
DXD: Revenge of the forgotten

Jake, who had a bad childhood, grew up to be an otaku with trust issues. But the luck of a devil, he gets reincarnated. Guess what, he reincarnated as a devil. He is the second son of Zeoticus Gremory and Vanelena Bael. Younger brother of Sirzechs Lucifer and second elder brother of Rias Gremory. Luckily for him he get reincarnated way before the Canon. Unluckily, he do not get any bloodline power of either Gremory or Bael clan. This leads to him being neglected and abandoned, which mirrors with same situations as in his previous life. Which leads him to try hard and fail again and again to get the approval of his new Family. But, to his utter dismay, same thing happens as his previous life. But he gets him up and forges his own path. Find that ones that he trusts and accepts him for who he is. And gets his revenge for being forgotten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MC has High IQ and EQ. Not a Harem Fan-fic. No system or wishes. Contains Yuri and cringy romance. No partners from the canon characters. MC is neutral good. Will help someone but of affect him or his loved one he will turns a blind eye. I DO NOT OWN DXD CHARACTERS OR STORYLINE. THIS IS A FANFIC. THE COVER IS SOMETHING I FOUND FROM GOOGLE IMAGES. I DO NOT OWN THE COVER IMAGE.

Ahilash_Danie · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 47: Awakening and Meeting Starts.

Riser, after meeting with his mother, teleported to Pyran's house in Kuoh town. Once he was in front of the door, the door opened automatically for him. Riser came in and greeted everyone. But Trini noticed he was in a bad mood. She turned to Pyran who just nodded his head saying, 'Leave it to me.'

Pyran then stood up and called Riser out, "Riser come with me. Let me check the progress of your training. It has been a while since we sparred. Let me gauge how much you've grown and prepare a training regime for how you should proceed further."

Riser immediately perked up and didn't think much of it. He just thought that his master wanted to check his progress. They both moved to the training ground below the house. It was mainly used for training Inari, Hanami and their peerage for now. For others, the training ground does not have the capacity to hold their power.

Inside the Training ground, Riser and Pyran faced each other. After few moments Riser immediately started attacking. He first used melee combat to gauge the strength of his opponent. After seeing that Pyran was only using Ultimate Class power. He moved to the combination of Magic attacks and hand-to-hand combat. 

Pyran also started to comment on his growth, "Your melee combat has risen to new level... Magic attacks need few improvements... The fighting style you developed suits you well... So that was why your magic level was stagnant... After few sessions of magic training, we will start training in weapons..." Like that Pyran kept sparring with Riser till he was tired.

After exhausting Riser to his limit. Pyran started to talk to him about his mood. "Hey Riser are you feeling down because your own sister did not stand by you or your mother didn't notice your feelings Or your father did not acknowledge you or your brothers did not take your seriously?." This made Riser glare at Pyran. Pyran just smirked and said, "What are you glaring at me for. If you are dissatisfied make me shut up. Don't hide like you always do."

Riser now got pissed. He started to attack Pyran while shouting, "I do not have the habit of hiding!!" Pyran just smirked again while dodging his punches and kicks, "Oh! Is that so! But all I can see is a little boy who hides his feelings, who will start to cry in the corner after everybody sleeps."

Riser now was overcome with Rage and started to user his Phenex fire in every punch and kicks. He then started to vent, "No, I'm not. I am Riser Phenex. Student of Pyranos Grenzaros and Team. I will not cry in corner but will face all my problems head on. I WILL FIGHT FOR WHAT I WANT!!"

Pyran now laughed with more glee and said, "That's the Riser I trained! Come on Show me the resolve to fight for what you want! Show your teacher the power that you hold to get what you what! SHOW ME RISER!"

As if hearing his call, Riser's power level broke through the invisible restrictions that he put on himself and started to rise. Riser's power level broke through the Ultimate class to Low-Satan class. His bloodline started to mutate. It went from cheap copy of Phoenix to that of the true Phoenix that was casted out from the heaven.

After 3 hours Riser's power started to calm down. Now he is a true phoenix fledgling. Once he starts to work on his blood line, he will slowly get powers that were stripped off from his ancestors. But it seems he will not change his race from Devil to Phoenix. It is like humans with the power of dragons. He is a devil with the power of original Phoenix.

Next thing happened was the evil pieces started to resonate with his power and started to mutate. His Phoenix blood start to covert his peerage member bloodline to Phoenixes. Even the Youkai twin lost their cat ears and tails and started to look like regular devils. By the end of the evening, all the transformation completed and they all fell into deep sleep.

