
Chapter : 6 Convincing Ravel

A few minutes before Riser found himself on his knees in his imagination.

Riser left his room and walked for about five minutes to reach Ravel's room, which was quite far.

Since Ravel doesn't like being around what she considers pervert's rooms.

"Man, this is going to be hard," Riser muttered to myself. Since Riser knew Convincing Ravel to join his peerage was like giving a toddler– broccoli and telling him it's dessert.

In his case, Ravel is a toddler and he is the broccoli —or can be called a pervert and he needs to fool Ravel into thinking that broccoli—or pervert is a Good boy or dessert.

As Riser walked, contemplating the challenge ahead, He finally reached Ravel's room. Letting out a deep breath, He knocked on the door.

Knock, knock.

The door clicked open, revealing Ravel, a short, blond girl, her eyes suspicious.

"Riser... what are you doing here?" she asked, her tone cautious.

"Can I come in? I need to talk about something," Riser said, glancing around to ensure we weren't being observed, especially by Oreo.

Ravel's suspicion heightened, and she partially closed the door, only her head visible.

"What is it?" she asked, her guard up.

"I just need some help from you. Let me come in and talk for a minute... I promise it won't take long."

Ravel narrowed her eyes, studying the ultra-innocent expression on Riser's face, something she had never noticed before. There was a different aura about him.

Previously, whenever Ravel looked at Riser, she sensed a perversion emanating from him. But now, he exuded an innocent vibe, or perhaps it was just a facade he was wearing.

Deciding to hear him out, at least because of their familial bond, Ravel gestured for Riser to come in.

"Come in," she said.

As Riser entered, Ravel took a seat, assuming a posture of authority, while Riser remained standing.

"So, tell me, what help were you talking about?" Ravel asked, her tone still guarded, yet tinged with curiosity.

Riser began his story, crafting a tale on the spot, unsure of its effectiveness as he spoke to Ravel.

"Ravel, you're well aware of my engagement with Rias and how she openly expresses her disapproval," he began, injecting a hint of drama into his tone.

Ravel responded casually, her words cutting deep, "Well, she's not wrong. Nobody would want someone like you as a husband. You're not just a pervert but also an embarrassment, bringing shame to anyone associated with you. A lecherous moron, a brainless idiot... now, how should I portray you? Even my words are over"

Though stung by her words, Riser fought to maintain composure. "This hurts to hear, but she's not talking about you. She's talking about the previous Riser. I'm new, I'm better," he reminded himself, determined not to let his younger sister's words affect him.

Deep down, he seethed with resentment towards those who disrespected him or displayed arrogance, but for now, he chose to let it slide. This was a game of manipulation, and he needed to stay focused on his objective.

"Ravel, this isn't just about me; it's about the reputation of the Phenex family. If she dumps me, won't that affect the reputation of the Phenex family?" Riser redirected the conversation towards the family's honor rather than focusing solely on himself.

Even if Ravel doesn't want to help Riser Personally but Family Reputation was different thing . Riser strike his words carefully to let Ravel fall to his trap.

"Well, you're right about that. But what can we do? You're not intelligent or powerful. Basically, you're useless," Ravel remarked bluntly,But thinking that what Riser said was true. If Riser and Rias' marriage breaks, it will surely be made fun of, maybe not openly but secretly.

Since Oreo's marriage was also broken with Sona, which was already a shame, but now Riser's marriage will completely sully the Phenex family name for incompetent sons of Phenex.

As Riser absorbed the sting of his own sister's insults, a tick mark appeared on his forehead, but he maintained his composure, knowing he couldn't afford to jeopardize the conversation.

"So, what are you suggesting?" Ravel inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"I want you to train me," Riser declared, determination gleaming in his eyes.

"Train you?" Ravel echoed, taken aback by the unexpected request.

"Yes, train me, and I'm thinking of starting to collect a peerage," Riser stated, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Peerage? Who would join your peerage to begin with?" Ravel asked, her tone blunt but tinged with confusion as she observed Riser's resolute expression.

