
Dxd: To catch them all.

Two souls merge, one a weak level one Pichu, the second, a downtrodden orphan, two worlds become one. When awake, the boy is in his world of Devils, Angels and games, when asleep, his mind wanders to a world filled with creatures, good and bad...

Anubis32 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The contract

<Mason's Pov>

"What the fuck was that? I remember arguing with her and then nothing, why does my head hurt so much? Why is Mary looking at me like I'm a monster?

'What happened? Why did I black out?'

*You turned off your emotions and set him free.*

'Who is he?'

A shiver travelled down my spine as I realised that there could only be one person that she was referring to. In my home town, We practice a school of magic different to most, we absorb a primordial demon, something different to the Devils that roam Hell, these things only chase their desire, mine? He is the manifestation of Lust, great right?

Sleep with women and gain power what's so hard about that, well firstly I have no power until I do, Secondly, I was six years old, I didn't want anything to do with sex and the like. So why not when you were removed? Except for orgies with other homeless people that would have been impossible, especially with my family beating me down whenever they get a chance too.

'Why did he manifest now?'

*When you closed off your emotions during our argument, he must have overridden you as you had no emotional barrier to keep him locked away.*

'Melotas, it is time we made a contract. Your little display has scared the mind of the one I wanted to tame.'

Mason's shadow reacted violently to his thoughts, tearing itself from behind him, untill a demonic shadow based Pichu stood in front of him, looking back at the stunned Ralts, he smiled, showing his white fang-like teeth.

"My name is Melotas, my dear Ralts, you need to sleep while I and my good friend here discuss our business contract.".

Melotas walked up to Mary and gently put a paw on her shivering body, forcefully putting her in a sleep-like state, turning to Mason,

"Now, after 16 long years, you finally remember little old me? I'm so happy to get your recognition master."

By the end of his sentence, Melotas' words reeked of sarcasm, taking a mock bow at Mason, he continued

"How can this lowly demon serve the Great and Mighty Mason?"

After he completed his bow, I gathered whatever strength I could muster in my body, storing it, I smiled at him as we came face to face.


And before he could react, I headbutted home with all my remaining strength, bringing him to his knees. Standing over the eerie shadow form of myself, I spoke into its ears

"I said, it is about time we form a contract don't you think? I have had enough, you are meant to be the strongest Demon around, now I want to take the fight to my family, you will be needed for that. Whether you want to or not."

The small mouse began to laugh, almost maniacally as he got to his feet, his eyes turned crimson red as he stated.

"Your conditions are as follows:

1. You will claim your main consort will two weeks of the contract being signed.

2. You will continually add consorts, at least once a month, more, however, will bring you more power.

3. You will consume your mother and her demon, absorbing them.

4. We will cease to be separate entities, joined like you and she is.

5. You will train your powers for two hours a day minimum."

A small smile threatened to appear on my face, as I cut open my hand, using a piece of the stairs I broke off with a quick thundershock. I thrust my bloodied hand onto the Demonic head in front of me,

"I accept the conditions."

The shadow form disappeared from in front of me, I could feel a slight change in my power, I know for a fact, I will be vastly stronger in the other world thanks to this contract, enough to protect myself anyways. I only had to sign a deal with something much scarier than a devil.

I walked up to Mary and woke her up, a scary thought flashed through my mind. Why am I not hungry?

*Your demonic half ate some Ghastly, turning them, into food, although it may upset your stomach, it is a viable food source. It may have negative connotations though if the news of you eating them spreads.*

'Needs what must.'


I said as I slowly shook her body awake,

"We need to move on, there are only a few floors left until we are free, we can talk about what you have seen later, for now, survival is the priority."

Although I could see a little fear in the Ralt's eyes, she nodded her head and followed behind me as we went further into the messy dungeon...

...... Hi......

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