
DxD: The Uchiha Family

Defeated by Naruto in their final battle, Sasuke found himself trapped in a new world teeming with angels, fallen angels, devils, yokais, and gods. Within this unfamiliar realm, he was confronted by his haunting past, prompting him to embark on a quest to find a way back to the Shinobi World. However, as Sasuke delved into this new reality, he grappled with a profound dilemma. Did he truly desire to return to the Shinobi World, where he had been branded a rogue shinobi, and the village that had inflicted immense suffering upon him? These questions sparked a fierce determination within Sasuke to seek true happiness, no matter the cost. Yet, as he pursued his quest, a lingering doubt plagued Sasuke's mind. Did he believe he deserved happiness after all the choices he had made? Could he truly find the contentment he sought and, more importantly, bring his beloved family back to life? Only one person held the key to unlocking Sasuke's path to happiness, but whether he would ultimately achieve it remained uncertain. - - - - - - - - This novel takes place before canon. Therefore Cannon will be loosely followed as the Uchiha family is the protagonist of this world. Also Sasuke will not be only the only one with harem. Obviosuly the Uchiha needs to repopulate somehow. Though the harems will be less or max 4 people. The word count for chapters vary from 950 - 1100 words. Release of chapters will be one chapter everyday from Monday to Friday. So expect five chapter a week, However, I may release one or two extra chapters for some weeks if the novel is well liked. If you like my stories you can show support through reviews, comments and powerstones. Also if you like my stories check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure." Note: I do not own the cover art or DxD and Naruto. This novel is purely fanfiction.

NovaCloud · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 30: Meeting Orochimaru

Sasuke released his transformation jutsu and entered Orochimaru's hideout. As he moved forward, he sensed the familiar chakra signatures of Team Taka.

Sensing Orochimaru's presence ahead, Sasuke made his way towards him. Suddenly, a kunai shot straight at him. Sasuke's cold smile emerged as he appeared behind Orochimaru with a kunai and spoke, "I was just following in Sensei's footsteps. Didn't you do the same?" Orochimaru, recognizing Sasuke's voice, replied, "You have gained a sense of humor, Sasuke-kun."

Sasuke responded with a dismissive grunt, his new appearance and heightened strength leaving an impression on Orochimaru. "I knew you wouldn't die, Sasuke. I did mention my interest in your life choices, yet you disappeared for two years," Orochimaru said in a flat tone. "Tch, I was in another world and was at death's door when I arrived," Sasuke retorted.

"So, what do you need, Sasuke?" asked Orochimaru as they both took a seat. Sasuke proceeded to explain his choice to live in the DxD world.

"Why did you tell me this, Sasuke?" inquired Orochimaru. Sasuke responded, "There is a scientist from the devil faction who has created an object called Evil Pieces. They can forcibly revive a person and turn them into a devil. I want to know if you can prevent that."

Orochimaru chuckled, "You doubt my abilities, Sasuke." Sasuke rolled his eyes, and beside him, two lifeless bodies of a fallen angel and devil appeared. "You can research them if you want but I need the reanimation jutsu and an arm made of Hashirama's cells," stated Sasuke.

Sasuke decided to be direct, "In the world I am living in now, even though you tried to take my body, Itachi stopped it. Will you come to this world? There are things that only a scientist like you can do in that world."

Orochimaru remained silent for a moment, then spoke, "Well, I did say I would follow your actions. I will come. It seems this new world has a lot of things I can still discover."

"Why do you need the Reanimation Jutsu?" asked Orochimaru. Sasuke replied, "To revive my family," and he got up, making his way out. "How long will it take to make an arm of Hashirama's cells? Do you need my DNA as well?" inquired Sasuke.

Orochimaru responded, "It will take at least three days. I already have a sample of your DNA." Sasuke scoffed, calling him a snake, before leaving the room.

Orochimaru, observing Sasuke's departure, licked his lips and looked at the bodies. "What an interesting life you have, Uchiha Sasuke and it seems you met someone special there," he mused.

Sasuke, now in the corridor, was walking when suddenly he encountered someone. The girl had red hair and red glasses, and stared at him. Sasuke felt complicated looking at Karin.

Karin, seeing Sasuke, had tears in her eyes and ran towards him, hugging him tightly. "Thank god, you're alive," she exclaimed. Sasuke raised an eyebrow, unsure of how to respond. He already had Yasaka, and it seemed that Karin still had feelings for him. While he did find Karin attractive, he needed to clarify his position now.

Sasuke remained silent as Karin poured out her emotions. She eventually released the hug and stared at Sasuke, blushing. He had grown into a man and looked handsome since the last time she saw him. With her Kaguya mind's eyes, she observed Sasuke and noticed that his aura, although still dark, now had a bright spot within it. She squinted her eyes, trying to understand it.

Sasuke looked down and then spoke, "I'm sorry for how I treated you, Karin. I used your affection for me as a tool and almost killed you."

Karin felt her heart flutter upon hearing Sasuke's apology. "You don't need to apologize. It was my own choice to follow you," she murmured softly, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you."

Sasuke, relieved by her forgiveness, felt his shoulders relax. "Let me tell you where I've been for the past two years, Karin."

* * *

Sasuke and Karin sat in a dining room, with Karin peeling an apple for Sasuke. He insisted that she didn't have to do it, but Karin stubbornly continued. Sasuke sighed, recognizing it as a clear Uzumaki trait. He began sharing the details of his life over the past two years and the people he had met.

"Karin, there is someone I love now, and I cannot accept your feelings," he said gently, breaking the news to her. Karin looked down and gripped her skirt, mustering a soft response, "I see."

Sasuke felt a pang of guilt upon hearing Karin's reply. He approached her and poked her forehead, saying, "You're one of my comrades who helped me seek revenge. I will always be there to support you in any way I can. I asked Orochimaru to come to this new world. Would you like to come as well?" he asked.

Hearing Sasuke's genuine concern, Karin smiled brightly and replied, "Yes, we're still a team, so I will follow you." Sasuke could only think, 'This girl... Yasaka already knew about her from my memories and didn't seem to have a problem with their affection. I guess I'll cross that bridge when the time comes.'

Suddenly, Orochimaru entered the room and handed Sasuke the reanimation jutsu. Sasuke activated his Sharingan and copied the technique. "Thanks," he said, expressing his gratitude.

Looking at Karin, Sasuke explained, "There's a person in that world who can bring the deceased back to life. I will be reviving my family." Karin's eyes softened, and she replied, "Congratulations, Sasuke."

"Let me show you one of my new abilities, Karin," said Sasuke. Suddenly, six shadow soldiers appeared behind him. "These beings are created from my Rinnesharingan and the sacred gear Annihilation Maker," Sasuke explained.

"Do you still have the Fourth Hokage's body?" Sasuke asked Orochimaru. Observing Sasuke's new abilities, Orochimaru responded, "It seems that world is truly unique, especially with the sacred gears."

"Are you planning to revive Naruto's parents?" Orochimaru asked. Sasuke simply responded with an "Hn," and Orochimaru understood the reasons behind Sasuke's decision. He thought to himself, 'Their relationship is similar to Jiraiya and mine.'

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A/N: As much as I like Jiraiya, he will not be revived, let us just remember him as pervy sage. Sasuke brought Orochimaru and Team Taka, as they will aid him greatly in helping the Shinto Pantheon to strenghten and protect Japan

Enjoying the story you can support me by giving reviews, comments and powerstones. Also check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure."