
DxD: Time leap

Everything is dead yet i am still here. i wish i could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes.

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 23 - F-Father!?(reupload)

After saving Valerie whom been far too exhausted both mentally and physically from her endless torture. Issei smiled that he was able to saved her earlier than before. He doesn't regret that it may cause him unforeseen problem but he'll face it head-on even if the Tepes dared fight him then death is the only result.

Issei could make the other faction be on his side by showing their plans and involvement with Rizevim. They won't try to fight once they find out that Valerie is gone since their enemy won't be just Carmilla faction. He didn't need sleep decided to train his Divine and Demonic energy.

He couldn't easily control the amount where they are equally distributed to ensure there won't be a backlash. Item suggested of circulating his energy but the problem is how he'll start.

"Revolution huh? How the hell do I even start doing that?"

"So this is the new Red Dragon Emperor huh?"

Issei grinned hearing the laid back voice seeing the man who see as his mentor and second father. Azazel who arrived observing Issei head to toe then glance his home sensing Valerie inside and was shocked to find not one but two dragon gods.

"I'm surprise you kidnap the owner of Sephiroth Graal from the Tepes faction but *Whistle* don't tell me you knock up two dragon gods."

"Finally you show yourself old geezer. Why don't we go inside and have a drink?"

"Hey don't call me old geezer also aren't you bit young to drink, kid?"

"Yes, yes I am but who the hell going to arrest me?"

"Hahaha true. Alright kid you have a lot of explaining to do."

They both went inside while heading to private bar Issei constructed with the help of Great Red since he like drinking beer not that would affect his body negatively. Issei usually drink to calm him down since it's still difficult to be around with people who he failed to saved.

Few days ago Azazel receive his rogue angel who inform them about what happened and saw Kalawarna give him a letter telling him to tea with nobodies around. It was a strange request but his instinct told him to follow the instruction.

After scolding them and sent people to investigate Kokabiel rouge's action. He told the there fallen angel who return that their punishment would be decided in the future.

When Azazel was finally alone and place a barrier opened the letter which only reacted to him. He took it seriously since someone took the time to place a magic spell that doesn't anyone beside the receiver to open it. Reading the content of the letter made alarm him.

'I know this is hard to believe but My name is Issei Hyoudou, the current Red Dragon Emperor but that's not important rather it is because I came from a future where everyone had died from indescribable monster and was able to return to save everything.'

The more he read the more it became clear that the future would bleak if no one acted. Every word in the letter holds weight evident from the handwriting.

"Here I know it's favorite sake."

Issei poured him sake much to Azazel delight. He felt strange that Issei was like an old friend and understood it due to what he said. The Red Dragon pour his drink which was red wine then sat down in front of his former sensei.

"Now tell me is there anyway I can believe you wrote in the letter?"

"I know your strong enough to handle this. Hold on."

Issei took out floating orb containing memories of few individuals that he manage to saved. He grateful that Big G allowed to bring this memory records.

He only able gain few and one of them was Azazel who surprised to see the floating orbs then the one where he saw himself was place on his forehead by Issei then countless information spread through his minds.

Azazel froze for a second then decompose himself while starting at issei with pity and guilty.

"I'm sorry Issei you had to lived with this burden of yours."

"Its not a big deal cause now I have you Azazel-Sensei."

Issei reach out his wine glass as both them cheers from their reunion. Azazel frown since he knew Issei was hiding his pain and as someone who see him as his own son pained him.

"Yes I'm here with Issei. You don't need to carry the burden alone. I'll take the responsibility of Valerie so don't worry."

"Thank sensei."

"Now tell me you wrote about gaining two ability?"

"Yeah somehow I gain the bloodline of True maou which gifted me with all 72 devil pillar but most of them are locked while the other Overseer of Heaven and sacred system as well as an angel."

"Jeez here I though nothing could shock me."

Issei showed his wings to Azazel much to the old geezer surprised. He continued to explained what happened and punch him on the head for doing something reckless.

"*Sigh* you never change huh? I can't really give you much suggestion since it's my first time hearing about a devil and an angel creature at the same time. Heck I don't even know how you get them. Show me your new form."

"Alright. Thankful this place have powerful barrier."

Issei showcase his True maou form when Azazel saw the armor he almost dropped his sake. He knew very well the armor that had many name.

"Holy shit kid I'm surprised you gotten demiurge."

"Yeah Irene told me it worn by the original Satan."

"Its been a while since I saw that armor even after you change it's form. I can already see your Demonic energy is much more pure than regular pure blooded devil. It's like the most potent blood there is. Tell me what's your current devil ability?"

"I only have Bael power of destruction and tried using phenex immortality but couldn't."

Issei displayed the power of destruction. He was easily controlling it thanks to many time seeing sirzerch showcasing it. Azazel who saw the power rubbed his chin while taking as zip to his sake.

"I see you still need to grow stronger to unlock all of them or your angel side is the cause. Let me see the other one."

He nodded then change form removing the armor back to his normal ones then his divine wings shone but now this time Azazel dropped his cup.

"F-Father!? The only that has this brilliant light is my old man!? How did you get it!?"

"I don't know but God of the Bible seem to have not died rather protect us from much bigger threat."

Azazel was glad that his father was alive. Despite becoming a fallen angel and exiled by his father, Azazel still love his father and distraught when he died. Issei told him vague answer and Big G would have stop him if he didn't want Azazel to know. He could Azazel was part of his grand plan whatever that is.

"Alright I'm satisfied. Now try doing both but try minimizing it then spread it throughout your body."

Issei did as he was told then gradually summon back his demonic energy feeling the excruciating pain from the backlash. He calm himself down and spread the energy but it wasn't enough.

"Alright stop issei!"

"Arghhh ha…ha..damn at least that's better than before."

"I'll need time to see what training to give you."

"Irene suggested for me to revolve the energy around then spread it."

"Oh that's nice suggestion. Hmm let me see. Ah I got it! Hula hoops!"

"Hula hoops?"

"Yeah kid it would help you revolve the energy around to minimizes the damage."

"Hmm I see thank you,, Azazel-sensei."

"Don't worry kid. I'll handle the politics and inform Michael about it. Before you say anything I'll be vague about it I don't want to ruin your plan to be the harem king. Just make to give me a Godson or daughter. Hahaha fallen angel being called Godfather. "

"You sound like Dad."

"Hahahha I'm just lighting up the mood. Here let drink some more!"


The next day Azazel went back to Grigori to prepare for the future as he needed to inform powerful individual about the pending doom. Issei made sure to give info about Dark apostle since they are the one mostly likely to arrived.

He couldn't tell them about the outer gods as it cause more trouble than good. Now he face a bigger problem.

"Are you ready to lose, Rias?"

"Let's see about that, Sona."

…Who the hell should I cheer for!?