
DxD: MOB reincarnation

A story about someone who got reincarnated in DXD without cheats, without rob and without system. no OP WARNING: Mc has limited knowledge of the story. He has not read all the story of dxd.

X_1995 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Good morning

When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room. Everything around me seemed to come from the scene of some antique European room. I was on a bed in the center of the room. The bed seemed to be king size. I could feel something heavy and soft on my chest. When I looked in front of me I could see something under the covers, right in the middle of my chest. I moved it with my left hand and there she was sleeping peacefully. I could recognize her beautiful head everywhere. Akeno was the one sleeping peacefully. I felt compelled in that moment to pat her head. It seemed like I need to feel her with my hand, as if to confirm her existence. It was in that moment, just when I patted her head, that she woke up.

"Hey there. Good morning." I said.

It took her some moment to register the situation ,then she moved from the covers and jumped on me. She embraced me with all the strength she had. It seemed like she was trembling. I embraced her too.

"I'm sorry." I said smiling apologetically. "I made you worry, right? No need to be scared. I won't die. I still haven't even gone to a date with you yet."

I guess she was not satisfied with that. She bit me right after I said that.

"Ouch. I'm not edible you know?"

"You idiot. Do you know how much I missed you? Do you know how hard was for me to contain during the meeting? Moreover the moment you come back, I find you on the ground covered in blood. I swear to god that I am going to chain you down if you are to continue doing this." She said as she looked me with shining eyes. Now I could see how red they were. She had cried a lot. I looked her directly in her violet eyes and kissed her. It was a moment that seemed to last forever. I could feel her heartbeat beating. Mine too, as if it was resonating with hers.

"I'm sorry. I keep making you worry. Next time I'll stay here. It does not matter who it is. I will face it head on. I fear that hurting you may be more dangerous than fighting some god." I said. In that moment I realized it. I should not have run. In the future I will keep fighting until the end to protect them. I do not need to run. Just by running, I had hurt her so much. As if to ask forgiveness, I embraced her again and buried my head on her left shoulder. I could feel the profume of lavender from her hairs.

"What should I do to make it up to you, my lady?" I said still embracing her.

"You will need to do a lot of things. Dates and most importantly every night I am going to sleep on your room. As for the others, I will think about them later." She said. " You know, I like your new eyes."

"What new eyes?" I asked astonished.

"Your eyes have become golden. " She said. I was really surprised by that. Had my eyes adapted at the excessive usage of ki and transformed to keep up with my body? I did not know, but for now I do not see any difference so I guess it should not matter.

"What happened after I fainted? " I asked her.

"After we unfroze, I and the others cleaned up the remaining members of Khaos Brigade. Then the 3 great powers decided to make the peace treaty and declare united front against Khaos Brigade. Ah right. I forgot that Sizerchs-sama wanted to talk to you. Since you woke up, I will go to call him. " She got up and then her bare, nude body was in front of me. I was naked too. I forgot about it when I saw her face.

"I'm sorry. Why are we both naked? " I asked curious.

"After all this time you left me hanging, do you want me to not touch you even now that we are boyfriend and girlfriend. Weren't you going to make amend?" She said while faking some tear. I still felt guilty though.

"Do not misunderstand. I too want to be with you Akeno, but in the right way. Following the proper procedures." Honestly I could not bring myself to do something with her until she becomes at least 18 years old. I am feeling enough guilty kissing her. If there was some multiverse fbi I think I would be behind the bars now.

"You are too obstinate. What's wrong with 2 people sleeping together naked? I need to get my fill of you after all this time." I am seriously starting to think that if I were to be together with some woman, she would launch a Kirin at me. Was she becoming some yandere girl like Gasai Yuno? I would like to avoid it honestly. There were enough enemies in this world. I do not want to get stabbed. It would not kill me though. I am becoming more and more inhuman with the passing of time. I do not know if I should be happy about it or be scared.

"Okay. If you desire so. I do enjoy staying with you under the covers." I said smiling provocatively.

She blushed and started putting her clothes. It was a rare vision seeing her blush. I will conserve it in my mind archive for eternity. After that she went to call Sizerchs.

I tried feeling my body's situation in that moment. At first everything seemed fine, but when I tried feeling my life force, I could feel it had become very feeble. It was so little, that if someone had said me that I had only one year to live, I would believe him. Thank god, I can restore it with my ki, but it should take me at least one months before recovering. Using "The one" was dangerous. If I had kept using it for some more time I would have died from loss of lifespan. There is no death more comical than this for a cultivator. I need to forge my body more. Enough to be able to use that form. After that I got up to control my new eyes. When I got up from the bed, I could feel that my height had grown. If before I was just a little higher than the normal japanese boy, now I think my height went to 180 cm minimum.

In the mirror in the corner, a black haired, golden eyes handsome young man looked at me. I had become at least a 10/10.

Author's note: Mc image in the comments