
DxD World


SupremGG · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

Hyoudou house. So I hope day.

The great day has come.

Light was nervous, but not because today he was finally going to put his plan into action, but because, in the middle of the night, Esdeath who was in his Spear form transformed and threw himself on his bed hugging him and sleeping there.

Even though he seemed unexpected, Light knew from the sensations that he had kissed someone before, but he was left without reaction when Esdeath squeezed him and started sleeping there.

Then Light spent the night listening to her breaths with skin-to-skin contact while she slept gracefully.

While he was asleep, Light forced himself to review the whole plan over and over so that he would not act any problem, taking care not to wake his partner, he gets up and goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then goes down to the kitchen.

Once there, he finds Issei with his head down thinking about something, from Light's memories, Issei was never very close to him, but Light wanted to change that, at least for now.

"Hey Ise!" He shouted, sitting next to his brother who, upon realizing the strange look. "I heard you got a girlfriend, is that why you are like this? Man... I can't believe you got a girl first than me."

At first I looked at him strange but then smiled. "I know I'm too much hehe" He smiled. "But I don't know how to act, I mean, I can't be a pervert with the girl."

This perplexed Light, even though he was a Pervert, it seemed that Issei had a sense of common sense.

"Well..." Light patted his back and then stood up. "Just be yourself, she likes you because you are that guy."

And so, Light returned to his room smiling. Even though he was not the real Light, he sympathized with Issei, after all, he watched the anime and, even though the author left something to be desired in the script, he still does a good job.

When he returned, he was surprised that Esdeath was already on his feet, but this time embraced with a blouse that Light was wearing the night before.

Honestly, it worried him a little.

Esdeath became aware of her master and quickly threw the shirt away. "Er... isn't what you're thinking." Stammering, she said a little shyly.

Light approached, coming face to face with her, placing his hand on the chin of his Sacred Gear he smiled, approached her face and saw that she had already closed her eyes waiting for a deep kiss full of love like the one they had given, in then he dodged and whispered in his ear.

"Relax, I know you weren't doing anything." He kissed his Valkyria's cheek, smiling, but he could hear Esdeath's wheezing breath, which still felt strange and a little disappointed.

"M-master..." She called out with an almost nonexistent voice. "Answer me one thing, you have the power of the system, so why don't you just change Issei-kun's character or something?"

Light turned. "It's like I said..." He sighed "As you think about the queen, I'm already aiming for the king. Why would I take away the one person who makes the events I know come true?"

Esdeath was silent, she understood what her master meant. The universe revolves around Issei, if he changes history, events such as Issei's fight against Riser, it wouldn't happen and Light would lose his only advantage at the moment.

The power to know what will happen.

"Do me a favor for Esdeath-san." smiled. "Call Satoshi, he will also participate."


P.O.V. Issei Hyoudou

A miracle really happened, I received a confession of love from a beautiful girl!

In fact, I even suspected it was a prank. I even thought that maybe she lost a bet and her friends were hiding somewhere watching.

Since the day Light brought Esdeath home, I started to suspect that even he got a girlfriend and I stayed behind. But since that day, I was a guy who had a girlfriend. The world has changed around me. I don't know how to explain it, but my heart was at peace. I wanted to yell at every guy who crossed my path: "I won !."

On the first date we set up after we started dating, I was ready to put my plan into practice.

Hehehe, I brushed my teeth several times since last night. There was no place that had gone without washing. I even bought new pants.

Just in case "" Something "" happens.



Light was following Issei with his Sacred Gear and his [Knight]. To tell the truth he was a little disappointed with Issei, arriving well before Yumma, seeing him so excited about it almost made Light feel like a monster.


And so, the hours passed and when 3 hours passed, Yumma had finally arrived, now it was true, Light was sure that even with all the Ecchi involved, Issei will never lose her virginity.

They started walking hand in hand going somewhere and he, like a good spy, followed them, hiding his presence with the monstrous speed of his system.

"Why are we following your chief brother?" Satoshi asked a little confused, not that he doesn't like spending time with his King, but it is strange indeed.

"Do you see his girlfriend?" Light pointed at Yumma. "She is a fallen angel, we are going to kill her, we are just waiting for the right opportunity."

After that, Yumma and Issei went to several stores, stopped at a restaurant to eat like a normal couple. After a while, it was afternoon and they were both alone, well, that's what they thought.

"Hey Ise." She said, getting up from the bench she was sitting on.

