
DxD: Rise of The Vampire of Evil Eye

Gasper Vladi is a cross-dressing male Dhampir who like to wear female clothing because he found them cute. Although he possesses one of the strongest Sacred Gears, his role in the cannon wasn't something great. We will see what will happen to Dragonic Deus Universe when someone's soul transmigrate into his body instantly after being revived by rias. ------- This fanfiction is my first one. And i hope it will be nice. Also my english isn't very good so forgive my mistakes when you read this fic.

QamarPurity · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Second Chapter

"Thank you, Rias. Before I start saying what I want, can you listen to my story first, Rias?" Gasper said, looking at Rias.

"Yes." Rias looked at him and then spoke.

Gasper took a deep breath and then spoke, "My full name is Gasper Valdi. I am son of lord Valdi, the head of Valdi clan. The family is one of great vampire families in the vampire world. I was born between lord Valdi and a human mother. My mother Selina died shortly after giving birth to me."

"It seems that when I was born, I awakened my sacred gear, which is a Forbidden Balor View. Therefore, I was born surrounded by a mass of darkness. And accidentally cursed my mother and many maids responsible for my birth to death. At least this is what I heard from them."

"I lived in isolation and loneliness in the family of lord Valdi. On one hand, my uncontrolled power that put terror and fear in hearts of my family and even my father. And on the other hand, being a Dhampir, a half vampire, which evokes disgust from the vampires who are looking for the purity of the blood."

"Until she came. I met her on one of the Tepes family visits to the Valdi family. She was really similar to me and her life was just like my life."

"Her name is Valerie Tepes. She is a Dhampir born to Lord Tepes, and her mother died shortly after her birth. Due to being very similar, we became friends quickly due to her isolation because she is also a Dhampir."

Then he looked at Rias, "Although she was bullying me like Sister Rias and made me wear these embarrassing girls' clothes, she was the only light in my life within the vampire world."

Rias smiled a little, but the smile did not reach her eyes because she knew that he only said these signs to relieve the negative atmosphere that was resulted from his narration of the story of his life.

"Unfortunately, I could not bear the life in this dark world and chose to run away. Valerie helped me then even when I chose to run away and leave her alone there."

"I didn't think about what will happen to her after she help me. Or maybe I know, but I deluded myself that she will be fine because she is the daughter of King Tepes. In that time, i only cared for myself." Gasper spoke with fury towards himself while clenched his hands.

"After I escaped from the vampire world, I met vampire hunters and I could not defend myself and died. At least I died until you reincarnated me as a devil, Rias."

"Thank you for giving me this second chance." After he finished his words, Gasper lowered his head as gratitude to her for what she did to him.

Rias was listening to Gasper saying his life story, and although she knew that his life was bad, she did not expect to be that bad.

When a person has only one important individual in his life and then causing harm to this only person. Then he realizes what he did. He will feel regret, sadness and anger on himself. Those feelings can lead to many things that you do not really like them.

'I really specialize in collecting people with tragic past.' Rias thought sarcastically as she remembered Akeno's past, Koneko's, Kiba's and now there is Gasper's.

"What I want now is to save Valerie from the vampire world."

"I do not expect from you or your older brother to help me with that because this puts the interests of demons and vampires against each other. It even can cause war that will turn into a great war due to the presence of angels and fallen angels that await the fall of demons."

"So I want power. Power that can enable me to save Valerie by myself from the vampire world. This power is in my hands originally but I have no control over it."

"Although this power is the main cause of all the problems that happened to me in my life. From death of my mother, fear of my family, my isolation and my loneliness. It is also the only thing that I can rely on to save Valerie."

"That's why, Rias. I want you to find teachers can teach me how to control this power. And train me how to use it to its fullest capabilities. Not only any teacher, I want the best you can find, Rias."

"And I also want to learn how to fight and use my racial abilities as a vampire. Learn how to use magic to not waste the first gift you give me which is the mutated bishop piece." Gasper's pink eyes glowed while looking at Rias's blue eye. And Gasper said what he wants with clear and certain tone.

Rias finally knew what Gasper wanted and she knows the importance of this request to him.

She knew that this request is big one as it will require to hire the best four teachers in their specializations but she would do so if it was for his happiness and future.

Also, she was pleased that Gasper trusted her enough to tell his life and aims, although it also put a heavy burden on her shoulders.

But she decided to respond to this trust to her fullest.

"Gasper, thank you for your trust in me. I will do the best I could in order not to let you down and I will talk to my brother tomorrow about your request and find you the best teachers to teach you. This is a promise from me." In a very serious tone, Rias said those words with flames of the burning determination in her eyes.

Gasper looked at the determined Rias and heard her words. He looked down a bit then raises his head, closed his eyes and smiled the most sincere gratitude smile he has ever did.

"Thank you, Rias. Thank you. I am really happy to be one of your peerage."

Buddum, buddum.

Rias looked at Gasper's beautiful face and his impressive smile, and her heart began to be beat heavily and turned her face to the red a little.

Then Gasper stood up and spoke to Rias with a smile on his face "It seems that we became too late due to our conversation. I am totally finished, so I have to go to sleep. Good Sleep, Sister Rias."

He was about going to the door in order returning to his room, but Rias hold his hand.

Gasper turned back and looked at her hand and then looked at her and said, "Do you want something from me, Rias? Why did you stop me?"

Rias looked at him and said, "Can you sleep with me tonight? I don't think I can sleep after hearing you so its your fault. And for this, we can talk about our hobbies and our what we love to get to know each other more until we sleep."

Gasper's face turn to red after hearing that she wants to sleep with him and remembered that she is still wearing a very transparent sleep dress. But after hearing her other words, he knew that he might have been removed the sleep from her eyes.

That is why he agreed and said, "Yes, of course. we can, Rias. I am really happy to learn about your life and hobbies and get to know you more."

Then Gasper remembered something with red face and he hesitate to talk awhile and become silent.

Rias saw that and told him to speak, "You can say freely what you are hesitated to say, Gasper."

"Mmm. Well, but don't laugh."

Rias become really curious about what he would say to her head.

Gasper spoke in a weak voice. "I am kind of used to sleep with a doll in my embrace while sleeping. So I may hugs you if we sleep together."

Rias showed a surprise look on her face and then laughed.

"buf, Hahahahaha."

Her beautiful laughs filled the room as she held her stomach from laughing.

"You promised not to laugh." Gasper was very embarrassing at this moment and hit the land with his feet in embarrassment and then turned his face to the door as if he did not want to look at her.

"Ha ha ha, I am really sorry. But I was somehow admire your courage which did not your look suggests because you wanted to go to save your friend Valerie. But I did not imagine that there is still this childish characterize in you." Rias wiped her eye tip from laught tears.

Rias approached Gasper and hugged him as she patted on his head and said, "It's okay. You can hug me while we sleep like your doll."

Gasper did not talk from his embarrassment and he closed his eyes and appeared to be enjoying the patting.

"Come on, let's go to sleep." She said as she left him and then grabbed his hand and went to the bed in order to sleep.