
DxD System In DxD

A certain fan Otaku having everything in his house be it small or big he had collected all items of his favourite Anime DxD. Haoh Yorion was turning 25 years old today as a virgin when he brought a cake with candles he made a wish in the roof where he was sitting. "As The Legend Goes, I Wish For My 25th Year Old Virgin Self To Be Reborn As A Mage Preferable In My Favorite Anime!!!" He blew softly in the candles making them go out and started eating his cake. As if the heavens heard his wish he choked on his cake that had a few complete almonds instead of trimmed ones and died.

Seion · Anime & Comics
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248 Chs

Chapter 7 : The Binding...

Both of them were down and unable to move for a while, after 20-30 minutes Raynare finally asked something that kept bugging her...

Raynare : Hey... rapist...

Haoh : Huh?? i'm your boyfriend, furthermore, it was your fault in the first place and you did move on your own in the later part...

Raynare : About that, how was i able to move??

Haoh : Huh?? you moved normally...

Raynare : Let's forget about that!!! Tell me what was the curse placed on me...

Haoh : I don't know...


Silence past in the two as Raynare looked with a dumb face.

Raynare : What do you mean you DON'T KNOW!!!! IT'S YOUR GEAR!!!

Raynare snapped again and went close to him, caught him from his neck and started shaking here and there...

Haoh : Let me finish!!!!

Raynare : SPEAK!!!

Haoh : Somewhere around your body, a triangle mark with a pearl should have appeared, that's the mark of Binding Soul Mates...

Raynare : Where is it??

Haoh : The only place i didn't look while doing the deed was the back of your neck... That Mark you have can say enslaves all the races... Be it willingly or when you kill me.

Raynare : What are the ups and down??

Haoh : I think obedience... as when you strongly refused to act or try to kill me you were frozen in space and while i didn't order you to do something. When your feelings got hurt and you decided to act let's say gently with me you regained your movements...

Raynare : In other words, this mark has bound my soul my powers and thoughts and it's connected to you...

Raynare : A new gear?? Then why didn't you used this from the start??

Haoh : I told you it's either willingly or by killing me... on the bright side it has a few perks you might like...

Raynare : Like what??? Nothing can spark my interest except killing you...

Haoh : Hahaha well, when the time comes you will probably be the first who will wait for me with a lovely gaze and open legs...

Haoh : But for starters lemme try something..... "Storing"

When he said the command, Raynare felt a burning sensation in her neck and then darkness covered her before finding herself in a vast space full of dark mountains and rich in magic like 1000 times more than where she was living.

Haoh : So?? how is it?? it's the first time i'm trying this with someone bound on me so i have no idea how's the space inside my gear...

Raynare : This is inside the Gear?? This dense magic power...

Haoh : Hello?? Anybody home??

Raynare was totally shocked to see this place, from the moment she stepped here she could feel her powers as a devil soar to greater heights... At that moment she was interrupted by Haoh as he was calling her...

Raynare : Say is this place exclusive for me??

Haoh : Yes... but there are 15 more spaces like that, i think, the space was attuned when you were bound on me to match your future potential growth...

Raynare : You said 15 more right?? Then you will bind 15 more Girls??

Haoh : Hmm, possible as you know people like us live forever... Furthermore, i have no idea which crazy bitch is going to try and kill me again...

Raynare : Ugh... Does that mean i'm your first girl??

Haoh : You can say that... Why you want to leave me??

Raynare : Actually i was thinking seriously on becoming your girl...

Haoh : I think you might try hard for that, as you know many factions are already gathered and fighting here and there... I'll give them 7-8 months top, then a war will break out...

Haoh : When that happened who else is going to be bound here is unknown...





Author's note : I'm Thankfully enough for 3 people, Pledging in my ******* account even though i have no idea yet how all this works i'm grateful.

Well Reader?? unfortunately, because the editor-kun is sick i had to do double the job and write less nevertheless... Are you ready??? For Small Mass release... STB will come in 12-13 hours

Keep in Mind that i will keep 2-3 Chapters as stock in case something urgent came up...

Plus Ultra!!!!!!!!!!!!


Discord.... Seion#0464