
DxD: The Lucifer Heir

Razevan Livan Lucifer was the shittiest Devil King Descendant, but now with a DxD Superfan Reincarnating into his body gives him a new chance at life and the opportunity to create a greater legacy

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

1: He's Surrounded by Idiots

(Lucifer Estate, Lucifaad, Satan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD/ Draconic Deus Universe)


(Grayfia Lucifuge POV)


There were times that Grayfia hated her duty, today was one of them. Razevan Livan Lucifer was her assignment. The Six Houses wanted her to keep an eye on the Lucifer Heir after he'd fathered an illegitimate offspring on a Human.

Razevan had openly acknowledged his half-breed child and presently had him on his lap much to the ire of the Devil King Descendants next to him. The Young Lucifer's handsome face was marred with disgust, though whether or not that was to do with the Scene before them all, Grayfia couldn't say.

The Beelzebub Heir was beating his subject, the Vassago Heir because his tribute was of lower quality than previous ones. Vlidraied Vassalun Beelzebub was hated by Razevan openly. Razevan made no secret of his opinion and frequently held him and the other Descendants on a very short leash, though he was admittedly kinder with the daughter of Tsufaame Tereaku Leviathan, Katerea, Grayfia frequently noted.

''I swear that if he doesn't stop this pointless idiocy I will.'' Grayfia heard her master mutter as he tried to distract the little Prince Vali from the cruel display as best he could.


(POV Change: Nobody in Particular)


The scene though rather typical of Devil Society under the Satan Descendants was never any less shocking to bear witness.

From their raised viewing platform The Leviathan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Lucifer Lord's and Lady observed. Though Razevan Livan Lucifer was technically the Heir of Lucifer, he was actively running the Devils Government in his Father's absence.

Everyone who was not watching the son of Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub terrorise the Heir of the Vassago Family and instead looked at the Future Devil Kings could see the increasing disgust of Razevan Livan Lucifer who had zero respect for Beelzebub the younger.

When The Vassago Heir could take it no more he struck out in desperate anger at Vlidraied Vassalun Beelzebub drawing blood from the Heirs Cheek.

''You filthy mongrel!'' Vlidraied snapped his power exploding.

''That's enough!'' Everyone stilled at the dominating tone and Aura of Razevan Lucifer. The Man had his finger in the shape of a Pistol pointed Directly at the Heirs Head, his Power of Unholy Void begging to be fired from his fingers.

''Your issue is your own fault, it is because of your Father's Incompetence and your own the tribute is below standard. You cannot expect at or above standard tribute from a Family that can barely afford to run their own lands. Just how much stupider does the succeeding generations of Beelzebub get? Because you might just be the dumbest of them all.'' Razevan demands.

''Do not insult me! I haven't sullied my blood my begetting Half-Breed Whelps!'' Vlidraied gives back and as he turns around is promptly strangled with one hand as he's raised by a furious Razevan.

''Don't you dare bring my son into this you useless Brat!'' Razevan snarled as his Power skyrocketed and began to cause Seismic activity.

The Ground Shook and the Pillars and walls cracked as the roof began to crumble, all of it abruptly stopped.

Eyes turned, zeroing in on the Small child with Silver Hair hugging Razevan's leg.

''Father, your scaring me.'' The child spoke, barely whispering.

''Vali, listen to me. Everything I do is for you.If someone threatens you or disparages you, they must answer for it. We are the sons of Lucifer's Bloodline, no one can be allowed to question that.'' Razevan says to his son, ignoring Beelzebub, indeed the entire Room entirely.

''But you were hurting him.'' Vali says softly.

''Only because he insinuated you were a mistake...You were weren't and nor will you ever be.'' Says Razevan, before turning to a Rising Vlidraied.

''Knights!''Razevan called Summoning Twelve individuals of varying levels of power.

''My Lord!'' The Twelve say kneeling.

''Chain him, an example must be made, and a statement publicized. Grayfia return Vali home, I'll be with you both Momentarily.'' Says Razevan.

''Yes, My Lord.'' Grayfia says bowing her head obediently.


(POV Change: Grayfia Lucifuge)


Razevan Livan Lucifer, he was a lazy and very horny Devil, but a capable administrator and leader. And yet, Grayfia admired him mostly for his adoration and care for his son.

It wasn't wrong to say that Grayfia had some...fondness for the Lucifer Heir.

There was nothing he would not do for Vali...


(POV Change: Rofocale Lucifuge)


A small smile tugged at Rofocale's lips as he observed the Young Lucifer's interaction with his small son.

As a Father himself, Rofocale understood and Agreed with Razevan's fury with the Beelzebub child. This reinforced his desire to see Grayfia betrothed to the young Lucifer. The chances of that actually happening were very high, as Razevan and Rizevim had both expressed interest in the idea.

But Rofocale hadn't made the offer because Euclid was still a Baby and there was no guarantee he'll be a suitable replacement Heir for Grayfia.

''Soon.'' Rofocale promised....


(POV Change: Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub)


Bidleid didn't like the Young Razevan punishing his son, that was his job....thing is though Bidleid would be lying if he said he wasn't on Razevan's side.

Vali might be Half-Human, but A Lucifer was a Lucifer. It didn't matter much if the Lucifer in question was only a Half-Devil. Vlidraied refused to respect that, which is why Bidleid was presently inflicting his own punishment on his son.

Bidleid took no pleasure in it, but rules were rules and Vlidraied had broken the most sacred one of them all.


(POV Change: Razevan Livan Lucifer)


Razevan sat alone in total darkness. The only light was before him. The light was on His Human Lover sat on display nude. Razevan was painting her.

She was pregnant right now with their second child, he had a painting of her pregnant with Vali, and this child would be the same.

''My Love, how much longer?''

''Not much longer Anna. I'm almost done.'' Razevan says gently. His Lover carried the spirit of A Byzantine Princess, Anna Komnene.

Huh...that technically made Vali a Prince among Humans and Devils didn't it?


(POV Change: Grayfia Lucifuge)


Grayfia felt her nervousness and shame subside a little. Lord Rizevim Summoned her, had her stripped naked in order to study her.

She felt humiliated, but she understood that it was tradition. Lord Lucifer had Done the same with Razevan's Mother.

Grayfia felt the need to wash snd scrub, Lord Rizevim hadn't touched her, but his eyes had seen every inch of her. Her silver bush and full breasts had been of particular interest and Lord Rizevim wished her luck in pleasing Razevan.

Ignoring the obvious nature of his comment, just how was she supposed to take that? No, how was she supposed to respond? Lord Rizevim had her stripped and mocked dnd prodded at her, it wasn't even a game. He just did it.


(POV Change: Razevan Lucifer)


His father was such a dick.

He had Grayfia inspected. Razevan just found out and had entered Grayfia's room heading to the bathroom.

Barging in, He placed a stool down and sat on it.

''I'm sorry.'' Razevan tells her....


Gonna cap it there. Lot of POV changes I know, but I had a lot of people to cover in limited time. Had a family gathering, had to rush over a hill, to work for three hours. Then back over that hill to get the wife, and back over that hill again to get home and have dinner and...you get the idea.

I wrote the intro last night and right now I really need to sleep. Anyways, see you guys in the next morning....