
DxD: MOB reincarnation

A story about someone who got reincarnated in DXD without cheats, without rob and without system. no OP WARNING: Mc has limited knowledge of the story. He has not read all the story of dxd.

X_1995 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

pure power

In the garden, after breakfast, me, Rias and Akeno were gathered. I need to know what upgrades had their power from the unclogging of meridians.

"Well then Rias. You go first. "

She nodded and then started gathering power of destruction in her hand. I could see that her power had grown more powerful, denser and a little uncontrollable too. The destruction left by the attack was at least double of what she was able to do before. Akeno too had improved her power but it seemed to have affected her control of it. I think they need to train more the manipulation of their power than learning new techniques.

"From what I can see, you need to get accustomed to your power. Both of you. And get your control better, at least enough to complete the unclogging of your meridians."

"Akeno has already mastered enough techniques, but you Rias need to use better your power. You use it to thinly. I think that just by compressing them enough you could kill a high level devil easily. Maybe make constructs with your power. Have you ever thought of creating an armor made of destruction power? Maybe even create a weapon condensed power of destruction for close combat. You have a lot of demonic power so your only limit should be your imagination in using your power."

After that I left them alone. I could not show them demonic manipulation techniques after all. That was an area outside my expertise. Since I had some time I decided to do the bloodline purification to Millicas too, like Sizerchs-san had asked. When he brings me the books I asked, I will not have time for this after all.

I found his aura and after controlling that he was alone, I teleported in front of him. He seemed shocked seeing me appear like that.

"How did you manage to teleport Haru? There should be the anti-space magic field activated now. No one ,other than the people with the keys, should be able to move inside?"

"Different power system, remember. By the way, since I had time I thought I would help you with Millicas's bloodline reinforcement. Is it okay for you if we do it now?" Still shocked by my appearance, it took him some time to answer.

"Of course. Let's go. I have already informed him. " And in an instant we were in front of him. He came quickly running toward his father and hugged him.

"Good morning father, Haru-san."

""Good morning Millicas."" We both replied.

"Do you remember that father talked to you about the power of Haru. That he can make you stronger? We came today to do precisely that."

"I remember it. Ok, I will do it." He said.

"It might hurt a little. Do you have some magical pain killer or something like that to help him?" I asked to Sizerchs.

"We do have something. But it tends to disrupt the flow of demonic power. "

"Then it's impossible to use it. Do tell me if it becomes unbearable Millicas? You are still young, after all. We can do it again later."

"No, I will do it now. I can take a little pain. " He said.

"Ok then sit down with your back turned toward me. " I said. He did as I asked. I repeated the process of unclogging his meridians while reminding him to keep the demonic power under control while I did that.

I do not know if this boy is extremely talented or it's because he still has not developed all his demonic power, but I managed to unclog six of his meridians. After that point I think I would only hurt his growth. Maybe later, because I could feel that the moment I unclogged his 7 meridian he would probably be destroyed by his own evolution. Too much power can ruin you they say. He still became a 8 winged devil though. I guess the son of a monster can only be a monster. Genes don't fail usually. At least with the devils. He started going through the same process of the other two but this boy did not utter a single sound. I would have cried at his age, were this to happen.

After Sizerchs-san thanked me, he took Millicas to bathe him. After that I did not have much to do. So I went to my room and kept repeating the fire forging technique until I reached the limit and fainted. I am starting to become numb to the pain. It's as if the pain was there, but my body would not even consider that. I have built an insane tolerance toward pain and fire. My body kept getting stronger but slowly. I could not beat Sairaorg in terms of only pure physical power and touki for example.

I woke up in my bed, with Akeno wearing only underwears. Not wanting to wake her up I teleported silently out of bed and went outside. I felt like I would not be able to control myself if I remained inside.

Just like that days kept passing. I got my books too. I was not able to use magic myself but I got the magic circles. As long as I draw and power it with my ki it should work. Now I only needed to get the materials and I would be able to create a holy sword myself. I just need some way to avoid learning blacksmith and alchemy allowed me to do that. I could turn in liquid form the ingredients with my fire ki and then using my spiritual power with the aid of alchemy I would be able to give the weapon the shape I desired.

After some days we were ready to go back to school. It would be bad if we kept missing school. Before that, Sairaorg came to thank me again. He brought some fruits speciality of his territory. It seems like his brother had helped with the cultivation. He wanted to find some way to thank me for helping his mother, so I asked him to spar with me as a reward. Honestly, his fight with Issei impressed me greatly. It was like fighting with your idol. The only thing that I regretted was that he did not have his golden armor. This time I wanted to train only my martial arts. So I had no intention to use the law manipulation. Just fist against fist.

We started with some normal punch without touki. He was clearly one level above. The moment our punch connected I felt my fist cracking a little. It seems that my body still was not enough. I used my touki then.

I kept punching and getting punched, but he had the advantage with his touki too. I managed to avoid getting my bones cracked by applying black flash in all the attacks I launched.

We managed to have a serious fight only when I used my golden ki too. In that moment I flared golden. Concentrated all the strength in my limbs and disappeared from the spot I was before. In an instant I got in front of him and launched a heavy blow to his liver. In that moment I managed to move him from his position. He flew back some steps, but still did not fall down. He launched himself at me and hit me in the head with a left straight. I guess he felt it too, but in that moment I used iron to block his blow. The next moment I jumped forward combining shave with moon step and gave him a blow with my right knee. I felt myself lose in the pure exctasy I was feeling in that moment. I let myself immerse in the moment. It was clear I was in the advantage, but he still managed to wound me. Since this was just a pure competition I avoided healing myself. I let the wounds accumulate.

It was about a minute later that he stopped moving altogether, keeping himself in fighting position. He had fainted. I could feel it from his fist. The pure willpower after every punch. He was straightforward in every move. This was the kind of fight I wanted, not some Gundam fight. I activated the life essence ki in the area around the two of us and healed all the wounds. In an instant we were like new and he opened his eyes.

"Did I lose?" He said scratching his head. It seems that he was a little confused.

"I healed you. Thank you Saiaorg. By fighting you I understood that my touki could reach even greater heights. How about we fight again the next time?"

"It seems like my training still was not enough. I will double it. I will accept a fight with you everytime, Haru." He said smiling.

"Good. The next time I will use my all, so you better do it too. I can feel that you still have something else in your sleeves." He nodded.

"I guess this is a goodbye for now everyone. Thank you for everything. " I bowed and saluted the members of the Gremory Household.

After that we teleported back to the academy.