
True Serafall

We are close to the end

pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda


Word Count 1800


Realm of the Dead.

Despite being outnumbered Sirzechs was holding himself very well. In his True Form he just destroyed anything and everything around him. Grim Reapers were being erased just by being in his presence.

"Persistent Bastard" Poseidon cursed out as he kept running away.

His situation was a blessing and a curse. Sirzechs was dead set on killing him. Poseidon was severely injured and he had already lost an arm, and a chunk from his stomach.

But the most important fact alone that they were capable of injuring Sirzechs.

Due to his anger, Sirzechs just kept chasing Poseidon, allowing the others to strike him. But if Sirzechs stopped Poseidon would just leave.

Hades used this to call even more reinforcements. Intending to trap Sirzechs and do some serious damage. His Grim Reapers have slowly been gathering Death Aura from around the Realm near them and have been 'concentrating' it at the area where he was fighting Hades.

'If I have to sacrifice Poseidon so be it. I can always bring him back in a few centuries' Hades thought to himself as he watched Sirzechs chase Poseidon with rage in his eyes. He was quite injured himself. Many of his bones were cracked and seemingly being held in place by black green mist. If he had real flesh as a body he would probably be bleeding all over the place with various injures all over him.

The reason they were able to drag this fight so long was because of the thousand Grim Reapers from Ultimate to Mid Class that were with them. They created barriers that slowed down Sirzechs for one second allowing Poseidon to escape certain death. Sirzechs had already killed 400 of them just from lashing out. Each time Poseidon got away he flung his hands and dozens Grim Reapers died.

'I never expected Sirzechs to be this powerful in his true form. If I were to fight him alone he will easily be able to defeat me. Guess they weren't lying when they said he is stronger than the Original Lucifer.

That guy was a pain, but Sirzechs isn't 10 times stronger than Lucifer, stupid devil propaganda. But currently he is stronger then the Original. Destruction is such a troublesome power to fight against. Though I have no right to complain as a Death God, having Domains over Death and Soul.'

'Quite frankly the most useful person in this war has been Atë.' Hades mused, he was quite sure the goddess had hidden herself around here somewhere.

Atë, Até or Aite was the goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse.

'The Holy Emperor lost an arm, and now she was even affecting Sirzechs. If it wasn't for her twisted personality I would have respected her a lot more. She is one of the few Gods in this world who never stopped improving themselves. She is responsible for quite a few incidents over the last few hundreds of years. Causing quite a few diplomatic incidents. All it takes is a bit of nudge from her and some diplomat does something very stupid.'

Hades narrowly dodges an long range blast from Power of Destruction. 'I shouldn't get distracted like that. Even when he is rash and reckless he is still the Strongest Devil. He should have realized his situation by now but he is still chasing after Poseidon.

Him indulging in his disgusting habits and raping his sister might have been the right call. Otherwise how else would we be able to surround and attack Lucifer like this. This is an opportunity to finally deal a fatal strike to the Devil Faction.'

'How much longer?!' Hades spoke to his servants telepathically 

'We are bringing it to you as fast as we can Lord Hades. You yourself know how unstable Samael's Poison is.' the servant spoke up. A group of Grim Reapers were delivering a single bottle to Hades. A single bottle that they kept under constant barriers.

'Well get it here' Hades ordered as he unleashed another concentrated Death Ray at Sirzechs who simply destroyed it without looking.

Sirzechs glanced at Hades before continuing his chase 'Annoying bastard' he cursed in his mind again 'After I kill Poseidon he is next!'

This 'chase' carried on for a little while longer before Hades received an urgent message "SIR!! WE CAN'T STOP HER! SHE IS KILLING OUR MEN AND BREAKING PAST EACH BARRIER! THE S- *AHHHH*" The transition stopped.

'An intruder. Damn it, I can't go and stop whoever she is. I need all of my Grim Reapers here.' Without Pluto who was as strong as Azazel and Thanatos who was stronger than most Gods. The fight would be more risky. He would have to take even more damage.

Pluto was a firmly in his faction.

Thanatos is the leader of the Militant Faction and he refuses to listen to Hades's orders. He is the oldest and most powerful Grim Reaper. But Sirzechs was attacking the Netherworld so he was forced to fight him, otherwise he would have left Hades to die. Coincidently he is the reason Hades is so injured. Letting some attack's slip past him to hit Hades.

