
DxD: The Uchiha Family

Defeated by Naruto in their final battle, Sasuke found himself trapped in a new world teeming with angels, fallen angels, devils, yokais, and gods. Within this unfamiliar realm, he was confronted by his haunting past, prompting him to embark on a quest to find a way back to the Shinobi World. However, as Sasuke delved into this new reality, he grappled with a profound dilemma. Did he truly desire to return to the Shinobi World, where he had been branded a rogue shinobi, and the village that had inflicted immense suffering upon him? These questions sparked a fierce determination within Sasuke to seek true happiness, no matter the cost. Yet, as he pursued his quest, a lingering doubt plagued Sasuke's mind. Did he believe he deserved happiness after all the choices he had made? Could he truly find the contentment he sought and, more importantly, bring his beloved family back to life? Only one person held the key to unlocking Sasuke's path to happiness, but whether he would ultimately achieve it remained uncertain. - - - - - - - - This novel takes place before canon. Therefore Cannon will be loosely followed as the Uchiha family is the protagonist of this world. Also Sasuke will not be only the only one with harem. Obviosuly the Uchiha needs to repopulate somehow. Though the harems will be less or max 4 people. The word count for chapters vary from 950 - 1100 words. Release of chapters will be one chapter everyday from Monday to Friday. So expect five chapter a week, However, I may release one or two extra chapters for some weeks if the novel is well liked. If you like my stories you can show support through reviews, comments and powerstones. Also if you like my stories check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure." Note: I do not own the cover art or DxD and Naruto. This novel is purely fanfiction.

NovaCloud · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 63: Shisui's Hate

As Sasuke watched the shadow shinobis disappear, he was content with the progress his family and himself had made in this world. "Well, we've taken the first step in entering the supernatural world," he said, with a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

Shisui grinned, knowing this new ANBU division would bring valuable intel they would gather. Itachi as well was gently smiling. He said, "It seems everything is going well."

Turning serious, Sasuke brought up a concerning issue. "What should we do about the devils residing in Kuoh? It is rented to a devil whose name I believe is Cleria Bael." The mention of devils immediately put Shisui on edge.

"We should monitor them 24/7. I don't trust the devils, based on all the intel I've gathered," he stated firmly. "It's best when an opportunity arises and they fuck up. We ban devils from entering Japan."

Sasuke noticed the intensity in Shisui's tone, and Itachi also sensed his cousin's disdain for the devil faction.

Sasuke asked in concern, "What's the matter? You seem to have a vendetta against them." Itachi chimed in. "I see you despise them, but calm yourself, Shisui. You already know, hate is a fueling factor for us Uchiha's."

Shisui was touched by his cousin's concern and managed to calm his mood, but he couldn't help but think of Akira.

He smiled sadly. "You both should know that I'm interested in Akira. We've grown close, and we are dating," he confessed, clenching his hands, remembering Akira talking about her past.

Shisui's voice quivered as he spoke about Akira's past. "Akira is an orphan. When she was young, she lost both her parents as devils were chasing after them, especially her mother, to join their peerage," he said with disgust.

"Those evil pieces they use aren't simple objects. They most likely have servitude enchantments, making those who possess them submissive to their kings."

Sasuke and Itachi nodded in understanding, as they already thought this might be true. Shisui continued with a heavy heart.

He said, "Her father bravely fought against the devils to give her and her mother time to escape. However, he lost his life in the battle. Months later, that same devil found them hiding," Shisui paused, gathering his emotions.

"Her mother was already in a deep depression after losing her husband. In a desperate act to protect Akira, she used an artifact to teleport her away. Thankfully, Yasaka found her near Kyoto and took her in. However, her mother couldn't bear the thought of becoming a slave and pet to the devil, so she chose to end her own life," he finished, the pain evident in his voice.

Sasuke and Itachi remained silent, giving Shisui the space he needed to gather his emotions after sharing Akira's past.

They both digested the weight of the story they had just heard. Sasuke understood the pain and loneliness Akira went through as he lived his life for the sake of revenge.

With newfound admiration for Akira, Sasuke expressed his respect, "I had no idea Akira had had such a difficult life. She always presents herself as brave and honorable. I deeply respect her, even more for her strength."

Shisui smiled faintly, recalling his conversation with Akira, "Yes, I asked her if she wanted revenge, but she refused. It surprised me, and I inquired if she had already sought it. But she simply wishes to follow her parents' legacy, living a good life and pursuing the path of a swordsman, like her father did."

Itachi gently patted his cousin's shoulder, comforting him. "She is really admirable. It is best we put aside the matter related to devils for a little while."

Shisui sighed, grateful for there understanding. "I know. I just can't believe the devils get away with their actions. I hope that we can protect Japan and the yokai community from their influence."

Sasuke nodded in agreement, saying, "Well, that is exactly my goal. When the God's Summit arrives, we need you both to rank in the top 10 or 15 at least. With a high standing, there will be no opposition when we create an academy where devils cannot recruit or fallen angels cannot harm the students."

Shisui clenched his fists. "Yes, let's go all out. I need those Hashirama cells now, Sasuke. I must grow stronger to protect Akira and our family."

Sasuke smiled at his cousin's resolve and then turned to Itachi, addressing his brother, "It's time to obtain my eyes. Don't feel bad, Itachi; strength is essential in a world as lawless as this."

Itachi smiled, feeling reassured by Sasuke's understanding, "I see. Then I suppose it is indeed time." With the trio shared determination, Sasuke concluded, "Let us become stronger now. We have a deadline of four years before the God's Summit."

Shisui replied, "Great, and within that time, we'll gather a wealth of intel. We won't be caught off guard in our future battles."

As the excitement radiated from Sasuke and Shisui, Itachi couldn't help but feel his own enthusiasm showing.

Itachi suggested, "We should engage in more sparring sessions to refine our skills further. But beyond that, we must seek real battles to truly grow. Venturing out into the supernatural world will not only hone our abilities but also solidify our reputation. And while we're at it, we can cleanse the world of those rogues, leaving a mark of our presence."

Sasuke, intrigued by Itachi's proposal, raised an eyebrow thoughtfully. "You're right. Us three, training together will be beneficial because we can cover each other's weaknesses and hone our strengths. But, this will also give us an opportunity to learn different mana-related abilities. Our sharingan will adapt better when exposed to a diverse range of supernatural techniques."

Shisui nodded eagerly, embracing the idea. "Exactly! We will show them the might of the Uchihas."