
DXD: King of fairies

"From an abandoned baby to a king." Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any of the characters, plots, and events parodied in the story. All characters and all information related to Highschool DXD and any related works belong to their respective owners. This is simply a parody of a grand adventure with a different approach. All rights to the original plots, characters, and any elements related to such media belong to their respective owners.

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter [34]

Gremory Mansion

Kaito felt a surge of power pulsate within him, as if a dormant force was finally awakening. The light around him shone intensely, momentarily blinding everyone in the hall.

Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko watched in shock as the transformation began. The energy around Kaito was palpable, a mix of demonic power and an unknown aura that seemed to radiate an ethereal light.

"Kaito, what are you doing?" shouted Rias, trying to reach her servant.

But Kaito was beyond any intervention. He felt the presence of his darker self merging with him, translucent wings manifesting on his back. The sensation was one of liberation and a new power he had never experienced before.

Kaito took a deep breath, feeling the vibrant new energy pulsate through every cell of his body. The translucent wings on his back fluttered slightly, reflecting an ethereal light that seemed to envelop the entire hall. His eyes shone with fierce determination and a touch of something darker, something the other members of Rias's Peerage had never seen in him before.

"Kaito," Rias said, her voice now more cautious. "What happened? What did you do?"

Kaito took a step forward, his posture now more confident and imposing. "Still nothing, bitch?" said Kaito, his voice dripping with contempt and restrained anger.

Rias stepped back, surprised and confused by Kaito's sudden change. "What... Did you just call me a bitch?" she stammered, trying to process what was happening.

Before Rias could react further, Kiba quickly stepped forward, positioning himself defensively in front of Rias, his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to protect his king. "Oh, the prince of Kuoh wants to play the knight defending the princess's honor," Kaito mocked, a sarcastic smile forming on his lips.

Kiba narrowed his eyes, standing firm. "Kaito, what did you do? This isn't you. Come back to your senses."

Kaito laughed, a cold and disdainful sound. "Senses? What are senses, Kiba? Blindly following orders? Being a pawn in someone else's game? No more. I'm tired of being underestimated and controlled. I am more than that, and now you will see what I am capable of."

Kaito laughed again, and the light around him began to shine even more intensely. With a determined motion, he placed his hand on his chest, feeling the energy of the Evil Pieces pulsate within him. He gritted his teeth, determined to free himself once and for all.

The other members of Rias's Peerage watched in shock, unable to believe what they were seeing. Kaito pulled hard, and the Evil Pieces began to emerge from his chest, one by one, glowing with intense red light. The process was painful, but Kaito endured with an expression of fierce determination.

"No... this can't be..." murmured Rias, her face pale as she watched the demonic pieces exit Kaito's body. She had never seen anything like it before. "This shouldn't be possible..."

With each piece removed, Kaito felt his power increase, a sensation of liberation taking over him. The pieces floated in the air for a moment before falling to the ground, inert and lifeless.

When the last piece was removed, Kaito gasped, feeling a deep relief and a new strength coursing through his veins. The translucent wings on his back fluttered more intensely, and he stood with even more confident posture.

"Kaito," Rias said, her voice trembling. "You actually... removed the Evil Pieces. How is this possible?"

Kaito looked directly at Rias, his expression full of contempt. "That's thanks to you, Rias. If you weren't so weak, this wouldn't have happened."

Rias, shocked and desperate, took a step forward, trying to reach Kaito. "Kaito, you can't do this! You're going to become a Stray Devil! This is a death sentence!"

Kaito laughed, a cold and sarcastic sound that echoed through the hall. "A Stray Devil? No, Rias, you don't understand anything." He opened his translucent wings, which shone with an ethereal and enchanting light. "I am not a Devil. I am a fairy."

Rias felt a mix of fear and despair. "Kaito, you're making a mistake. You don't understand the consequences!"

Kaito just shook his head, a cruel smile on his lips. "The consequences are mine to deal with. I don't need you anymore, Rias. I have my own power now, and I will use it to save Asia. I will do what you didn't have the courage to do."

Rias felt tears forming in her eyes, but she held them back. "Kaito, please... don't do this..."

The other members of Rias's Peerage were too shocked to react. Kiba and Koneko stood still, unsure how to deal with this new reality.

Akeno stepped forward, trying to appeal to Kaito. "Kaito, we are your friends. You don't have to do this alone."

Kaito cast a cold look at Akeno. "Friends? Friendship does not mean subordination. You blindly followed Rias's orders without question. I am no longer part of that."

With that, Kaito activated his teleportation circle, his new magical energy shining intensely around him. "I will save Asia, and no one will stop me."

In an instant, Kaito disappeared, leaving Rias and the other members of her Peerage in a state of shock and despair. Rias fell to her knees, tears finally rolling down her face.

"I... lost him..." she whispered, her voice broken by pain and guilt.

Abandoned Church

Kaito materialized in front of the abandoned church, feeling the dark and oppressive energy emanating from the place. The old stone walls were covered in moss, and the broken windows gave the building an appearance of abandonment and desolation. He took a deep breath, feeling the determination and anger pulsate within him, fueled by the new strength that had awakened.

The area around the church was silent, with only the occasional sound of dry leaves being blown by the wind. Kaito walked towards the main entrance, his translucent wings fluttering slightly. The ethereal and powerful presence he exuded was undeniable, a mix of demonic magic and the new fairy energy now coursing through his veins.

As he approached the church door, he could feel the malevolent energy intensifying. He knew Asia was inside, in danger, and he couldn't waste any more time. With a determined movement, he pushed the heavy wooden door, which creaked in protest before opening, revealing the dark and somber interior.

The interior of the church was even more oppressive. The smell of mold and decay filled the air, and the dim light of the torches cast sinister shadows on the stone walls. Kaito advanced with determination, his eyes fixed on the corridor leading to the underground.

As he descended the stone steps, the sound of the dark chants of the mages in black robes became more audible. He felt the malevolent energy growing, and his heart raced with the urgency to rescue Asia. Finally, he reached the underground chamber, where the scene unfolding before him was horrific.

Asia was bound to a large wooden cross, her wrists and ankles secured with iron chains. Her eyes were filled with terror, and tears streamed down her face as she struggled futilely against the restraints. Around her, the mages continued to chant their incantations in an ancient and forbidden language.

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