
dying light. (full redo)

a soldier forced to live in the world of dying light.... why do the night hunters seem more interested in him? but of course, how is he suppose to help the tower when rias men keep making trouble? by slaughtering them all.

Scathach_ · Video Games
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12 Chs

Chapter 7 (night hunter Friday)

Jack was currently making a bomb to blow up a volatile nest in one of the tunnels, and he was getting ready to arm it, but it would only give him ten seconds so he hadn't.

So with the bomb on his hip, Jack ran into the tunnel, threw a flare, and planted the bomb. He connected the wire and armed the bomb.

(Terrorist win) {a/n jk)

"See ya sukkas," Jack said as he sprinted away.

Jack jumped over a car, then leaped on top of the bus roof, before leaping out of the tunnel.


Jack escaped the fire and waited a couple of seconds before inspecting the damage with a smile.

The barrier was completely gone. Good, now that made a shortcut for him if he needed to run since there was another safe zone.

"For any survivors out there, get to the nearest safe zone. Sundown in 5 minutes. Night hunters are out tonight, so be careful," a voice was heard over the radio. Statically, but you could still hear it.

"Nah id win" a voice was heard over the radio. It was a random survivor.

He did not win, he was found cut in half, With no chance to live.


What was supposed to be a quick mission turned into a warzone.

The night hunters as the tower called them were out for his blood again. And Jack had tested it too. He had another survivor stand a good distance away, and nothing.

This night Hunter was smart as hell too. Jack had dodged one of the green spits that the night hunters do and used that opportunity to grapple onto a further roof.

From what Jade explained these things had a nest, and if you destroy them, then the night hunter will stop coming.

Nobody knew why, but it just happened to be that way. And anyone who tried investigating and experimenting soon died of natural causes.

Was it suspicious? Yes. But what could normal humans do?


"What do you mean you can't kill him? Make him die of some new disease or something. If you don't, then our game will get ruined," one of the gods yelled.

"Can you shut the hell up, Jeff. Man, you so fucking annoying," another god yelled.

Another god slammed his fist against the table before standing up and shouting.

"Who the hell is this guy, he was NEVER in this world before. We scanned this world for the percentage chance for humanity's destruction."

"They had an 80 percent chance of destruction. And when crane died, it went to 99.99. how does it make sense for it to suddenly plummet down to 12.24 percent?" A goddess asked.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. If we don't win this stupid bet do you know what will happen to us? We will be wiped, cease to exist. Death is already on our ass about his influx of souls that died prematurely."

"How the hell did he even dodge that!!! That's impossible for mortals," another yelled as he pointed at the screen.

"Mm... He's kinda hot," a goddess said hiding her blush behind a fan, but it was too late and the other gods heard her.

But she didn't care, she liked what she saw, but sadly for her, she would never get the chance.


"I fucking found it," Jack yelled.

He had wrestled the night hunter to the ground, his size and experience giving him a clear advantage.

Jack had thrown a UV flare at the nest before destroying it with a sledgehammer.


The nest was destroyed in a single hit. The night hunter couldn't escape from the trap that Jack had put together.

"Hey, doc. I got a live night hunter that might pique your interest. Ripped off its arms though," Jack said over the walkie.

"Hold on, you have a live night hunter?" A man's voice was heard over the radio. Brecken that was the man's name, he met him a couple of times to recognize his voice.

"Yeah, the bastard was slippery as fuck though. He had a spit that disabled both UV lights and flares, and another that would summon a fucking horde of explosive zombies," Jack said as he planted his foot on the night hunter's back as it tried to escape.

"It tackled me and sent me flying off a couple of rooftops too. And I shit you guys not, I think these guys act as a hive mind, or are just robotic in nature, something is controlling them," Jack continued.

"Return to the tower for medical attention, we'll have our runners deal with the night hunter," brecken tried to convince Jack.

"No can do. This bastard is still dangerous even without his arms. He still has access to his spits, and can you imagine allowing that near the doctor? That's idiotic," Jack was saying.

He took notice of something though. When the night hunter was out hunting, the volatiles didn't emerge.

With that, Jack turned off his radio and dragged the screaming night hunter for research.

A rumor would soon spread throughout the streets of Harran. Jack ran the night, not the night hunters, or volatiles, but Jack.

And if Jack was on the hunt, you better prepare yourself for some shenanigans. A bomb here, a bomb there. Holy shit he has EXPcalibur.

(End of chapter)