance of his Dynix. 

With a final, decisive strike, the Tyrannoblaze released its grip, sinking its fangs into the Scorptix's armor one last time before stepping back, leaving its vanquished opponent to lie defeated amidst the rubble.

Enough for his Tyrannoblaze to catch it for another bite, damaging the Dynix enough that he was recalled to his Core.

Hearing the crowd roar, Langa watched with a grin slowly developing across his face.

They did it.

"Kent: I'll be, you've certainly gotten a hang on the battling aspect. Now all that's left is how will you fare against the harder battles." 

Kent commented as they were in the reception area of the Stadium, their Dynix all healed up now. 

"Calnor: Looks like that big beast has grown since last time, he looks like he entered his young adult stage, that Tyrannoblaze really trusts you to listen without hesitation like that."

Langa sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, a bit embarrassed by the praise from an old friend.

He didn't think it was that big of a deal.

He just saw what needed to be done and gave the order, his Tyrannoblaze did the work from there like usual.

But he was happy.

Finally he had his first official tournament match and he was ready for more.

Though first Langa needs to get a team together because Dynix Controller's usually have a team of 5 Dynix at a time and Controller Battles are usually done with one on one or two on two or three on three fights at any given stadium according to the stadium rules.

So he needed to get busy capturing more Dynix to avoid his Tyrannoblaze and Wolvflare being outnumbered in a fight.

"Calnor: Still congratulations Langa, you keep this up and you'll reach Master Rank in no time." 

Kent grinned at the young man before checking the time. 

"Calnor: I do need to cut this short, I have an appointment to take care of after all."

Langa gave a nod, waving good-bye to Kente as he left only to hear footsteps, making him turn to see Dr. Diggins approaching him.

"Calnor: Not bad for a first fight, though you do still need to work on your cleaning skills." 

Calnor commented, seeing Langa paying close attention. 

"Calnor: But that's something that can be worked on another time, for now here."

Reaching into his coat, Calnor pulled out an ID Card and held it out towards Langa, watching him accept it.

"Calnor: You're now an official participant in the King of Beasts Festival, Rank 1 and in the new gen division of course but it's still worth celebrating." 

Calnor cracked a grin, he could see the image of his friend and rival in Langa.

Looked like the skills to fight passed onto Langa after all.

Calnor looked at the smile Langa had and smiled as well.

"Langa: Thank you, Calnor. Now I have a chance to find a way home!" 

Langa said, looking at his license, seeing the picture he submitted as well as his rank.

He did it.

"Calnor: Don't thank me yet boy, the work is just beginning." 

Calnor gave him a fair warning. 

"Calnor: The emblem matches to advance in the Festival and rank happen once a month at the peak of each round and they're a lot tougher than the match to get a license. If you fail to advance within a month, you'll be placed within the loser's bracket."

A month to advance in rank?

Good to know.

"Calnor: But if you keep going at the pace you are now, you'll reach it with no difficulty at all." 

Calnor placed a hand in his pocket as he said that. 

"Calnor: I recommend spending this time during the coming days to grow closer to your Dynix before your first round in the festival. The King of Beasts Festival is the ultimate celebration for the first Prince, 200 years have passed since his birth."

After all, the closer the bond is with the Dynix the more they'll fight for their Controller in battle and that can make all the difference.

"Langa: I will Calnor, I promise, you will see me in the finals in a year's time." 

Langa promised, watching as Calnor left, the Kylosian man walked away proud of his godson, Calnor smiled as all of the stadium master's walked with him, Langa knew that he would have to make Calnor proud in battle.

He watched as the crowd left the stadium, with only four people left in the entire stadium: Langa himself, Riju, Khristtian, and a cloaked figure who had a Core in their hand.

But he didn't mind.

Langa pulled out his Tyrannoblaze's Core and looked at it with a smile.

"Langa: Just watch out world, Ripper, Lycera and I will make Master Rank in no time, we will claim the title. We will defeat everyone who is put in front of us and dethrone the current King of Beasts. This I swear?!"

Langa promised, gripping the medal tightly.

Too be continued....