
DxD: Sirius Gremory

Venelana and Zoeticus Gremory get a child after Rias which will change the direction how the DxD world normally would've gone. --- Some warnings so I can save your time: Yes, Incest. Yes, Harem. If you don't like it, I'm sorry to waste your time. My first language is not English either but I try as hard as I can. Updates will be once every 2 days at minimum, I naturally try to do more. No, I will never stock up chapters neither will I make a Patreon since I didn't even create the Original Novel/Manga/Anime.

BirdWithWings · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 - Leaving, but not alone

10 years passed in the blink of an eye and the young child grew from an infant to a handsome young child with long wild red hair hanging down his back.

The child was only 10 years old but seemed at least a year or two older considering his body was way taller and muscled than his peers while his eyes showed a maturity that was unbelievable for his age.

Talking about his eyes, his eyes were probably the most captivating part of him.

[Considering it's better to show a picture of it, here you go:]

"Sirius! Stop training already and come with me to eat!" A beautiful voice sounded through the training room which made Sirius drop down his weights and wipe the sweat of his body.

Behind him stood a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and silver eyes.

"Grayfia, are you going to continue to come here? Haven't you been in enough fights with Sirzechs already?" Sirius gave her a small teasing laugh which made Grayfia pinch his cheeks with a smile on her face.

"That isn't something you should be worrying about, how has your training been going?" Grayfia said as she looked at the weights on the ground, let alone a 10-year-old, she hadn't even seen 14-year-olds specially trained in physique training with that much weight.

"It's been going well, I finally found out that I can't control them one by one, I have to control them all at the same time bit by bit" Sirius explained with a small smile on his face as he looked at his hands where three small strands of energy floated.

A flame red aura which signified Great Red's core, a black aura with a purple tint and a bright golden aura.

"I'm glad you're doing your best but Sirius, me and Venelana are worried you're overworking yourself" Grayfia explained seriously while slightly bending down to look into Sirius' enchanting eyes directly while putting her hands on his cheeks.

After all, she was only 161 centimeters tall (5.3ft) while Sirius had already reached 157 centimeters (5ft).

"Grayfia, please tell me something. Why do you still come here despite Sirzechs clearly not wanting you to and neither does that old dog" Sirius sighed as he put on his shirt.

"Because I want to" Grayfia stood up and gave a beautiful smile that made Sirius lost in thought for a second.

"Sometimes you're really dangerous Grayfia" Sirius said with a small smile as he walked past her.

"Oh come on, you're only 10 years old brat. No matter how tall you are, you will always be my little Sirius" Grayfia said as she rubbed Sirius' hair with a warm smile on her face.

"We'll see about that" Sirius shrugged as he gave Grayfia a smile before opening the door for her which made laugh out loud.

The two walked towards the dinner room while talking about their day as Grayfia used simple cleaning magic on Sirius as he was still understanding his own powers.

"Ladies first" Sirius said with a small smile as he opened the dinner room door.

"Hahaha, our little gentleman" Grayfia laughed as she rubbed Sirius' head one last time before entering the room.

"Mom, Rias" Sirius gave a smile to the girl and woman sitting at the dining table before sitting down at the other end of the table, opposite of his father.

Grayfia sat down next to Sirzechs, she didn't have to play maid anymore like she had previously done.

This was one of the things Sirius had changed by force, after all, she and Venelana were the only two that treated him like family.

Zeoticus looked at Sirius before turning towards Sirzechs and talk about the things happening recently in the Underworld.

"Sirius, you should seriously stop overworking yourself" Venelana said as she looked at him from up close.

Instead of sitting on Zeoticus' side, Venelana sat on Sirius' side, just like Grayfia.

"Don't worry mom" Sirius gave her a small smile before turning to Rias who quickly looked away from him.

"How was your day, Rias?" Sirius asked with a small smile.

"Sirius, stop bothering Rias" Zeoticus interrupted and looked at Sirius with a cold expression.

"Bothering ey, alright" Sirius shrugged his shoulders.


"Don't interfere Grayfia" Sirzechs interrupted Grayfia as soon as she wanted to say something.

"And here we go, the whore wants to stand up for him again. Some wife you have Sirzechs, she looks like his wife instead" Zeoticus said with a sneer.

Sirzechs didn't say anything since he didn't have an interest in a fight with his father over Grayfia who had recently been not only spending barely any time with him, but also had been standing up for Sirius over and over.

However, just as his words fell, two massive Aura's started weighing down on everyone on the table.

Sirius could handle himself due to his body that was honed of pushing his body to its absolute limits but Rias on the other hand.

"Mom, Grayfia, Rias will die at this rate" Sirius softly spoke which made the two of them retract their aura and looked at the teared-up Rias.

"Sorry my love, we lost ourselves for a moment" Venelana said with a bitter smile as Rias stretched out her hand, wanting to sit on her lap.

Venelana picked her up and Rias started softly crying which made everyone at the table give her pitiful glances.... besides Zeoticus.

"So Zeoticus, aren't you a whore to though?" Sirius suddenly asked which made Zeoticus give him a dead-stare and asked with a twitch of his mouth,

"How am I a whore?"

"Not just you Zeoticus, we're all whores if you think about. We just sell different parts of ourselves. You sell yourself for the Gremory Family, Mother sells herself for the same reason and her children, Grayfia and Sirzechs sell themself to the Underworld and I? I sold myself to you two, I sold my feelings and time to mend our relationship, but what an idiot I was. Being a whore doesn't just mean sexually. In the end, we're all whores" Sirius said which silenced the room.

After all, he was right.

Sirius put his hands on the table and leaned forward and looked Zeoticus in the eyes before saying, "So tell me Zeoticus, are you a whore or not?"

