
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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124 Chs

Chapter 19: Granddaughter

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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He stepped out of the portal, far more carefully than he had the other night, and managed to avoid falling flat on his back this time around. He opened his eyes and crossed his arms as he witnessed the scene in front of him.

A young woman was holding onto an older man's hand, as she held back tears. The individual both of them were looking at lay on the hospital bed, was an older woman who looked like she had undergone intensive chemotherapy.

'What did they summon me for?' Lelouch wondered as he took a step, the sound of his shoe clacking on the immaculate hospital tile drawing the pair's attention. "I believe one of you two may have had a flyer given to you in the past few days?" He asked softly so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping woman. "I'm the Devil who heard your request." He answered, ignoring the surprise on the older man's face. "I'm here to make a Contract with you, what would you like in return?"

The older man stood up, balancing carefully on the woman he assumed was either his daughter or granddaughter before reaching for his cane. He nearly slipped, but Lelouch dove forward and held him up before he could hit the floor after the young woman accidentally lost her grip.

He let go once the man regained his balance thanks to the cane the woman gave him.

"Thank you, young man." The elderly man rasped out kindly. "I'm afraid my balance isn't what it used to be." He said with a throaty chuckle that sounded almost wet. "To be honest I didn't think much when I held out the flyer and wished for someone to come help us," the man frowned heavily. "All of my prayers to God have done nothing, my wife still continues to suffer." He looked to Lelouch, who had flinched at the mention of Him unknown to the nearly blind old man. "Are you a student? Rather strange for a Devil to be a student isn't it?" He asked curiously.

"Not as strange as you'd think." Lelouch responded dryly, enjoying the laughter the old man let out, but getting concerned at his cough. "What would you like me to do? You must have had a wish for the flyer to have activated.

" He asked once the man's coughing fit subsided. Lelouch turned to the woman. "Perhaps you could get him some water? I can keep an eye on your father for you." He offered.

The better look he got revealed hints that she was likely middle aged making this man her father. She excused herself quietly and left to get some water from the hallway. He turned back to the old man.

"I assume you don't wish to have your daughter here what you're willing to offer for your wish. You have maybe a few minutes before she returns." The old man thanked Lelouch quietly and took a deep breath before speaking.

"My wife has had cancer for about five years now." He began sadly. "We're both rather old, so we expected the normal aches and pains, but this was more suffering than either of us expected. Physical and emotional for her, and nothing less than near continuous emotional torment for my daughter and myself.

What my wish is…" the old man paused to take another breath. "My wish is for my wife to no longer suffer. I want this pain that has held a hold over our family for the past half-decade to disappear. I don't care what price I have to pay, I just want my family's pain to end." He looked up at Lelouch pleading.

"Can you help us? You're my last hope. My prayers have done nothing despite how devout we have been. You're the last person I can turn to so I can ease my family's pain.

" He closed his eyes. "I don't care if it costs my life or my soul, I would do anything for my family." He waited with baited breath for the Devil's answer.

Lelouch stared at this old man who had such a simple wish. He smiled, this old man truly cared for his family. He admired that.

He plucked a small tablet-like device from his pocket and scanned it for the going rate for this kind of wish. It was a pretty big price to pay, but not the old man's soul it seemed. "The price for this wish is half your remaining lifespan.

" Lelouch answered, reassuring the old man. The reason being the length of time the request would need to be in effect, essentially until the woman died.

"I won't need your soul should I fulfill the Contract, but you will only live half as long as you would otherwise. Of course, if I fail then there is no price for you to pay.

" Lelouch looked at the old man who looked as though he was about to burst into tears. "Is that an acceptable payment?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, a thousand times yes." The old man blubbered as tears flowed down his face. "I will gladly give up that time to save my family from this pain.

" Lelouch held out the small tablet device and directed the man to tap certain areas to signify his acceptance of the contract.

Lelouch placed his hand over it and spoke in a formal chant. "As the Knight of Rias Gremory, daughter of the Duke of Gremory, I do hereby accept this Contract.

Should I fail to hold up my end of the bargain may the price be returned and the Contract unbound."

There was a small flash of red before he placed the tablet back into his uniform's pocket, a few seconds later the woman reentered and gave her father his drink.

"This young Devil here thinks he can help us." The old man said, beginning a small conversation with his daughter as Lelouch walked over to the bedside of the poor older woman.

He felt a cold rage as he stared down at her. The rage he felt was directed not at the unfortunate woman, but at the uncaring deity that had allowed this kind of suffering to exist in their world.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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