"What is it, Yumma?" Issei replied, anyone could tell that he was nervous.

"Could you die for me?"

Far away, Light sighed. "is stranger than I thought it would be."

"Certainly." Esdeath agreed.

Confused, Issei replied. "Huh? What do you mean... could you repeat that? I think there's something inside my ear."

Light felt a little guilty about hearing that, it was stronger than he thought it would be. Now he was in a dilemma, to save his brother and go according to fate, or to let him die and go according to his plan.

He wanted to make Issei happy, not least because, he was his brother, but thinking from another perspective, Issei will have Akeno, Rias, Koneko among others in his harem so, in a way he will be happier than joining his brother.

"Could you die for me?" She replied, soon, black wings began to emerge from her back and a strange power welled up in her being.

Light and Satoshi noticed, her aura changed completely.

Yumma started beating her wings, the black feathers were really beautiful, she slowly landed on the floor.

"It was so fun. The short time we spend together is like playing a boyfriend with a child." His voice changed completely, from seductive to cold and impassive. His lips formed a cold smile.

Even with the skill of the system, Light there was extremely angry at the angel fallen in front of him. He was, at all times, refraining from intruding.


[Mission Notice]

[Changing the story!]

• Objective: Save Issei from being killed by Anja Fallen Reynnalle

• Rewards: The system will update. +100 affection points with Issei Hyoudou and + 30 affection points with Ddrag.


Normally, Light would ignore this screen and continue to watch, but he felt the effects of the "Player's Mind" melt away, it seemed that the system was forcing him to intrude.

"Damn system!" He roared, rising from his spot. "Very well, if this is how you want it, this is how it will be."

- Although our time together is short, I enjoyed playing with a stupid Human. I will keep forever what you bought for me.

Yumma raised his arm, a spear of pure energy formed.

"See you later, Isse"

But before she could finish, a loud, fast noise could be heard.

* Bzzzz *

"AAAAAAAAAARGH !!!" The voice that was once cold and emanating power, was now weak and it seemed that with every second, it was disappearing.

Issei opened his eyes wide when he realized that Yumma was going to kill him, but this time, he could see a spear with blue details on his blade piercing his lying girlfriend's chest.

What was supposed to be just a superficial wound, grew more and more.

"B-but what is this..." Her voice contained traces of fear, she felt a peculiar power of the spear.

She put her hands on the spear and then felt her hands start to freeze and, the wound on her chest, exuded a cold aura where, slowly, her body was turning to ice.

"A-an S-sacred Gear..." She looked in amazement at the spear that still exuded the cold, impassive aura. "T-this is I-i-i-impossible..."

Issei was on the ground, static, as much as his brain tried to understand what was going on, he had only remembered the part where, his girl, his girlfriend tried to kill him.

"Are you alright ?" a voice echoed behind Issei, he felt a hand helping him up and looked back.

"S-satoshi..." Confused, he looked at his brother's friend in shock. "W-what the fuck is this?"

Satoshi smiled, he already expected this reaction from Issei, but even after a few seconds he continued with the same worried face, this time looking behind him.

Turning around, his expression became serious when he looked at the people behind him.

"Who are you ?" A graceful and sly voice said, emanating a black power that seemed to suffocate Satoshi more and more, with that scarlet hair and full breasts.

It was Rias Gremory.

Without time to answer, he felt something cold in his throat, looked to the side and saw him, the Prince of Kuoh Kiba Yuuto holding a sword around his neck.

"P-president?" Issei, who was already drained of his sanity, shouted. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? "

ignoring the crazy pervert, Rias looked at the spear that had already frozen Reynalle's entire body. "Koneko keep an eye on the human, Kiba, go get that spear."

"Yes, Buchou." They answered in unison.

Koneko placed his fist lightly on Satoshi's belly, which was constantly impertubible, as if nothing was shaking him, as if these demons didn't even deserve his concern.

Kiba ran to the spear, carefully, he pulled it from Anja's body and then lifted it up to the sky with one hand.

"I got Buchou!" He smiled, but a sound could soon be heard.

* BOOM !! *

the weight of the spear, it seemed to have tripled and, it went straight to the ground, Kiba tried in any way to get it off the ground but, it didn't even move, the impact of the ground made the dust rise and take over the place.

Gremory looked at her Knight, made a spear of black power, almost the same as the one Anja had made, she pointed at Satoshi and said.

"Tell me, how did you use that spear?" Emanating a cold, impassive killing intent, she asked.

