
Chapter 7

Minutes later

A blushing Rose had finished listening to the boy's explanation, learning several details regarding the ritual that Draig had not told Grayfia or her.

Besides feeling embarrassed at thus losing control in front of the Maou Lucifer and his [Queen].

- So W-What do you want to be one of my pieces - He asked somewhat hesitantly.

The albino smiled at seeing him so shy, so nodding, she agreed to be part of his Noble Title.

This was a way to get back at Rias Gremory for what she forced him to do to the chestnut to forget her, she still had a hard time getting the image of the boy covered in blood out of her mind.

- Rosseweise, under the name of Hyodo Issei of the House of Dragons, I ask you to serve me from now on as my servant and family, from this moment on you are my [Bishop] - And with that said, the piece floating in front of her was introduced into her body.


The sound of a small object caught the boy's attention, recognizing Rias' [Tower] piece at his feet.

Picking up the piece, she turned to the red-haired boy handing it to him, receiving a nod from him.

- With all that said, I'll leave, Grayfia will come later to inform you about your property in the Underworld - He said and then disappeared with the Maid.

The boy blinked, before remembering that Tannin had his domain when he reached the rank of Supreme Class Demon, so he deduced that he would also have his own lands there.

Sighing, he turned to a nervous albino looking down at the ground.

He couldn't help but smile at the sight.

- Thank you, for being with me - He then hugged her, taking her by surprise.

Past her surprise, the girl reciprocated the gesture.

Feeling brave, she separated from him slightly, just enough to look him in the eyes, before kissing him tenderly.

The chestnut opened his eyes like saucers, before reciprocating the gesture and passing his arms around the albino's waist.

Once they separated, the boy's brain short-circuited, sending him into unconsciousness.

- Ise? Ise! - the girl exclaimed in alarm, checking the boy.

- Rosseweise... kiss... best day of my life - stammered the unconscious boy, blushing the aforementioned girl, who carefully put the boy's head in her lap.

Minutes later

The brown-haired boy opened his eyes, feeling his hair being stroked.

Focusing his sight, he could recognize Rosseweise, who was looking at him warmly.

- ʺI see... it wasn't a dream... Wait a minute! Does-that mean that Rosse-chan... loves me?ʺ - He thought dumbfounded.

[Slow down, that girl fell in love with you a long time ago, she just hadn't realized it... just like you].

Draig's comment blushed him, being imitated on the spot by the albino, as the boy kept staring at her.

- I'm sorry I didn't realize it before... but I promise to take care of you and not to let you lack anything - whispered the boy audible enough for her.

She blinked doubtfully, before understanding the context of those words and smiling even with a small blush, so her only response was to lean in and claim the boy's lips in a kiss that showed what she was feeling in those moments.

Issei felt like never before.

He was a Supreme Class Demon, he had his own pieces to put together his court, lastly and most importantly... A beautiful girl was kissing him with love!

The warmth that her lips gave off he had never felt before, he couldn't compare them to the other girls because those memories were unimportant now.

He slowly rose to his feet, being imitated by the white-haired girl.

- Are you staying? We have what we need to be comfortable - He asked with a small smile.

- My place is by your side... my [King] - The girl answered with a playful smile.

Knowing that she was reciprocated had made her lose a little her shyness in front of the boy.

- Then there is only one thing left to do - She said while she placed a knee in front of the surprised albino.

- Rosseweise, even though I didn't realize I was falling in love with you, I have never been good with words so I just have to ask you... Will you accept to be my girlfriend? - He asked with all the courage he could muster.

The aforementioned had tears in her eyes, but she smiled at what the boy said, remembering that he said he was going to make things right, realizing that this is what he meant.

- I accept to be your girlfriend, Hyodo Issei - She said with a cute and shy smile.

The boy rejoined and hugged her gently.

They both enjoyed each other's closeness and wished that moment would last forever.

- I'm back - Said an emotionless voice out of nowhere.

- Kyaaa!/Ahhh!" They both let go totally startled.

- Hello - Greeted a little Gothic Loli raising her hand.

- Ophis, don't scare us like that - Slightly reprimanded the boy holding his chest.

The albino was in a corner of the room in the same condition as the boy.

- Mmm? Issei, did you become a Datenryu? - she asked after analyzing the boy with her eyes.

- Huh? What are you talking about? - he asked doubtfully.

Then the little girl just approached him and hugged him, to the bewilderment of the brown and the albino.

[It's the name the Dragons receive after falling.]

Draig explained simply.

The boy understood and knew that the little Ophis cared for him, so he stroked his head gently.

- Don't worry, it's over - He said with a slight smile.

- You stopped being a Demon - The Dragon Goddess pointed out.

The boy smiled a little more, nothing really escaped Ophis, so he began to explain the latest events.

- I want to go in - It was the simple comment of the little Dragon.

Both Issei and Ross blinked at what the little Goddess said.

- What do you mean Ophis-sama? - asked the Valkyrie with doubt.

- I want to be with Issei, that's why I will be part of her group - She explained, leaving Rosseweise and Issei with their jaws on the floor when they understood what she was referring to.

The little girl took advantage of the moment of stupefaction and the boy's closeness to search in his pocket, and extracted the case of his pieces.

Before the astonished gaze of the pair, the little goddess opened it and looked for the piece indicated for her, being the [Queen].

Coming out of his stupor, the brown-haired man tried to say something, but a flash covered the Dragon Goddess, preventing anyone from moving.

Seconds later, Ophis can be seen standing in front of him, extending the case to Issei, who received it mechanically before returning it to his pocket.

Shaking his head and coming out of his stupor, the chestnut looked at her unable to believe what had happened.

- H-How...? If you are much more powerful than me, as far as I know, reincarnating you was practically impossible - He articulated with difficulty.

-...- Ross didn't say anything, as she found the scene in front of her implausible.

- It wasn't difficult to synchronize my power with the piece, besides I've discovered a little trick in them - She answered in a neutral tone, before closing her eyes.

The couple opened their eyes in shock as they felt a change in the aura of the Dragon Goddess, practically in front of them was another person, although the Dragon aura remained unchanged.

- T-This is... - stammered the valkyrie without being able to believe it.

- I can change my aura completely, with that no one will know I'm in your group - She added in an enthusiastic tone... in the Ophis style of course.

Which was barely recognizable to those who knew her, in the case of Issei and Rosseweise the link with the pieces allowed them to know it more easily.

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