
Chapter 16

The 16th Chapter

"Asia, please go to Issei and begin healing him as soon as you can," Issei asked. As she continued to observe the action, she gave the command to Asia.

When she arrived, Asia was able to get a better look at Issei's condition, and she was startled as she ran her palm over his body, as she could feel that Issei had fractured some ribs from Altair's strike. Asia gave a nod, and then hurried rapidly towards Issei, who was injured.

When they returned to the fight, Koneko raised her right fist and attempted to punch Altair. However, Altair just raised his left knee and stopped her attack, which caused the ground to crack around him as a result of the pressure of the blow.

On the other hand, Altair did not exhibit the least symptom of distress.

And because of this, Koneko felt a little more uneasy than she already did because she had put all of her strength into this strike, and she knew that not even her Buchou could avoid being hurt by the blow she had just delivered.

However, despite this, she did not give up and continued to attempt to land a hit on Altair, who continued to just protect himself as if it were nothing.

And so the beginning of...




In front of the onlookers, a number of blows were landing at a dizzying rate, and the action was moving at a breakneck pace.

However, the most peculiar aspect of the situation was that Altair was able to deflect every attack, and the worst part was that he was just using his legs to defend himself. This was quite strange indeed.

Naturally, Altair did not limit himself to merely taking defensive positions; instead, he began to assault Koneko while simultaneously defending himself with his legs.

And while they were still battling, Altair got a fresh message from the system, and this message made him very happy. It said that he had been promoted to the next level.

[A unique skill came into being as a result of a recent event!]


- Level 01

- This move begins with a crazy kick to the side of an opponent's skull before quickly spinning and striking the other side of the target's head before he can recover to maximise the damage, and then completing with a third kick to the rear of the head.

The sight of this ability caused Altair's eyes to bulge out of their sockets because he is quite familiar with this blow.

This talent is a technique from Jin Mo-Ri's Tae Kwon Do Renewal from The God of High School!

The founder of Renewal Tae Kwon Do, Jim Tae Jim, was able to level an entire mountain range with only one hit with this method.

Altair refocused his attention on the battle, despite the fact that he was ecstatic about the new ability he had acquired, and just as Koneko was ready to punch him in the face with his left hand, he astonished everyone by doing something that was unexpected.

Altair channelled his mana into his legs, which caused him to experience a surge of speed that caused him to vanish and then resurface behind Koneko.

[MP: 995/1000]

Koneko's eyes widened in surprise as she realised that the only thing she had actually collided with was the air in front of her.


When Koneko heard something behind her, she hurriedly turned around.

However, that was a poor choice on her part since as soon as she did that, she received a rapid and hard kick to the side of her face, which caused her to become temporarily disoriented for a few moments.

And even if those times were not long, they were still long enough.

Because another kick, just as fast and powerful as the last one, arrived on the other side of Altair's last kick, making her feel like her skull was splitting in two.

And the third kick occurred almost at the same moment as the second one, although this one was targeted at her chin rather than the side of her face.

In addition, the force of the final kick was absolutely incredible.

The force of the kick was sufficient to send Koneko flying like a rag doll.

The scene was very heartbreaking, as Koneko's head was gushing with blood at that point.

And as Koneko was being flung into the air, she felt the entire world whirling as she began to lose consciousness.

The others were startled out of their trances by the sound of her body hitting the ground, which was sufficient to bring them back to the present.

As soon as they regained consciousness, you could almost feel the sheer terror written all over their features.

"KONEKO! Rias let out a horrified scream as she raced to save her Rook from the danger.

9. The Next Chapter 9

Altair had previously stated that he would not only weaken Rias' pride but also demonstrate her actual desperation; yet, he is forced to explain that even he did not anticipate all of this to occur merely because of his Rook, who had been severely harmed by him.

As he saw Rias go after Koneko, he couldn't help but feel a modicum of satisfaction with himself. However, his thoughts were cut off by a notification from the system.

[The Host has reached a new level!]

[Members knocked out of the fight: 01/06]

"It would appear that I am not required to kill other players in order to advance in level, which is wonderful..."

Altair feared that he would need to kill people to have to level up, and that wouldn't necessarily be good, since at higher levels it was likely that he would need to decimate entire cities to level up, plus by killing so many people he would probably attract the hatred of many people, so that wouldn't necessarily be good.

After closing the window that had suddenly materialised in front of him, he made the decision to resume watching the members of the club save his friend.

Rias had crouched down next to Koneko and was attempting to cure at least the minor injuries that she had sustained, but it was clear from the look that she was making that this wasn't working very well at all.

The severity of Koneko's wounds prevented even basic healing magic from becoming effective.

At this point Asia who had just arrived next to Issei glanced at the sight in dread, it was the first time she had seen such a horrific scene.

On the ground stood Koneko, her face twisted with multiple external and internal wounds, with blood spilling out everywhere.

And what was even more terrifying was the fact that Koneko had only taken three punches before she was reduced to this state.

Asia realised she couldn't waste any time, so she quickly went down on her knees and started trying to heal her buddy, and even with a tremendous headache she kept healing Koneko, fearing that if she didn't heal her soon, she would lose her friend.

Next chapter