"It was not me." Satoshi replied with disdain in his voice.

"Ara, ara, Human-kun..." Akeno, who was just watching the whole time, finally spoke. "What gives you so much confidence that you don't put us in your eyes."

Even though his voice was graceful and soft, Satoshi could feel a revolt contained in it.

Silently, he activated his Aura, which was different from his king, the navy blue aura which, it was calm, seemed to care nothing. If it were two days ago, even with the support of Light, Satoshi would be scared to death, but now, he already had 800 points of Aura, he already had two Master level techniques, he no longer felt insecure.

Everyone's expression changed, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba and even Issei.

"So it was you, the being that caused a commotion at school that day." His voice now contained a greater intention to kill, Rias could feel a power equivalent to a medium-level Demon in the human's body in front of him. "What are you? Depending on your answer, I can kill you, even though you have the strength of an average demon."

"D-d-demonium?" Issei said, still distressed by what was going on.

But everyone there was silent when they heard footsteps coming behind the redhead, at each step, an aura came out of her body, but unlike Satoshi, the Aura seemed excited, boiling, as if, longing for a fight, the man's eyes , changed color and, the pressure he radiated, was getting stronger with each step.

When his eyes changed color, they could see a projection in front of him, showing his eyes spinning, even in the shadows, no one could see the man's face.

He raised his hand and, the Spear that was buried in the ground, began to float and in seconds he flew with all his speed to the individual's hand.

"I think it's good that you don't touch my [Knight] Rias Gremory." Coming out of the shadows, everyone was in a show. The aura that was excited, seemed to have understood what his master was doing and in seconds he became more aggressive, as if, at any moment, she could transform.

"Nii-san !!! (brother)" Issei shouted, but his voice seemed to break and, in seconds, he passed out.

Ignoring the young dragon, everyone's attention was on the redhead.

"K-knight? Are you a demon?" Rias asked, his voice was wavering a little.

"So you offend me." Ignoring everything else, he walked towards his brother, put both fingers on his wrist and then sighed in concern. "Satoshi, take Issei and take it to the house, I have things to settle with a band of demons and an Anja."

His last sentence, came out embedded with a level 6 Sakki, the cold went through the entire body of the people there, without batting an eye, Satoshi placed Issei on his shoulders, embedding aura in his feet he started to jump long distances, disappearing in the Horizon .

"Tsk, that human again." Kiba grunted, never taking his eyes off the spear that Light was holding.

What nobody expected was that, the spear started to shine and disappeared, giving vision to an extremely seductive and cold woman.

"Esdeath..." Light started walking with his hands in his pocket towards Anja.

"Yes, master..." Excited, she replied.

"Thaw that girl." No sooner said than done.

The ice disappeared, The girl went to the ground, threw up some blood, but when she was going to try to escape, a hand stuck in her neck.

"Where are you going." The cold, unyielding voice said. "Who sent you here?"

Reynalle looked at the girl beside her and the demons behind them.

"Hahahahahahaha!" she started to laugh, as if her reason was already gone, ignoring the pain in her neck that was getting stronger and stronger. "Hahaha, Urgh... A Longinus bearer, it seems that my death has already been defined."

That word scared everyone there, those people who knew the meaning, Rias Gremory and Akemi Akeno, they knew about the terror that a Longinus holder is capable of, they heard about it, now he had one in front of him, and he it seemed unfriendly.

"Since you're not going to speak, I'll find out later." Light raised his hand and, Wrapped in it, A tiger appeared, he punched Anja in the head by blowing it up.

So, finishing your work.

He looked at the demons there, more precisely, at a certain boy who, hesitated when he felt the mortal eyes lock on him.

Smiling, Light sighed. "Let's go, Esdeath."

"Yes Master."

They both turned and started walking, a few seconds later Light felt a hand grab his arm.

"Wait..." Redhead said, a little afraid.

"I'm going to give you 3 seconds to let go." not caring about the rest, Light replied.

He can see all the members of the Rias nobility arm themselves. Kiba created a black sword, Koneko entered a fighting position and Akeno began to sing a spell.

Gremory smiled when she saw Light's attention go to her members. Proud, she said "We need to convert ..

"Three..." Light's aura began to take shape.

"W-wait, we don't want to fight..."

"Two..." A black dragon started to appear behind him.

Rias looked into the dragon's eyes, she felt the intention to kill and, as if in a spell, saw Light turning and killing all his nobility without hesitation. In fear, she released the human's arm, who, without saying anything, turned and continued walking.

It was the effect of the Dragon's Unique "Sakki", level 30, a Sakki capable of showing his death before your eyes.

There, for the first time in his life or perhaps in history.

Rias Gremory felt, that demons were inferior to humans....


Demons are inferior to that human, but who could say that other humans are not that terrifying? Even the other human looked strong.

She closed her eyes, contemplating everything that had happened, worry took over her body, remembering the meeting to discuss their marriage that was already coming.

"Let's go back..." Sadly, she said.

"But Buchou!" Kiba asked hesitantly to let the enemies go.

"From now on, be more respectful of humans." She said coldly, seeing the faces of some members contort in discord. "This is an order."

Quickly, a magic circle appeared underneath everyone there, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared.


Hyoudou house. 7:00 pm

Light was not having a good day, he wanted to have an extremely horrible conversation with his system but, he knew that the system only incited him, who decided to interrupt was solely and exclusively him.

"Master..." Esdeath, who had just seen Issei sleeping soundly, turned back to his master. "What are you going to do now? Your plan went down the drain."

Light looked at her, stopping to think it was the first time he used his spear, it was certainly incredible. "My plan didn't go down the drain, it continues and well." he replied, still staring at nothing. "I'm just going to have to make some settings."

Esdeath still felt the tension that her master was in, she knew she needed to help him.

Esdeath noticed the discomfort of light on his shoulder, he was sitting on the bed in the bedroom shaking his shoulders with a pained expression.

She walked over to him, climbed on the bed and started to massage his shoulders.

"Umm... This is so good..." He said, leaving with a hint of pleasure.

Valkyria smiled when she heard a compliment from her master, giving a little space, she pulled him backwards causing him to fall on the mattress and quickly climbed on top of him.

"What are you doing ?" I ask in surprise.

"You're tense, I'm trying to help you..." she smiled, taking off her shirt leaving her bra and her bulky breasts showing. Leaning over, he whispered. "Just chill." he smiled, lightly biting his master's ear lobe, who gasped with pleasure.

Seeing her master gasp, she walked away and then kissed him. A passionate kiss, calm, and at the same time hot, something unique that both had.

Light could no longer hold on, he put his hands on the butt of his Valkyria and gave a squeeze making her moan in the middle of the kiss, adjusting, he turned and this time was on top of the girl who, stared at him passionately.

He kissed her again, running his hands over the girl's bra and coming down more and more until he reached his goal.

Placing his hand inside Valkyria's panties, Light introduces two fingers into his intimacy that, groans with pleasure when he feels the fingers moving inside him.

He pulls the bra down, showing a full pair of breasts and a stiff nipple. As if it were automatic, he grabbed the breasts of his Valkyria that was already at the point of madness, biting, sucking, licking more and more intensely.

"Mmmmmm." And then dominated by pleasure, she began to moan more and more loudly, with her other free hand, Light caressed the other girl's breast almost as an obsession and returned to kiss her intensely, which, little by little, was getting more and more wet.

Light removes his pants and then his underwear, showing his thick and hard intimacy. He removes his fingers that were uncontrollable from his partner's intimacy and lowers a little by placing his tongue on his own.

Making movements with his tongue calmly and then intensifying with each moan of pleasure that his partner gave, he was already crazy.

She grabbed her master's hair as if she never wanted him to stop.

"please n... Ah..."

Taken with pleasure, she came for the first time in her life as a Valkyrias, but by her expression she was not satisfied, she pulled Light into an intense kiss surrendering to her desire.

He took his member and placed him in his privacy with a certain uncertainty.

"Are you sure ?" he asked, still kissing her neck.

"S-sure ...."

Entering calmly with his member, Light felt a unique sensation, it was warm and pleasant, he looked at his partner and held on with all his desire.

"I'll stop for a while to get used to the pain." she nodded, her expression became more and more normal and, Light was slowly moving back and forth, already overcome by madness.

He stiffened his face when he felt that with each movement he felt more pleasure, but he will try to hold on so as not to harm his partner.

Esdeath, watching that, forced herself to hold on, and came back forcibly making the entire member of Light be within herself.

"Ugh!" He gasped in pain, but at the moment it was the least of his worries.

Light embraced her and, like a madman, began to lunge as fast as possible.

And so, both spent the night, doing it several times in a single day.


I really don't expect to have so many views, as it is my first story I am happy to have this feed, but tell me guys, why be the Powers Stones? I'm new to this app

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