Riser, who completed his metamorphosis earlier, woke up in the room. He then started to get aware of what happened earlier and smiled. He was sure that Pyran wanted to cheer up but the metamorphosis was a happy coincidence. But from the memories that he got from the Phoenix blood, he got transformed because he fought for his rebirth into a new and improved version of himself. The Phoenix blood resonated with his wish and awoke from its dormant state.

Right now, he was able to feel his own peerage members/lovers turned into Phoenix devils. He cleared his mind and went to fresh up and meet with other in the hall. Once he checked the room, he was able to find all the clothes and daily necessities were provided to his taste. He felt that he found where he belonged and had a foolish grin on his face.

But suddenly he heard someone from behind saying, "Why do I feel like I have to punch your face like I never had before. That smile is somewhat making me want to punch you so hard."

Riser identified the voice which belonged to Inari and said in a provocative tone, "Oh dear Inari. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but it might have been easier if I was the same Riser who was mopping around yesterday. But I have been reborn and You have lot of catching up to do before you can even touch my clothes."

Inari wanted to prove him wrong but she can feel that what he said was true. She got annoyed due to Riser statement. She then said, "Don't get too cocky. I will soon surpass you and make sure to beat your sorry face again like I did before. But come down soon Nii-chan is calling for you."

After Inari left, Riser pumped his hand in the air and thought, 'Yes!!! I was finally able to get back at her!! I will make sure to rub it on her face as long as I can!! Hahahahahaha!!! Too bad Hanami did not come!! But I will make sure to annoy her too!!'

After getting his resolve, he got back his carefree attitude. He was able to enjoy all the small things in life wholeheartedly. He then started to get ready to meet Pyran down stairs. His was sure his master had some instructions for him.

After few minutes Riser meet up with Pyran, Trini, Alex, Ingvild, Inari and Hanami in the living room. As soon as he walked in Alex said with a smirk, "Well! Well! Well! Who do we have here. Head up people! New Phoenix on the floor!"

Riser smiled happily but you can see his ears getting read due to Alex's statement. Pyran then said, "It seems you will be able to take control of Phenex family if you showed up with this power. But as far as I can see this is the birth of new Clan of devils. I mean Phenex family is kind of fire birds, whereas you are Phoenix in the truest sense."

Riser laughed and said, "I don't want to start my own clan. I will gladly take the branch family status and live my life as I wanted to be. Maybe if my children wanted to start a new clan. I will help them develop it."

Everyone smiled at Riser's statement. They can see the improvement to Riser's temperament just by hearing him talking. He is lot more relaxed and sharper than what he showed before. His Power level and temperament started get even.

Riser the turned to Hanami and showed a polite smile. But that Polite smile, in the eyes of Hanami, was like asking for a beating. But even after that Hanami chose to keep silent. She did not want to get mocked by him as it is always the other way around till now.

Pyran, Trini, Alex and Ingvild looked the scene with amusement. But, Inari was unable to hold on and said, "Do you know Riser. As per the history, there was rivalry that was so bad than the rivalry between Red Dragan of domination and White Dragon of Supremacy. Do you know that?"

Riser was confused and shook his head not knowing about it. Inari got a sweet smile that felt like a devil's smile for Riser and said, "You know the Phoenix was initially casted out from heaven due to their battle tendency and destruction. Who do you think they fought so hard that they were casted out?" Riser was having a bad feeling when Inari continued, "Dragons!! Yes, the Phoenixes and Dragons were like mortal enemies that fought each other so hard that they have eliminate the other. So, as a new born Phoenix, even if you don't want to, the dragons will seek you out to fight. Hope you are ready for that~!!"

Riser's face went from anger to pale to utterly terrified. As he started to think, he found that that there are not many dragons but all the dragons in the world utterly outclassed him. If they started to seek him out for fight, he will surely get killed even if he had the power to rise from the ashes.

Trini laughed and shook her head, "Inari stop scaring him. He just got his power up. Let him enjoy. And Riser, don't worry. I isolated the space so that no one felt your energy. Alex too put a seal on you so that you won't leak your bloodline powers before you reach Superdevil Class."

Inari just clicked her tongue and mumbled somethings. Riser let out a sigh of relief and glare at Inari and Hanami. To which the both just showed their tongue as if mocking him. All those present in the table laughed at the antics.

As they were enjoying the evening, there was a teleportation circle started to manifest in front of their house. Everyone felt it and Riser went to see what was happening. He knows that it was for him. Even if it is not, no one will mind him getting the door. And true to his thoughts the message he received was from a devil stating the time and place for his meet.

The next day, Riser was dressed formally and was waiting for others to join him. He was only taking Yubelluna with him as she is the only one who mastered her powers. Rest of his peerage were still training their powers to get them under the control. Soon, they were joined by Ingvild and Alex.

