
Chapter 5

Cale POV

its been years now since we are born i am now 6 years old same with my twin brother millicas, overall of this year

My relationship with venelana has grown alot she would always insist that we should sleep with each other because im just a kid, take a bath together and alot of things

I thinking i might be raising a Milf yandare, too bad she is already married to zeoctus as i remembered that i was in the dxd verse i decided who is gonna be my harem's

The first candidate is RIAS- no after all of this years she would just say hi to me and our relationship is neutral

Koneko- no im not into some loli's

Akeno- i might thinking about it shes honestly a good one but meh

Asia- no fuck no she is too naive to be with me, its not that i hate her but her nature i cant tolerate it i cant help but be pissed off sometimes

Xenovia and irina- honestly i dont know but i might target irina here

Rossweisse- yeah i like her shes one of my fav character in dxd and shes also my no.1 waifu

Gabriel- Just what the hell am i thinking adding one of the seraphs to my harem that sounds ridicolous for a devil

Grayfia- which kind of dumbfucker will ntr his own mother

Yasaka- yea ill take all of the milfs

Kunou- maybe

Ophis-maybe ill just manipulate her and order her to give her power to me muhahhaa i am evil

Honestly im just gonna stop thinking about this shit

After some time of overthinking of which girl should i have in my harem plan a voice suddently waked me up

"Cale. I looked at the boy with a short red hair and red eyes. "Is something bothering you cale" Millicas worriedly said

"Of course no i am fine" I said " But why were you just staring at the roof for a hour and you were not saying anything also you will move your head and say some words like No fuck shit,Lolicon and other more"

Huh what the hell is this "I am truly fine im just thinking of someting else" he clearly dind't believe it, I tried persuading him to not worry at it

I ranted him for hours and he finally agreed i think its solved now while Millicas is still suspicious of me

"Hey millicas how about we test our power?" I suggested since i am curious about millicas power he is a prodigy

When millicas heard my suggestion he dind't agree on his mind since it will be dangerous but he thought ' this will be my chance to see how powerful brother is and i will also show him my power ' so he agreed

Both me and millicas moves into the forest so no one can see us "Now then millicas show me how strong are you"

Millicas" Hmph you better dont dissapoint me brother" he smiles and raises his palm a dark orb materialized on his hand he points it the at tree and fired it

The small dark orb launches at the tree at a fast pace and destroys it without any trace, I cant help but be suprised since this is the

Power of destruction i dind't expect millicas to unlock it so early and his control and output of his demonic energy is high he is already equal to a High-class devil

I cant help but smile and be proud of my brother since he truly is s prodigy but i wont lose to him "How is that brother" he has a smug on his face taunting me

"Heh dont be arrogant little brother ill show you who is superior" I mysteriously smiles and raised my hand at the air millicas was simply confused by his brothers action he was curious so he continued watching his brothers action

Raising my hand in the air the atmosphere in the area suddently drops and turns into a cold and chilly place

A big ice ball suddently appears in the sky "this is what i am about to show you millicas" I pointed my palm at the area

The huge boulder of ice crushes into the area *BOOM* a large shock-wave was generated and the whole area were freezed

The land,animal,and trees were all frozen, "How is it millicas see i am superior than you" I arrogantly smugged at him while he was annoyed

Millicas just turns his head around and acts like a tsundere which weirds me out "Sigh lets just go home millicas im hungry now"

In the end me and millicas decided to go back home and eat some sweats

(A/n: next chapter will be drama against rias)