"Why do you suddenly want to make a peerage?" Ravel questioned further.

"Because of Rias. I believe she might propose a Rating Game to break off the engagement since she can't openly annul our engagement. This could be the only way out. But since I lack a peerage, they might offer me some options, like allowing me to form one within a month and compete with her. So, I want to be ready before something like this happens," Riser explained his strategic reasoning.

"Who are you?" Ravel stood up, her voice laced with hostility.

"Huh!?" Riser's confusion was evident.

"You can't be my idiot brother. He didn't have that much brain to think of something like this. Now that I think about it, you are behaving quite weirdly today. Tell me, who are you?" Ravel demanded, her suspicions escalating.

"Wtf going on?" Riser thought to himself, caught off guard by Ravel's reaction. He had anticipated her response to his fabricated story, not an identity crisis.

"What are you talking about, Ravel? I am Riser," Riser insisted, attempting to maintain his facade.

"No, you're not. A person can't change in just one day. Yesterday, you just stole my panty, and today you're making such futuristic strategies," Ravel countered, her suspicion unwavering.

"Panty?" Riser's mind raced as he remembered his foolish act of sneaking into Ravel's room and getting caught red-handed while sniffing her underwear.

"Ravel, I am Riser. I just got enlightenment when I sniffed your panty, and my mind got in the right direction," Riser blurted out, regretting his words as soon as they left his mouth.

"What in the hell did I just say? I just blurted out whatever came to my mouth. I am so dead now," Riser thought, realizing the absurdity of his statement.

"I see. Well, I guess my clothes carry my aura, so they might have cured you. But don't you dare take my clothes again," Ravel said with a smile, seemingly proud of herself.

As Riser heard Ravel's response, he couldn't help but marvel at the fact that his absurd explanation actually worked. "It actually worked. I mean, come on, who could believe in such stupid words that don't even make sense? But all is well, so I shouldn't care about it, I guess," Riser mused to himself, relieved that he had managed to deflect Ravel's suspicions, albeit with a ridiculous explanation.

"So, how are you going to collect a peerage?" Ravel inquired, intrigued by Riser's strategies.

"First, I want you to join my peerage temporarily to start planning. Since no one is better at it than you, I believe you're the best of the best. I want the best strategist to help when the time comes," Riser said, sugarcoating his words.

Ravel maintained her composure but couldn't hide a hint of satisfaction at the compliment. She, however, harbored doubts about joining his peerage, even if it was temporary. "Give me some time to think about your offer," Ravel replied.

Riser, internally celebrating his success, noted that she didn't reject the idea outright, indicating a possible acceptance.

"Fine, Ravel, take your time. But there's something more I want from you," Riser added, increasing his demands.

"It's not my undergarments, is it? If it is, I'm not going to give them to you," Ravel retorted, narrowing her eyes.

"No...., I want Yubelluna to join my peerage too along with you since I want her help in training," Riser clarified, extending his request.

Hearing the name Yubelluna, Ravel scrutinized Riser, checking for any hint of perverted thoughts, but she found nothing. It was as if he were a pure virgin who had never touched a woman.

"Fine, I accept. But if you try anything perverted, our deal will be canceled. And remember, I'm doing this for my family," Ravel stated firmly.

"Thank you, my dear sister," Riser responded warmly before turning to leave.

Ravel, caught off guard by Riser's affectionate remark, blushed slightly, surprised by her own reaction.

As Riser's warm smile faded, he mused to himself, "I guess it's time to buy the equipment for training." He walked out of the room, but a sudden thought crossed his mind: he hadn't noticed any Gacha-spawning bra on Ravel.

"I guess she doesn't wear one," Riser muttered to himself, noting Ravel's small assets.

" Thank goodness I didn't had beg her like I did in my imagination " Riser words drifted away as he left the scene.

To be continued...


Author Note : I warn you, the next chapter will be R18, so innocent readers can skip it.

Give me your damn power stones.

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