Riser was confused and asked, "I thought Master and Mistress will be joining us. Are they not using this opportunity?"

Ingvild said, "No, Pyran was waiting for a grand stage. The stage like Rias's 18th Birthday party or Youth Devil Gathering to expose himself. This is just a meeting between two families and you are the protagonist. He did not want to take your spot light. This also allows him to make the Gremory family suffer till they see him."

Riser just nodded and let the matter to rest. If his Master has a plan, then he will let himself enjoy this meeting to his fullest. He will make sure to make the Gremory's more desperate to meet his Master. Just thinking for their desperate face is making him form a sadistic smile.

Alex slapped Riser's head and said, "Wipe that smile off your face. You are not going to torture someone. You are going for a formal meeting. Don't go like a murder happy pshyco. We all know what you are thinking and you have his permission already."

Riser just smiled foolishly and started the teleportation circle. And within few seconds they were inside the Phenex family territory. Riser the guided them to the meeting place. As the went closer they were able to feel several high-class to Ultimate-class devils in the surrounding.

Alex and Ingvild were amused by the security. But they did not mind that because they have enough power to handle them and if needed, they can escape from underworld with Riser and Yubelluna if needed.

Once they reached the meeting room, they were able to see the members from Gremory and Phenex family present. From Gremory; Zeoticus, Vanalena, Sirzechs, Grayfia and Rias were present. Rias also brought here peerage with her. From Phenex; Corey, Caitlyn, Ruval and his wife Thalmia, Razer and Ravel were present.

Riser, Yubelluna, Alex and Ingvild took their seat and nodded at the members opposite to start the meeting. But as soon as the meeting started, Vanalena asked, "Can you please tell me where Rahakki Gremory is. Would you please ask him to meet me?" They can she was desperate.

Ingvild smiled and said, "All in due time Lady Vanalena. Right now, we have come here for Riser and Rias's Marriage contract and the Rating game proposed in regards to it. I believe, you have all been informed about the demands Riser placed from Lady Grayfia. So, shall we start the negotiations?"

Vanalena wanted to say something but Caitlyn stopped her from saying anything as this meeting will not move any further if Vanalena start to speak again. Corey Phenex then asked in a disappointed tone, "I never expected this from you Riser. I always thought you were doing all the Casanova thing for attention. But I never expected you to go against your own family. That too in the instigation from outsiders. I always believed that you will come to understand the family's decisions and start to mature. But it seems I was wrong to trust you."

Riser was getting angry at every word but before he could speak, Alex said, "Let us make something clear here. Don't act as if you care about Riser. All your love and care for him ended when Ravel was born. Don't go assuming that you treat him like family. You have only considered Riser as a tool that was meant to be used."

Everybody present except Riser's side were shocked. Caitlyn said in an angry tone, "Don't spell out words that will mislead others. Riser is my third son and I love him with all my heart. He is as important as any of my children."

Alex Raised his brows and asked, "Is that so! Then please tell me his Birthday? His favorite color? His favorite food? At least his hobby? Come on please answer me!" No one in the Phenex family were able to answer. Riser had already made up his mind for this reaction, but it still hurt like hell when he faced it first-hand.

Catilyn, seeing Riser's hurt face, felt like she lost something permanently. She was sure she has lost her Third son from this day onwards. She was not sure what to do but from Riser reaction there was no chance for her to mend her relation with her Third son. She just sat there looking at Riser with a lost look.

Corey felt like he was losing something but ignored it and said while looking at Riser, "It is not important but I have given birth to you and you are supposed to act in regards to the family's orders. But you have made a selfish decision and went against my orders. Do you know what the punishment is?"

Corey was not aware that he lost all the respect Riser had for him and made his decision. Ruval, Razer and Ravel where shocked by their father's statement but still chose to side with their father as they believed what Riser did was wrong and the marriage contract is for Riser's own good.

Ruval Phenex, the Heir of Phenex family said in an authoritative tone, "Riser it is still not too late for you to take back your decision. As the next head of Phenex family, I assure you that if you accept the family's decision and come back to repent, I will make your punishment lighter and you will enjoy the benefits of the Main family offspring. If not, you will be demoted to Branch family and in future all your descendants will lose the right to consider themselves as the Main family. 

I'm not sure what they promised but let me tell you, all those benefits are for short term. Only your family will stick with you till the end. I'm not threatening you, but let me say that once you are out of the protection from the Main family line, lot of the devils will jump to have you enslaved for Phenex tears. Also, you have a peerage full of beautiful women. If you do not have proper power for protection, I do not have to say what the future that holds for them without the protection from the main family. So, please think thoroughly before deciding you next move."