
Dylan Mikaelson

He is stubborn, aggressive, smart, stylish and clever just like his father. Despite the fact that he is one of the Mikaelsons he hates it and just wants to separate himself from the 'Always and Forever'. Dylan makes his way in the Salvatore school and becomes the most popular student of the school. Go and read more about him.

EruditionX23 · TV
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9 Chs

First spell

"I'm sorry WHAT?" Ellie screams.

"You were insisting to know my true identity whole this time... and now I just don't care who does and who doesn't know who I actually am" Dylan says, he stays calm but Ellie was high-strung.

She looks at his serious face, far from any kind of gag he usually pulls.

"You are kidding me, right? " Ellie says taking deep breaths.

"No?" Ellie asks.

Dylan does nothing but watches her losing her mind over the fact that he is a Mikaelson.

"I'm asking you something, answer it" Ellie exclaims but gets no reply from Dylan.

He didn't answer because he wanted her emotions to be all over the place so that he can use her knowledge-filled fragile mind.

Ellie starts freaking out, she always thought that she is a step ahead of people and can anticipate anything but she never thought Dylan's last name will be Mikaelson.

"But you are not one of them, are you? like you coincidentally have the name Mikaelson but you are not...actually one-" She tries to control herself while keep walking back and forth on the bridge.

"Klaus is my dad" Dylan says almost making her lose control on her legs and quickly she grabs the bridge to keep her balance.

Dylan notices her trembling, he knew that if he tells his true identity to a hyperactive over smart girl, it might get tough and stressful.

"Hey, Calm down... okay? take deep breaths and...I think we should get back to school" Dylan says trying to keep her calm.

"Does Dr. Saltzman knows that you are Klaus Mikaelson's son?" She asks.

"You mean Alaric Saltzman whose wife and then his girlfriend also Elena Gilbert's aunt my father killed knows my real identity? No, he doesn't and he definitely can't" Dylan answers.

"So no one in the school knows?" Ellie asks.

"No one except you" He says making Ellie madder.

"Then why the hell are you telling me?" She yells out.

"Because telling you is safer than hiding it" He explains trying to keep her collected.


Ellie and Dylan successfully sneak into the School and get to Dylan's dorm room.

Ellie had seen Dylan's room before but she never noticed how big it was, it was even bigger than the twin's room.

"But then why Damon Salvatore called your father a douche? " Ellie keeps asking questions.

"You believe Damon Salvatore?" Dylan laughs like she joked "that guy speaks nuts half the time... he spent one and a half-century trying to kill his brother just because the woman he loved fell for his brother instead of him" Ellie gets silent by this, she didn't know anything about that maybe because it's not mentioned in any Mystic Falls files.

"Yeah, sure," Ellie says cutting herself from her thoughts but there was still a question in her mind that she couldn't shut.

"Hey, Why that vampire called you a crossbreed?" Ellie asks making Dylan stop at his place.

"You heard that?" Dylan asks, he looked a bit uncomfortable.

"I mean you killed three vampires who might be more than a hundred years old, You gotta be something more than a werewolf for that," Ellie presumes.

"Five" Dylan says.

"Five what?" Ellie asks.

"I killed five vampires when I woke up two were standing over me... I killed both and then three after it," Dylan says. "and yes, I'm more than a werewolf but explaining it will take time" Dylan adds.

"I'm a fast learner" Ellie looked excited she wanted to know about it as much as she could know.

"I know that Klaus... your dad is a hybrid so you gotta be too" Ellie implores.

Dylan smirks at her comment "I'm not a hybrid... I'm a tribrid... combination of all three supernatural species... my grandmother was a witch who created the vampire curse and I'm also a sole alive direct descendent of the witch Inadu who created the werewolf curse and my grandfather and step-grandfather basically started the whole vampire-werewolf feud... anything else?" Dylan explains.

Ellie was jaw dropped, she already had a lot filled inside and now all this new information from Dylan just explodes her mind.

"You are a vampire, witch and a werewolf?" Ellie asks. "But-But I've never seen you drinking blood or doing magic?"

"It's because I didn't trigger my vampire side yet which I never will and I don't use magic" Dylan answers.

"But why?"

"Because it's flawed... I don't have normal magic in me... I'm filled with dark-magic and I can't control it" Dylan says slowly losing his calm.