Orcus is the leader of the Moderate Faction that believe they should have better relationship with other factions in order for the Netherworld to become more stable.

 "RAAAAA!!!" Suddenly Sirzechs rushed at Poseidon at an even faster speed. His wings were leaving a dark red trail in the air, making him look more like a comet than a person.

"SEA GOD'S SHIELD!" Poseidon roared out and used all the water he got from the River Styx to form a water shield in front of him. The shield was very big, 3 metes wide and tall, with being 2 meters deep. It was filled with his Divine Energy and the special properties of the River Styx.

Sirzechs gritted his teeth as the water fought his destruction. The different energies in the water was making it difficult to destroy it. But he dug deeper into his reserves. "HAKAI" 

Destruction energy ripped through the center of the shield.

"NOOOOOO!!!!" Poseidon yelled out as the attack burst through the shield and engulfed him, it immediately targeted his legs and moved upwards.

"DIEEEE!!!" Sirzechs roared out, as he pushed even father. Poseidon was getting disintegrated, he couldn't run away,


"NOW!" Hades yelled out, Sirzechs just unleashed a big attack, he was pourable right now.

Hades and his Grim Reapers were ready to send out a dozen or so attacks but froze as a chill engulfed the area.

"You sure did a number on our leader" A cold voice echoed, causing everybody to turn to the source.

Hades glanced behind him. "Serafall Sitri"

Tap. Crzz. Tap. Crzz. Tap. Crzz. 

Serafall was taking slow but steady steps. With each step, the ground beneath her froze and spread. Everything within 50 meters of her was freezing.

"What is with that form" Hades frowned. This was not how she usually looked

Serafall was wearing white and light blue dress. That looked like it was made from ice and snow. The dress was long that ended at her ankles. She was also wearing heels that looked like were made from the darkest ice possible.

 She has a small ice flower formation at the center of her chest, and a half crown of ice which extends around the back of her head.

But the biggest change was her her hair and eyes. Her hair turned to an almost translucent whiteish with a bit of violet in it. While her deep purple eyes turn to very light purple, that shined like gems.

She looked like an Ice Queen, looking down at them.

"This is my True From." Serafall reply's calmly

"Serafall" Sirzechs approached slowly her while watching the enemies

Hades immediately noticed something strange. He felt not life from her "You are dead."

Serafall nodded ever so slightly "Very sharp, indeed in this form my body is so cold that it stops everything. Even my own life. But it also stops everything else." She calmly raised her hand at Pluto who was approaching her with his Scythe


A white gust spread from her, ice spread out below it at high speeds. In a matter of seconds, everything around them froze. Pluto was frozen solid, a Mid to High Ultimate Class killed in an instant.

To Hades's surprise the River Styx froze as well. 'That's Impossible, the river itself was created by all the souls swimming through it since it began. The souls would leave traces of themselves in the river. It was more accurate to say that it was Soul Water. She can freeze the soul itself'

"Shall I take this as the Alliance's declaration of war against Olympus?" Hades asked in a calm tone, like there weren't two Satans in their True Forms in front of him.

Serafall just smirked "Your brother raped Rias Gremory and your little Cupid gave an arrow to our Enemies. An arrow that caused Archangel Gabriel to fall. What do you think?"

"This is not over" Sirzechs said to the Death God

Hades merely smiled "See you on the battlefield then" he knew it was pointless to keep them here. Poseidon was dead, meaning Lucifer won't be distracted anymore.

Serafall stopped "Which one?"

Hades actually chuckled understanding her meaning 'Alliance vs Olympus or the Great War that is coming'

"Whichever comes first"

Serafall frowned and snapped her fingers. A teleportation circle appeared beneath her and Sirzechs taking them home.

Hades just sighed as he used his divine energy to repair his clothes.

"My Lord, what now?" Pluton the strongest Grim Reaper asked his Lord

"Now, you will call some of our men to fix up this area while I go and see my wife. Along with a few bottles of my best wine. Today has been quite entertaining. No reason not to continue my good mood."

"But my Lord. Your brother died" Pluton said in a confused voice

"Exactly" Hades chuckled as he disappeared in a black fog.




True Form. Looks like Rukia Bankai but with a dress instead of a kimono. 

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