
DxD: Solomon's Rise

Tsukuyo Fuyu was reincarnated into the world of DxD with Solomon's knowledge and skill.

Eevee_Express · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4

After I met Irina my days have been a little more interesting and I was quite happy taking breaks off my work to go play with her and her friends. I met Issei as well and he already has his dream to become a harem king in his skull unfortunately. He is not a bad guy but the way he does things is a little excessive to be honest. However, I do not mind being his friend to be honest because while he is perverted I know he has a good heart. I also will not take Ddraig from him, even though I could, because I much prefer waiting for him to awaken it and watch his antics in the future.

Well aside from that I also finished the Goetia. I modified it to only include devils from this universe and the extra houses, as well as being able to bind a demon in front of me if they are part of the Goetia. I am deciding on which one to summon since I need to summon one before the attempt on the couples lives. I have already placed runes all over my lab that I use for experiments so, it should be fine to summon someone that would emit a lot of mana.

"I want to summon Serafall first since I need her help for making sure Diehauser does not do anything stupid like joining Khaos Bridge. Since my plan for the couple is for them to 'die' at the hands of the exorcists so, that they are not being hunted anymore. The only ones who will know that they are alive would be me, Serafall, and Diehauser." I thought outload.

I prepared to do the summoning of Serafall since the sooner I get it done the better. I stand in the middle of the room and start the chant to summon my Sitri pillar. After my chant a the multicolored ritual circle shine.

Serafall Pov

Serafall was in her office sorting out documents and signing paperwork like always. She is so frustrated that she has to do this much work because the other satans just dump all of their work on her. To top it off the devils keep on adding to her work by causing incident everywhere they go.

"Aaahhhhhhh!!! Why can't they stop causing trouble everywhere they go! The paperwork I have to do for their incidents is nonstop and that is not even including the extra work I have because of the different pantheon's complaints!" screamed Serafall at the top of her lungs, "I don't even have time from my cute So~tan. This is unfair!" she let out in a frustrated voice and pouted like a child.

All of a sudden a multi-colored magic circle appeared bellow her and before she could do anything, it teleported her away.

Tsukiyo Pov

As the circle glowed I looked at the middle of it to see Serafall sitting there with a look of astonishment on her face. She started looking all over the room and her eyes eventually landed on me. She looked at me in confusion when she notices I am the only one in the room.

"Hello I am Magical~Girl~ Serafall or you can call me Levia-tan!" she says with a smile trying to figure what happened to her how she ended up here.

"Hello my name is Tsukiyo Fuyu. I have made you one of my pillars using the Goetia." she looks at me in a confused expression so I explain about the Goetia, "The Goetia is a spell that summons one of the 72 pillars and binds them with their caster for life until the castor dies." I say to her as she looked at me with a shocked expression.

"W-what did you say! How is that possible! A spell like that should not exist!" She says with a tense expression. "Try to use your demonic power on me and see what happens." she nods and tries to use her power on me only for it to stop before it could leave her body. She looks at it with a shocked expression like she couldn't believe what just happened.

"What do you want!" she says with an extremely serious expression since this power I wield is far to dangerous for someone to have, considering I could take over the underworld if I wanted to.

"Nothing much honestly I called you here so that I could test if it worked and I needed someone higher up in devil society to help me with the aftermath of my actions." she looked at for a second and said "what are you going to do." she says with a serious expression.

"I am going to save some people from being killed but I will make it seem like they died at the assailants hands. What I need from you is to tell someone that they are still alive before he does anything stupid." I say with a tired sigh. She looks at me and asks who am I saving. I answer "Cleria Belial and Masaomi Yaegaki are the couple needing saving and the person needing informing will be Diehauser Belial." when she heard the names she looked at me with shock.

"W-what the hell are you talking about! Who is going to kill them!" I say "The exorcists" She looks skeptical and asks, "Why would the exorcists try to kill them especially since one of them is an exorcists? Why would they even risk it?" she questions me so I respond.

"There are a few reasons for this. The first reason is that they are lovers and the church does not want them to mingle with each other as that would break the 'status quo' between the church and the devils. This will be the main reason for their execution but there is another. The devils, specifically the Bael clan and the Great King Faction, wanted to get rid of them because of Cleria's discovery of the king piece." She looked like she could not believe what she just heard. Of course I would also be skeptical about this since a child is telling her this information. But then more questions would pop in my mind because a child is saying all this.

"Even if the information is real and I believe you how did you know about this? You are just a child and I am a satan, even I didn't have any idea about this plot. You also should not even know about the king piece. You also have a spell that can trap devils and make them servents to you, which is crazy enough since you can enslave the whole devil race if you want to. 'tired sigh' "I just want to go back home and cuddle with So~tan!" She exclaims outload.

"You know you can leave right. I'm not forcing you to stay since I don't want slaves and besides, I already made countermeasures when the summon circle brought you here to make sure you can't tell others about me and my magic. If you ever want to come here or talk you can just send me a mental link since I added that in for my summons." I told her. After that, I explained everything else she wanted to know and after a while she left.

"Haaaa, that was tiring. I guess I should get ready to sleep." I say outload and leave the lab to get ready to sleep, Hopefully I can have some peace after the long day I had. And with that I drift off to sleep.

Sorry for this info dump, just needed to get it out of the way so I could summon the first pillar and move the story along. After this I will start a time skip in a chapter or 2 to get to canon. He will do a lot of things during this period of time, so I will explain it throughout the story as it moves forward.

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