
DxD: Time leap

Everything is dead yet i am still here. i wish i could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 29 - Kaori yandere

Finishing his fight, Issei was about to pick up the unconscious man when he forgot that his other arm was severed. He turns to look for his forearm and finds it on the ground.

Issei picked it then place it on the stump that attaches itself to his body. He using magic to manipulate the cells to reconnect with the vessel then using boost to increase his regeneration. Issei could use healing spells but it was faster than doing that.

It lasted for few seconds when his arms were reattached testing it if nothing was wrong then nodded and carried the unconscious man. Afterward, he heads to where Murayama and the rest were as he passed through the trees he was in deep thought.

'How did I not sense them? I would have felt their killing intent then how?'

Issei wonders knowing he had hundred years of experience in fighting that he could instantly sense someone had good or bad intention by miles away. Though he wasn't perfect it was still unusual for him to make mistakes.

[Issei they must have use concealment spell or other methods to hide from you. I recommend being more wary of people around the outer gods who are starting used human body.]

'I know I'm still surprise as I thought they were going to be only Super class at most.'

[Who told you that?]

'I don't know but when I was knock out for trying to mix the demonic and divine energy I heard a voices about the dark apostle arriving one by one only limited to Super class.'

(Hahaha I wasn't lying though? But even I am surprise which make thing fun to watch!)

A voice rang through his head that Irene notice his facial change into frustration. She couldn't hear the voice but could guess it was talking to him..

Issei was annoyed though he didn't fully believed him but it was stupidity for being careless. He should have consider the possibility that they arrived stronger than initially.

[Did that voice spoke just now?]

'Yes and it's annoying! Why the hell!? Did you really think that this some kind of joke!?'

(Chill little devil. I never told you I was in your side nor I'm here to help you. Consider my presences as compensation for having my power.)

'What do you mean, you bastard!'

(I can't tell who I really am but you get the gist of it. Oh I almost forgot make sure to beat that Phoenix kid since his annoying as f*ck. Well sayonara kid.)

'Hey come back here you bastard!'

Issei internally scream but it was only responded by annoying fading chuckle. He click his tongue but move on focusing more on how to handle the situation.

'I need to focus and ask Azazel to help Murayama and he rest. Aika would be a great magician if she gets Le day to teach her.'

Recalling the past where Aika became a powerful mage that could contend with the middle God class in terms of magic. Issei thought of having a peerage that includes them it would help him strengthen them.

He would also need to find a way to make his woman into a dragon as in the previous timeline wasn't able to find methods. If Issei succeeded in creating a way to make them into a dragon then it would boost them exponentially.

'Still, I need to show a bit of my power once that fried chicken arrives.'

After few minutes of running Issei was able to sense Murayama who upon arriving was unconscious from the exhaustion of fighting a powerful creature.

"You did a great job, Murayama. Now rest for now."

Issei smiled seeing how hard she tried to fight. He left the person his carrying then went to look for the other creature's vessel and found nothing but a corpse. As a form of respect, Issei buried the body then went back to where his friends were.

He used teleportation magic to his home bringing them along with him. After the scene change into his backyard being greeted by Ophis who was eating a cookie.

"Issei your back? Did something happened?"

"Nah It was just pest that ruin my date."

Ophis nodded not concern of Issei since she knew how powerful he is even if somehow he was verge of death nothing could stop him. She wasn't even surprised seeing few woman knowing they were soon be Issei mate.

Issei only sigh bringing his friends into the room while returning the Mangaka back to his home making sure to erased everything regarding Outer gods. Luckily he wasn't an Dark Apostle more any power creature and was able to erased remnant of the body possession.


The sun rose as the light shone through the curtains to the sleeping face of our protagonist. He tried to get up but felt something weighing down on his chest.

Issei thought it was Asia or Ophis but raise his head and saw a naked long brown haired girl who awoken from his movement and both them stared at each other eyes for moment that seem to be an eternity.

"Good morning, Issei."

"G-Good morning, Murayama."

"Hmph I told you call me Ka-o-ri, my Issei?"

She put her index finger on Issei lips while seductively said her name. Issei was shocked to see her personally change into normal girl to full on Yandere seductress. He thought it was the amount of stress and trauma that cause her gain split personality.

However, he was unsure if it was the true Murayama or the split personality. Though, Issei wouldn't lie that the way she acting doesn't turn him on. He scanned his bed and found none of his woman was not with him.

'Oh right, Asia might be with my parents. I wonder where those two went though?'

"Hey Issei can we stay little longer than this? If you want I can't give you some service."

Issei felt a slender hand touch his boxer hiding his morning wood. He was tempted to claim her but the first would be given to Rias since it was fair she was the main wife.

Furthermore, he doesn't want to take advantage of a mentally unstable person. Issei took Murayama's hands making her pout but took his lips instead surprising him. He didn't stop her from letting their tongue from exploring each other.

"Is that enough? I can't give you my first since it belongs to someone."

"Tsk alright but you'll take mine after."

Issei warily smiled while nodding but internally sighing for the unexpected change. He just hopes she would return to normal but that would never happen. Both of them got of bed as they got dress then head to downstairs as Issei prepared breakfast.

Murayama complimented his cooking as the taste was phenomenal. After finishing breakfast, Issei excuse himself to calling for Azazel who was surprised from he was told.

[[A sacred gear huh? Sound like the Innocent Mary which was blessed by her innocent. Still, Issei congrats in getting another woman hahaha.]]

"Don't even mention it but can you come quickly?"

[[Sure kid I was already going to give you what I manage to gather.]]

Issei end his call returning inside where Murayama was waiting for him like a puppy. He was conflicted of her overly attach self.

"Tell me Issei what happened last night? What are those creature that attack us?"

"It's a long story but…."

Issei began to explained about the supernatural and what are sacred gears along with the evil pieces. Murayama was shock to hear that myths were actually real and was hiding from the public.

"Then are you human Issei?"

Issei paused for a moment thinking about what he is. Being a multitude of few race from a devil to a dragon God made it hard to know what race he truly is.

"I don't know to be honest but that doesn't matter since I am me."

They chatted for a moment until Issei sense that the two sleeping woman as about to gain consciousness. Valerie was still asleep but her aura was becoming more stable than before.

"Hey Kaori, the other is about to wake up. Let's greet them."

Both of them head upstairs and upcoming the door he saw the two of them seem to be crying. He knew it was because the experience they had.

"Oh, you guys finally awake?"