
DxD: MOB reincarnation

A story about someone who got reincarnated in DXD without cheats, without rob and without system. no OP WARNING: Mc has limited knowledge of the story. He has not read all the story of dxd.

X_1995 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

old building

I left the scene running away. Honestly it went better that I thought. If it went down to a fight I did not have the confidence to beat both of them with my cultivation still recovering. I believe this is the first devil I have not killed for a long time. Now that they are here to manage the city, I think I'll leave it to them. No, wait. Now that I think about it, they are both very rich, right? Then if they pay for every stray devil that I kill, maybe I can finally do something good for my parents. More money it's always good anyway.

Thank god I am really fast. If I had been later mom would have grounded me. I cannot blame her for being strict. I do have a tendency to make her worry.

After a shower, I sat on the bed. I keep thinking about the encounter I had today. About the new devil managers. About the red haired one. I guess It's like I can't get her out of my mind. No way, no way. I'm not going to try getting close to a devil. They are the same race that has created the abominations that keep trying to kill me, the same race that made me soil my hand with blood.

As if woken from a trance, I gave myself a slap in the face. Wake up, you idiot. I thought. You can have a normal relationship with devils, after all killing everyone is not a very plausible road. Do not forget. DO NOT FORGET. Never trust the supernaturals.

After that, to relieve myself from the stress this day has caused me. I watched some anime. I guess once a otaku, forever a otaku. I thought smiling a little at myself. And like that the day passed.


After a week Rias gave me a call.

"Hello. Is it Haru-kun? Hello I am Rias. Do you have time? I wondered if you know the Kuoh academy? Want to meet there?" She said

Honestly I was a little surprised. I gave her the number thinking she was not going to call me again.

"Ok. I do know it. After a month I will be a first year student at the highschool division there. Isn't it still closed though?" I asked. Though I do know that she has the old building to yourself.

"Don't worry about it. I'll send someone to pick you up. See you there then. " She said and hanged the phone at same time.

Did I say I would go? Oh well, I did not have much to do anyway. I guess I'll go then. I thought.

And so here I am, in front of the building waiting. After a few minutes, a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes wearing the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white, long-sleeved dress shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, matching black pants, and brown dress shoes, came to pick me up.

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I am Kiba Yuuto. I came to pick you up per order of my master." He said with a smile plastered in his face.

"Nice to meet you too. I am Kurokawa Haru."

"Well then shall we go Kurokawa-san?"

"Yeah, sure."

After some time spended in silence we arrived at the old building, a three story building, with the third story serving as a clock-tower. It seemed painted white with a black roof with vines creeping up to the second story.

We arrived in the club room and Kiba knocked on the door. After a brief moment I heard Rias tell him to enter.

The club room interior was a wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls. Inside other than Rias there was a petite girl with white hair and gold eyes.

" Hello Haru. Welcome." She said. " Today I wanted to present to you my family. She is Koneko Toujo, my rook." Koneko nodded as if to acknowledge my presence and then started eating some snack. " And Kiba Yuuto, my knight."

"Ok. Nice to meet you all." I said. "You had something to ask me?"

"Ah yes. In reality is simple. I just wanted to ask you if you would like to become a member of my peerage, like Kiba and Koneko."

"You want me to become a devil?" I said a little disgusted. Honestly, after killing so many strays, for me the image of the devil race can be described in one word: abomination.

In that moment I realized that I was a little rude to them, so I apologized.

"I'm sorry. I just have a bad image of your race. You guys seem good people, but for me the devil race has been for a long time only a group of monsters that keeps trying to kill me."

At first they were a little taken aback by my reaction, but after my explanation they calmed down a little.

"Don't worry." She said." We are not going to try eating you." And started laughing a little. Kiba too. Koneko kept munching something but sometimes she turned to observe me.

" What would I gain from becoming a devil? Only the bat wings and a long life a slavery?" I responded.

" I guess I cannot blame you for having biases. After all you have seen only the ugly part of devil society. But I can guarantee you that it's not slavery. You even can become a high level devil and create you peerage too. You would be able to live a long life, use magic and become stronger. " She said.

"I see how free they are. No master equal monster transformation. I have no need for a longer lifespan too. I am not going to die in 100,200 or even 500 years from now, so no point becoming a devil. I guess the Toujo there already felt that and my touki, since she seems to be glaring at me. I can feel it too now that I am near her. She must be a senjutsu user right?" I said. I did feel it now that I was near her. I miss my spiritual sense, with it I could probably cover the entire city.

She gave one look to Koneko and she nodded.

" I understood." She said. " But she does not like talking about that so could we not divulge into this?"

It seemed like I dug too much. I only watched some anime episode so honestly I didn't understand what I said wrong, but still I nodded.

" How about becoming stronger, having your peerage? A devil can live more than 10 000 years, you know?" She repeated.

"Look. I do not want to sound rude and I appreciate your offer, but for me becoming a devil does not give me any benefit, only problems. So please do not insist anymore." I said.

Just when she was about to answer, I felt something near the door. This aura reminded me something. It seemed a mix of devil aura and that of the piece of shit that killed my master.

In that moment without thinking I jumped away from the couch and put myself in attacking position, touki released at maximum power and bloodlust erupting.

Only after one moment I realized who could be the person outside. Inside arrived beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes, magic circle already ready to attack me.

"Wait stop everyone." Shouted Rias.

It was Himejima Akeno. She was half fallen angel? I was shocked. Only then did I release my touki and retracted my bloodlust.

" I apologize for my behavior. Your fallen angel aura reminds me of my master's killer." I said still a little shocked. I guess I am pretty edgy when it comes to fallen angels. That bastard managed to leave a scar on me, an emotional one.

Akeno ,still shocked, froze when she heard me say that. I guess being half fallen angel should not be something she normally goes around divulging.

I completely ruined the atmosphere inside the room. Kiba before was about to cut me with a sword he materialized, Koneko ready to punch me and Rias was a little lost for words.