
DxD: The Fight For Freedom

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ZBjyhdt3 Update Schedule: 1 Ch/week- ten days Most fanfic characters in DxD either have cheats, systems, special backgrounds, or know the plot for their SMOOTH plan. This story doesn't have ANY of that convenient plot. Well.... You can read other stories if you don't like this story. This story only has the OG MC with different thinking. What happens if Issei has a very cautious, grounded, but decisive mindset? What happens if you take off the anime and boob logic out of the window with simple common sense? What if... What if Issei never wished to be a Harem King? All of these what-ifs make this story born. . . A True Dragon of Domination who fought for his survival and freedom. "Heh...In the end, we all become who we are by the results of our choice. If this is my ending, then I can only accept it." This story is AU. (P.S. The general will follow the OG story. Although, the content WILL be different with different MC .) (P.S.S There's no reincarnation, transmigration, system, regression, nor knowing the plot for the MC. His special cheat is only himself and Boosted Gear, Period.) (P.S.S. I'm a complete beginner who writes fanfic for fun and scratching the itch on my brain resulting in this fanfic. forgive me if there's an obvious plot hole, grammar mistakes, or nonsensical logic.)

NikkeSimp · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 14: Suspicions, and Then....

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Issei communicating with Ddraig in mind

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding

(...)- Ddraig's thought.


Night, Kuoh Town.

"---Shit, I should just be a good girl if I knew this would happen."

Hearing her partner's nonsensical words, she couldn't help but scoff at the gall of her to say that. Really, despite her adorable face, her mouth is undoubtedly the dirtiest out of the quartet.

"Yeah, and your name wouldn't begin with Mittelt but Chibi Doll."

"....Shut the fuck up, Kala."

Grumbling, the lolita folded her hands in dissatisfaction with the terrible, terrible situation involving her.

As they say, karma always catches up to everybody, whether is it dragons, devils, humans, or even fallen angels. Mittelt? Her boss had assigned her to be a wonderful villain who would attract all of the aggro (animosity) from the dragon boy personally.

Yep, same old role to be the losing end in this shit show.

"....Fucking hell, let's just do this."

Sighing for the umpteenth time, she slaps her cheeks to wring out from the gloominess. Then, her eyes immediately sharpened after seeing the 'target' coming out from the old school building, where the bats doing God-knows-what.

One thing to note though, both of them observed the kid from tens of meters above the building with their black wings open freely. The reason they could be this bold in the center point of the enemy territory is twofold.

One, the residents of this city are all low-level ones, even considering their high status due to their lack of experience in real life. To Dohnaseek who put the camouflage spell for all of them, it was ridiculously easy.

Two, it's necessary for the 'scenario' written by their dear leader to be executed properly. Originally, they were supposed to be the insurance policy if anything goes wrong. Hell, they weren't supposed to be involved in it at all.

Well, reality happens, giving them the middle finger treatment. Which was something all four of them were painfully used to in adapting to unexpected situations.

Such is life.

"Alright, go live team. Are you both ready?"

As the assigned commander for this mission, Mittelt asked their conditions for the go-ahead.



One affirmation in front of her, and another reverberates in her ears.

With this, all preparation for the mission was good as done.

With a confident smirk on her adorable face, the Fallen Angel Mittelt titled 'Magician' declares the beginning of the operation.

"Rock and roll."

Their target?

He was painfully oblivious to the upcoming danger.









On the cold night of spring, one lone teenager heads back to his own house after the business with his new associates has been concluded successfully.

Well, 'successful' is not exactly the proper word used for his current situation.

{I still think you've gone overboard.}

Sighing silently from his partner's countless complaints, Issei smiled bitterly. Although, it's just amused exasperation rather than annoyance or anger. After all, it was a small miracle the temperamental dragon only spouted disparaging words and nothing more.

Most of all---

{...For what it's worth, I am sorry you have to suffer the brunt of it.}

{I don't care I'm the unintended victim, Issei! I'm mad that you decided to be subservient to that stupid girl!}

---He couldn't get mad at someone who expressed his inner feelings in his place.

Chuckling at the Red Dragon's concern, Issei smiled softly. Despite his terrifying outlook, it's quite cute for the big guy to care for him this much.

{...Watch your words, Ddraig. No matter how much you hate it, she's our current master.}

{Hah! The day I give respect to that bitch is the day I die!}

But well, all things have to be in moderation. While it's gratifying, too much animosity will just bring unnecessary trouble and explanations.

That is something Issei couldn't afford right now.