"What that mean?" Ellie asks.

"Look at me, a child of a vampire-werewolf hybrid... I shouldn't exist... Nature had to do something to keep the balance... if I could just get one chance to give up my magic then I would have done it"

"Then why don't you?" Ellie suggests.

"Because witches in my town don't like to do business with my family... you understand? I don't have any powerful witch who can just do magic for me" Dylan trails off.

For Ellie, the last 24 hours were very exceptional, she saw everything which she never sees in her everyday life.

She got attacked by a bunch of vampires, she witnessed a friend's death, she even broke school's many rules which she hardly ever does but any of it was nothing compared to seeing Dylan at his lowest.

He has always been the guy who is just perfect, in art, in studies, in sports, in helping others and in fights but today she saw him getting beaten, losing his patience, suffering and leaving his friends alone.

She feels the urge of helping him at any cost and her brilliant mind finally reminds her of the thing Dylan's been doing this all for.

"I have read about this spell which witches can use to take out the magic from a witch by channelling it in the very perspective way... why don't you use it?" Ellie proposes the idea.

" It's possible?" Dylan questions.

"We can try it" Ellie rolls her eyes and smiles "And I know exactly where that spell is"



Ellie turns back to see Dylan "What is it?"

"Let's see, you mentioned that you'll help me with my dark magic and since then we've been just walking to the school corridor and you have not spoken a word" Dylan argues.

"The spell...it is in the library" She says and turns back and keep walking.

"Library? it's filled with thousands of spell... so unless you know the exact book ... you are wasting both of our times" Dylan says frustrated.

"Chill, I've read more than half of them and they are called grimoires" Ellie mumbles "you are such an immature witch"

"Okay pro... lead" Dylan sighs.

They enter the library and since it's past midnight, no one was there.

Ellie turns to left and starts looking for the grimoire.

"Don't you think we are such a good pair?" Dylan asks to distract Ellie a bit but Ellie ignores him and keeps looking for the grimoire.

"Here it is" Ellie takes out a large book and opens it.

"Come on Ellie... don't you think we can be-" Ellie cuts off Dylan."Friends?"

"More than that"

"Best-friends?" Ellie says as she turns the pages one by one.

"More than best-friends"

"Mega best-friends?"

Dylan sighs "Fine, don't say it but I know you have feelings for me too"

"I don't" Ellie says keeping her eyes on the book.

"Then why are you helping me?" Dylan asks.

"Because you are a good person and you saved my life" Ellie says and finally stops at one page.

She turns the book and shows Dylan the spell.

Dylan looks at the spell "You sure it's that spell"

"Two hundred percent" Ellie assures him " You have any doubt?"

"For the fact I do" Dylan says and takes out his phone and opens a picture with the same symbol in it as on the spell.

"What are you doing?" Ellie asks.

"Thank you, Ellie, I owe you" He says and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"Why you have the symbol as the spell in your phone?" Ellie asks but Dylan doesn't answer.

"Give that to me" He takes the book from Ellie and quickly rips the needed page.

"Hey!" Ellie exclaims and takes the book back from Dylan.

"We could have just make a copy" She says as she puts back the book in its place.

She turns back but Dylan wasn't there anymore making her regret her judgement.

She comes out of the library but he wasn't there either and before she could do something Dorian comes behind her.

"Ellie? Why are you not in bed?" He asks "and you are still in the same exact clothes you were in this evening"

Ellie looks at Dorian and tries to think of a good excuse "Actually, I was helping Lizzie with a spell cause you know I like to help people even when I should not"

"So where is Lizzie?" Dorian asks.

"Oh, she is inside... studying hard" Ellie says.

Dorian enters the library giving Ellie a chance to disappear, she quickly cloaks herself and leaves before Dorian turns back.

Dylan looks at the spell and smiles as he dials a number on his phone but it directly sends him to the voicemail.

"B, call me when you get this... I just wanted to tell you that I have the first spell and I'm coming back to New Orleans"

He takes a picture of the spell, in case something happens to the spell he will still have its picture in his phone.

Dylan puts the spell in his pocket before opening the door only to realise it's already unlocked.

I know it's late than I said I'll upload but something came up and I didn't get time to edit the chapters so for now, this is the best I got. Hope you like it

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