
dying light. (full redo)

a soldier forced to live in the world of dying light.... why do the night hunters seem more interested in him? but of course, how is he suppose to help the tower when rias men keep making trouble? by slaughtering them all.

Scathach_ · Video Games
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chapter 3 (what's this tower?)

Jack had gotten bored, so he did what any good Samaritan does. He began hunting those men down.

It was easy to tell them apart from regular survivors. Mainly their armor or weapons.

At night time, Jack hung the corpses on lamposts and other areas that could handle a body.

And just to be a prick, he began making loud noises just to keep them up at night. And my God it worked wonders.

The men were were on guard were now on the verge of collapsing on the spot.

Now the sound of gunshots continued to skyrocket. Jack didn't know what happened over there, but he knew something bad for the people there.

Did that stop Jack? Hell to the no. And when Jack saw an airdrop, he got curious.

And you know what they say about curiosity. It killed the cat.

Jack got the airdrop first, mainly because he was stronger and faster than most people.

Inside the crates were 3 blue boxes, and 2 white ones. The blue ones appeared to be this thing called antizin. The white ones were supplies.

Jack pondered for a while before he hid the white crates to take later. He grabbed the blue ones and finally headed to where that woman and kid went last time.

He knew he found the right place when he saw the UV lamps, but he didn't go in. Instead, he placed the antizin by the door and whistled.

One of the guards came to investigate, and they saw three crates of antizin and looked around for the person who dropped it off.

... But he saw nothing.

They wouldn't know it at the time, but antizin drop-offs will help out majorly in the future.

Jack continues his slaughter of Rais's men, making each death more brutal than the last. He was a soldier, and that meant protecting citizens, and his country (even if he wasn't in it anymore).

His goal now was just to keep rais attention away from the tower and onto me. Mainly because I hated the sound of his voice.

Jack was a monster when it came to combat, but that didn't mean he lacked brains. He had built so much stuff in his life that he could always find a way to make new things.

He was tinkering with some parts he got from disassembling some stuff in the city. He made some equipment called the seeker.

The seeker finds an enemy, latches on, and explodes. Dangerous little fellow. (got it from infinite warfare)

The thing nearly exploded multiple times if it wasn't for the fact Jack knew what he was doing.

That wasn't the only thing he made though, he also made a small spider-like robot and snuck it into Rais's main base. Now Jack was able to get constant information from the man.

Oh yeah, you remember that volatile that Jack threw a knife at? He came back for revenge.

Jack was scavenging some parts of a car, and he didn't take into account the sewer hatch there.

The volatile with the cover of the shade tried to bite and kill our dear protagonist Jack. Jack meanwhile planted his foot in between some of the car parts and held firm.

He grabbed the knife and stabbed its head until it died. And it did take a lot of stabs, just lucky that this happened in a safe zone and not where the zombies were.

Jack got up from under the car with blood covering all the new clothes that he TOTALLY got by buying it.

Jack narrowed his eyes and fixed his mask, he suffered some minor injuries to his arms but nothing else.

He seriously hated those things. Jack was going to build something to counter those damn things. Just so he could kill every single one of them.

He knew that they couldn't handle the UV lights, but can the UV kill one of the volatiles? Who knows. Jack will have to test that out. If it worked, he could theoretically make a UV bomb.

So many decisions, but also much to do. Mmm... Jack kinda felt like shaving Rais's head fully bald. He could do it too.

So much to do... So little time.

(End of chapter)

join my twitch. I stream dark souls (1-3), dying light 1 and 2, and other stuff.

TTV:perseus_jacksonn (with two N's)

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