{I understand you are not happy with my choice. Nobody would be, especially you.}

In response to his partner's calm words, the dragon couldn't hide his agitation. Both of them are not some random chap, but THE Sekiryuutei who has brought fear and awe to the populace for countless generations. That one single title is enough explanation. Unless that woman is brain-dead, nobody could dismiss the humongous future value Issei could bring.

{Then why!? You don't need to be that decisive in becoming her slave! You could hash out better terms with her by using me as a negotiation factor!}


It was an instant response.

Instead of communicating it in his mind, Issei stopped walking and spoke out his refusal. With the quiet surroundings, despite the small volume, his single word reverberated loudly.

Taking a deep breath to calm his mind, Issei continued walking after a moment of tranquility.

{That is the WORST and LAST thing we need right now.}


Before meeting with Rias, Issei had decided for them to be low-key. At that time. Ddraig reluctantly accepts it, but there is a bottom line for everything. For the dragon, not only does Rias cross that line many times, she doesn't deserve an iota of his partner's loyalty after seeing her actions.

But so what? Even if Issei feels dissatisfied with her new master, even if Ddraig doesn't feel happy. He was not particularly bothered by this troubling situation. Ddraig is not some stupid bargaining chip but a genuine partner who works for each other.

Hyoudou Issei never felt any kind of regret, nor shame lowering his head in front of her.

{She's the sole heiress of one of the original families in the seventy-two of Ars Goetia. Just this only prevents me from speaking any kind of hot air.}

{...Grrr! That accursed title!}

Indeed, it all goes back to power and connections. No matter how much Ddraig feels indignant for Issei to be a fucking slave, there's nothing he could say back to it.

Issei's thinking is simple. Mute out all of his anger, dissatisfaction, shame, and any other negative emotions. If he expressed it without reading the situation properly, the consequences of it would be unimaginable. It's not only both of them who would get hurt. His parents' well-being could be harmed without him knowing about it.

That is the very last thing Issei would want to happen.

{...Ddraig, it's not like I don't feel mad by her actions. I'm still a person who could feel, not a robot or psychopath who disregards everything.]

{....I know.}

This time, the dragon's response was calmer, but filled with sullen emotions. It's not the first time for him to feel unfairness. However, it is the first for his real partner who cared for him genuinely has suffered to this degree.

While he understood the dragon's point, Issei didn't forget the bigger picture.

{To us, Rias Gremory's problem could be simplified into two things. One is her being a high-class devil. Two, she is a bona fide noble, who has different values and perspectives on what we think is 'proper'.}

Yes, these two points make them both (especially Ddraig) feel reluctant to open a positive and genuine relationship with her.

At the meeting, Rias was flustered and awkward with his deference. However, instead of being troubled due to his excessive loyalty, she's just uncomfortable with it. Rias herself wishes for Issei to be more relaxed and interact with them just like a family.

What does that mean? It shows she is used in a high position and feels natural for Issei to obey her without showing any sign of guilt.

In fact, does she need to feel guilty when he should be honored to be her servant? After all, she saved him when he was in a pinch. If she didn't reach out to him, then Hyoudou Issei is just another cold, dead body left to rot for a week.

Of course, this argument could be valid if they just look at the result but not the process behind it. Even so, Issei wouldn't bother to nitpick with her as it's a moot point.

The core reason for it is her being a noble close to royalty.

{You listened to her explanations, right? Just as Hanakai-san said so, the Gremory is an illustrious and ancient family that existed since times of myth. Not many people could order them around with their achievements and value brought to devil society for millenniums. Even if she doesn't have the power, her backing silences all arguments from ones of lower standing, which is me.}

{...Power, huh?}

With Ddraig's soft muttering, Issei nods resolutely.

Backing is a concept foreign to the dragon, but the value of power is something he intimately knows. After all, the name of Heavenly Dragon was earned with his tremendous prowess. During his prime, nobody stupid or weaklings dare to rebel against the Red Dragon Emperor.

The irony is not lost on him as he's the weaker one presently. It hurts his pride to admit it, but it is what it is.

What would happen if Issei expressed his argument in front of her? At first, maybe she could be sympathetic and feel sorry for him.

But that's just it.

There's nothing she could do to reverse him back as a human, nor would she do so.

{Currently, I lack many things for my voice to be heard loud and clear. If I just decided to screw with everything by following my emotions blindly, there's only one ending left for us.}

{...Stray devil.}


While walking, he nods his head silently in agreement with the Dragon's spoken word in his mind. Instead of taking the risk of being a hunted rebel, he decided to be a loyal servant of Rias Gremory.