Zeoticus just gave Sirius a cold look and wanted nothing more than to kill him right there and then, but he knew....

The moment he tried to do so, Venelana would do anything in her power to give him the same ending.

"Sirius, let's keep it friendly at the dinner table" Sirzechs interrupted which made Sirius burst into laughing.

"Keep it friendly ey, you know Sirzechs. You didn't open your fucking mouth when your own fucking wife was insulted, so keep your fucking mouth shut now too. I don't mind dying together with you two and you experienced that first-hand once, don't make me do it a second time. You ball-less, incompetent coward" Sirius looked at the two men at the end of the table and said,

"I came here to try to somehow mend our bond, but talking to the two of you is a waste of my time. I will refrain from eating here after this" Sirius said as he walked away from the dinner table.

As he walked away, two chairs shoved backwards and footsteps soon followed.

"Venelana, Grayfia, are you two seriously following him?" Zeoticus said with a solemn and angry voice.

"Well, maybe he paid more than your son did for me" Grayfia said with a beautiful smile.

"We'll be staying at my family's house" Venelana said as she carried Rias out the door.

"Mom, don't do this. We'll just escalate the situation" Sirzechs said with a bitter smile.

"Sirzechs, when you were small, I taught you to always protect what's dear to you yet you just watched your wife get insulted. Maybe you're the one that should change how they do things" Venelana sighed and walked away.

Meanwhile, Grayfia had already caught up to Sirius who sighed and looked outside.

"Sirius wait a moment!" Grayfia caught up to Sirius who didn't turn around and just kept walking.

Grayfia grabbed Sirius' shoulders and turned him around, however upon turning him around, even she was heartbroken and began to tear up.

He still wore the same cold expression but small tears fell down his face which made Grayfia pull him towards herself and hug him tightly.

"Please Grayfia, Just.... please, go back to them with mom. I don't want to tear both of your relationships apart. I've been doing that for 4 whole years.... It's time to stop my fantasies and face reality" Sirius said with a cold expression while his tears just didn't stop coming.

Since young he had been mentally abused by his father, casted aside upon trying to be the bigger person and even his brother abandoned him without hesitation the moment his father told him to.

The worst of all was, even his sister that he had a close relationship with cut off their relationship because of something Zeoticus said to her.

"If he wants to break us apart because of this, I misjudged him. Don't think about it, come here" Grayfia said as she hugged him tighter.

She and Venelana were the only ones that knew how much he tried, how much he got hurt, how much he trained, how much he tried being the good guy, how much he tried to endure.

However, what hurt him most was that he didn't even know WHY he was hated in the first place...

Sirius separated himself from Grayfia before grabbing into his pocket and took out a stone with a weird sign on top of it.

His mind seemed to be in war with itself before a resolute expression entered his face and looked at Grayfia.

"I need to go, if I stay it can only end badly"

"Then let it end badly" Grayfia said with a serious expression while tears were still staining her dress.

"Nothing will end up badly, we're leaving too" Venelana appeared besides Sirius with Rias and grabbed the rock before either of them could response.

"Mom... Don't tell me you too..." Sirius said with a bitter 'smile'.

"Who do you think that gave you this warp crystal in the first place, if you crushed it you would be sent to the Bael Family Estate, my home" Venelana said while rubbing Sirius' hair before looking at Grayfia and said seriously,

"Grayfia, choose what you want to do. I won't blame you for what you choose, don't feel forced either since you know us both. Come with us" Venelana said with a serious expression.


Grayfia didn't even get the chance to think before Sirius rejected which made the both of them look at him.

"He is your husband, if you leave with us, he will see it as if you left him instead"

Grayfia and Venelana looked at each other and started laughing. Grayfia bent forward and put her lips on Sirius' forehead and gave him a small peck before taking a step back which made Sirius relieved yet broken.

However, what happened next surprised both him AND Venelana. Chains appeared behind Grayfia that seemed to bind to her neck, heart and stomach.

The chains started having cracking and breaking one by one and Grayfia's aura started becoming bigger and denser by the second.


The final chain snapped and a huge aura, not inferior to Venelana, burst out in the castle.

Grayfia opened her eyes again and looked at Sirius with a smile on her face and said, "I loved a man on the opposite side and married him while our families were killing each other. I choose to follow him, I choose to be a maid, nobody can force me to do something if I don't want to"

Her previous silver eyes had changed to a red color which complimented her voluptuous figure

"To think you could break the seal that was so carefully placed on you, but how about your Queen piece?" Venelana asked with a curious expression.

"My piece is a special one, I can take it out of my body at will. I already took it out 6 years ago" Grayfia said with a disappointed tone.

"Well... No need to hang around this place then" Venelana said as she crushed the rock which made a portal appear behind them.

Sirius looked at the two women and sighed, while a genuine smile appeared on his face as they all disappeared through the portal.

Meanwhile in the dinner room, both men stood up with terrified expressions and looked at each other.

Both could see the horror in each other's eyes while Zoeticus managed to squeeze out a few words with a trembling voice, "T...they actually just.... left?"

"Even Grayfia....." Sirzechs sat down on the chair in confusion and sat down to think about what just happened.

However, he wasn't someone that would ignore his own mistakes and realized why she left.

In the last 10 years, he had sufficiently changed from his own kind self, the him she fell in love with in the first place.

He had abandoned his little brother, fed her and his little sister lies about him, mistreated him and ignored him.

When Grayfia would stand up for him to Zoeticus or him it would always end up in a fight when they were alone, they hadn't even slept together for the last 3 years and he didn't even try to fix their relationship.

".....But to think she just..... left...." Sirzechs leaned back in stupor while Zoeticus just stood there, completely frozen.

Both men finally realized they had been fucking idiots for a decade and finally paid the prize for it.