Rather, that's the safest and surest path left to him.

The laws are on her side. The justice is also on her side. The power scale is definitely on her side too.

There's nothing on him to win against her. If this is brought to trial, it's a fool bet for Issei as there's only one outcome.

Most of all, this is just a small point. An important one, but still tiny compared to the biggest reason. His next words contain the tremendous fear of imagining the possible wrath of a certain person. Ddraig himself could feel it even without hearing the tremble in Issei's voice.

{...Her big brother is the devil king of the entire devilkin.}


Unconsciously, both of his hands shape into tight fists in saying the word devil king. The shiver he experienced through the entire body just now is definitely not from the cold wind.

Devil King, A.K.A. Maou.

The former heir of Gremory, Sirzech Lucifer.

What Ddraig mentioned in their first meeting as the worst scenario came true. The Red Dragon himself wished to smack silly the past him for speaking careless words as it bit them back in the ass.

The ruler of the devil kind for centuries. Even though her brother is one of the four devil kings, his immense power is not something Issei could tackle, either physically or socially.

The thing is, that moniker is something that's not given willy-nilly. Sirzech earned that bloody surname as his power is currently the strongest devil recorded in a long, long history.

Except for Ajuka Beelzebub, another devil king who is his best friend and equal, no devil could beat him in a direct fight. In other words, If Sirzech-fucking-Lucifer decides he's a threat to his beloved little sister, then nothing will ever stop him on his warpath, period. 

That's why, he's immensely grateful for choosing to introduce Ddraig as a Twice Critical when asked about his Sacred gear. Although they are confused about him taking eight pieces with such simple gear, they shrug it off as there's no concrete answer at the moment.

Right now, anonymity is the greatest gift Issei could have in this situation.

{....You want to avoid the expectations and burden placed on you.}

{Yes. I'm NOT ready to take the mantle of Sekiryuutei publicly. No offense Ddraig, but our ancestors don't leave me on a positive note.}

{None taken. Hell, I'm even feeling sorry about it too.}

Usually, inherited powers always come with benefits and burdens in unequal measures. For Issei's case, it heavily leans to the latter. While Boosted Gear heightened the individual's prowess to an unbelievable degree for humanity, the infamy left by his predecessors clung to his ankles as heavy chains.

However, this time it's not the bad reputation that Issei is bothered with. The potential value Ddraig spoke about is the main issue.

Imagine it. What would happen if Issei openly admitted as the current host of Boosted Gear to his current master?

Rias herself would be overjoyed to the moon. She'll never leave him alone from her side, clinging for twenty-four hours if needed. Just that only leaves him cringing in disgust.

The biggest problem though? The Gremory and Lucifer will work him to the bones for the betterment of devilkind. In this scenario, his opinions and words are not included in it. No matter how much different the devils are compared to ancient times, devils are still devils.

They will use everything they can for their benefit.


A sigh containing a mix of sadness and frustration comes out of his mouth helplessly.

Of course, this is just all speculation caused by his paranoia. It's not definite but possible to happen. Sadly, when he debates this with his partner in Soulscape, only an awkward grimace leaves on his mouth.

That response is the biggest factor for Issei to hide Ddraig. If possible, he'll hide this fact for years if he has to. Power can only be wielded properly if the user is worthy of it.

The devil dragon hybrid freely admits he's very, very far away to earn that right.

However, not everything is doom and gloom.

His father gave him many unmeasurable pieces of advice, but one particularly stuck for his current dilemma.




"Issei, change doesn't start from the others. It has to start with you. That's where true changes happen."




"...You are right, Dad."

Muttering softly in agreement per his father's teaching, Issei released a long breath of air. Then, he narrowed his golden eyes in thought while heading toward his home.

 {Currently, this is the worst and best possible situation we're in, Ddraig.}

{...I get the worst, but the best? We're practically on a leash in that woman's will.}

The first half is filled with incredulity, but the latter is spoken with a growling tone in response to the dragon's anger. Issei could compromise and adapt to this sad affair, but Ddraig certainly could not.

Sue him for being childish.

Chuckling at his partner's reaction in the equivalent of a pout, Issei continues his next words.

{Think about it, Ddraig. I am a total beginner and newcomer to this world, while you are the feared entity even to this day. What would happen if I broadcast your power accidentally during the awakening while I'm still human?}


Not good, indeed. His single curse word expresses the entire emotions if the hypothetical scenario happens. 

No guarantee, no backers, and no know-how to live for the supernatural side. In simple words? He's just a delicious lamb in a free-for-all buffet. Certainly, he could get lucky by having mentors to teach all of the necessary knowledge.

But what's the probability of that happening to him? Not high at all.

The present situation is not the best but the next hypothetical scenario is not good for the brown-haired teenager either. Therefore, rather than complain and whine, he'd rather see the positives of it and work with what's given.

{We already passed the biggest hurdle for being anonymous in front of Gremory-sama. All we need to do is keep that veil as long as we can while achieving our decided goal.}

{...Alright, your words have merit, Issei.}

Ddraig still couldn't accept it as it is, but he's not an ignorant kid who only knows how to grumble. As long as he could disregard his wounded pride, he understood the best possible solutions available for them were quite limited.

Sighing in relief, Issei finally takes a load off in his mind for able to pacify his partner. Pride is good and all, but it amounts to nothing if he couldn't back it up.

As for his next words though, Issei uncharacteristically smirks. If that doesn't pacify it, this would.

{Besides, Gremory-sama is not exactly an old fox or slick politician. She's just a young girl who wants to experience the wonderful culture of Japan.}

{....Oh ho ho ho! Now THAT I could take.}

This time, Ddraig didn't even bother hiding his joyful glee in deciphering the underlying words. What Issei meant was very simple to the Red Dragon.

Rias Gremory is the sole heiress of the Gremory house. Not only that, she also has an older brother who is the devil king and the strongest devil ever up to date. If both of them view her as a hurdle to overcome, there's no need to mention how daunting it is.

Then, what if the hybrid views her not as an obstacle but as an unintended benefactor?

She becomes the most convenient backer for him.

{In her perception, I'm just a low-class devil servant who's learning the ropes. As long as I fulfill the role of her 'family', so to speak---}

{---Then you'll have all of the time to gain sufficient power. Hah! Looks like that bitch has its uses.}

The snide comment was a bit crude, but reasonable for him to say so. After all, you don't ever try to put a collar on a proud dragon's neck without thinking of the consequences.

If Rias wants to use Issei and Ddraig, then the duo couldn't say much as she has the right to it. However, no one said that both of them couldn't do the same to her.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Exploitation for a manipulator.

A cold glint shines through his eyes. True, Hyoudou Issei in the present couldn't do much toward the devil heiress. However, he has all the time to defend himself and achieve his personal goal.

Just as Rias wished for, he will be his most loyal servant. No matter how unreasonable or ridiculous orders she'll give in the future, he will accomplish it all with a polite smile on his face to earn her unshakable trust.

But if there's an opportunity for it...

{...The road to hell is paved with good intentions, huh.}

Continuing his partner's words, Y Ddraig Goch opens his maw fully, forming a terrifying snarl toward one who views it.

{Hmph, fine then. If she deludes herself to be a kind master, go ahead. During the time she expects it the least...}

That's when everything will go burn and crash.

Needless to say, it was a dangerous thought. Just getting labeled as a betrayer is already terrible enough, earning the ire of many high-class devils is practically suicide.

That won't stop both of them though. The dice had already been cast. The ship for reconciliation has been sailed a long time ago.

All that's left is for the players to take their moves.





{What's wrong?}

While almost reaching his home, Issei frowns confusedly. Then he looks at the surrounding district. From the academy to now, there's nothing noteworthy to take note of.

Just one thing.

{....Why is it so quiet?}

Kuoh Town is not a big city like Tokyo, but there's considerable traffic for people and vehicles for their night activities. Of course, his home is not exactly located in a crowded street so less noise is nothing to be concerned about.

But still---It's a bit too...


Suddenly, the sound of glasses breaking rang through his ears.








".....!!!? Oh crap!"

{Fucking hell!? Now!? They decided to attack now!?}

A barrier has been cast without them knowing until the last moment.

They are isolated, separated, and boxed from the devils' gathering point.

In other words----


The moment Ddraig screams that word loudly in his mind, two things happen almost simultaneously. One, Issei activated Twice Critical and his dragon's biology to run faster than ever away from his home to avoid collateral damage.




A light spear zooms near him. When it makes contact with the road, a big explosion rang through it, leaving a big crater that could insert a few people to fill in.

If it ran through him instead of the road? 

"Gosh, that was close!"

{Keep running! I'll pinpoint the attackers!}


Communicating with his partner in his mind, Hyoudou Issei, the newly reincarnated devil runs through the street for his dear life.

The moment of contemplation and plotting is over.

Right now, what he needs to do is only one and one only.



"Fucking damn it! I'm not ready for this!"

To run like hell.


Author Note: Not Much to say. Thanks for reading the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.

Next Update: Which Side Are You In?

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