
Lost kitsune..

Once upon a time, there was a living goddess. She was described as a pinnacle of beauty. But one day, she got bored. When she left her domain and looked to the mortal world, she saw that there were strange beings inhabiting all continents. She didn't know they were humans at first, because she hadn't left her domain for a long time.

As she saw them, she got instantly interested in them. As they were living everywhere, and no one seems to annihilate them, then they should have something interesting. And so, started her days of observation. They were strange, to say the least. They got no real strength to fight off beasts, they were quite smart, but not to the point to be acknowledged by gods. One day they were genuinely happy, and other day they were crying so desperately, because of someones death.

She didn't understand them, but that's why she was interested in them. They would bring so many emotions to her everydays boring life; excitement, joy, but also sadness, rage and disgust. And that's why she envied them. They had so many-sided life, such a rollercoaster of emotions, in less than 100 years.

After observing for long time, she came to love humans. Even though they were weak, and they pray to the gods, so they just could get their protection, but they were very persistent. That's what she liked most about them. So, not wishing to observer anymore, she wished to be reborn as a human. She wanted to experience all those emotions as well. She then relinquished her divinity and memories to reincarnate, as a young human girl.

So that's how her human life started, she was named Mizukume, by her adopted parents, who could not have children on their own. Even though she was adopted, they loved here a lot. At the age of eighteen, she started serving as the court lady of the Emperor Toba, who had fallen in love with young Mizukume at the first sight. She would be his lady-in-waiting, and she was his favorite one, possessing great beauty and knowledge.

However one morning, her head had sprouted fox ears; she managed to hide them for a month. However, bit by bit, Emperor became ill. The Imperial Family's doctor couldn't find the cause of his illness, but the sorcerer Abe no Seimei, who also had been investigating case of Toba's mysterious illness, found out that it was done by no other than Emperor favorite court lady. Having her real self as a nine-tailed fox revealed by the sorcerer, she ran from the Imperial Court.

They sent some of their forces after her. She fled and cried in fields of Nasu because she was hunted by those who claimed to love her. It was then she reazlied who she truly was stating: " Aah, what a fool I was." she was betrayed and hunted by humans who feared her for nothing. She literally did nothing wrong to them, she only tried to help them flourish.

She was forced to flee from human town simply because she was not a human. Her infamy grew at the plains of Nasu after fleeing from the court, where she met an eighty thousand man army that was dispatched at the behest of the retired emperor to kill her. The soldier came screaming: "Kill the fox demon!" and she tried to apologize to them, but nobody listened. She fought back, yelling "All right, let's do this!", and started killing everyone.

While she was killing the whole army, our "friendly" Demon watched all this from the side with an amused smile. He heard rumors about nine-tailed fox fleeing from Imperial Court and running towards Nasu plains. Her situation is somewhat similar to his, they were hated because they weren't humans or didn't look like humans.

Even though he could somewhat relate better towards her, It was still not enough. But now that he sees that massacre in front of him, with kitsune dancing in the center, he can tell that he is really interested in her. He sees that she is still sad about killing humans, but that's fine he thought to himself. She was living in human society for most of her life, and now she was hunted by them. That's why Sukuna hates most of them, but they quite amusing as well.

But he knows that this nine-tailed fox in front of him will change, he can see it. She is not a human, so it won't be that hard, also he sees potential in her. Potential to become stronger. His smile grew even wider. For 10 years, he was massacring villages, small towns and armies, that were sent by Emperor. But even though they were a lot, it wasn't a problem for him, because there weren't many strong enemies. Also you have to remember, that his strength slowly grows with each enemy, so he wasn't in any disadvantage for those 5 years. 5 years filled with everlasting joy.

That kitsune in from of him, has a chance to maybe become as strong as him, given enough time. Of course he won't be standing at one place either. So with her potential, she could become useful. Also he has to admit, that she is most beautiful woman he has ever met. Those nine swaying fluffy tails and perked up fox ears. She has sparkling golden eyes, pink hair that is tied in twintails and a blue ribbon on the back of her head. Also she wears blue kimono that is quite fitting for her.

(A/N: Picture of her)

"Also, I thought how would it feel, to massacre some town with another person, hahaha." Sukuna said in excited tone, he tested a lot of ideas in last 5 years. While he encountered some small armies, that did consist of 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers, he has now a chance to have fun for longer. Not there are 80,000 people, there are also some sorcerers.

Meanwhile on the battlefield

During the encounter against the force, fox regretted her actions and tried to reason with them. It rained arrows for three straight days and night and nothing seemed to click with them. Standing in a hail of arrows covered in blood, she cried "I was not trying to fool anyone. I'll leave now, so please.. just forget all about me..." The assault continued from the humans, who were filled with hatred, and she realized humans were fragile and their lives were precious. They were narrow minded, filled with hatred and self-righteousness. She was wrong from the beginning, much like the humans and religion. Her perspective influenced her belief. Even though a goddess, she was a fool and she didn't realize her mistake until her final moments. No matter how much humans respect God, and through priesthood try to understand and be one of them, their efforts are wasted. "There is no way for a human to become a god..." she thought while collapsing from exhaustion.

But when she was about to close her eyes, she saw a fast blur coming from right side of the army. It was really fast, even she couldn't clearly see it. But when it engaged with army, her eyes widened in shock. This thing, was killing those soldiers in a very past pace, not living anyone behind. When it moved, all that was left behind, were hills of corpses and rivers of blood. And all of this was accompanied with excited, happy and sadistic laugh.

"Hahaha, I hope you all are ready for the real fun. Trust me, you won't bored, or at least, I won't be for sure. Imagine~ 80,000 souls to gather, I hope that you will supply me with screams of terror and fear." said "Demon" with jovial tone. He stated that as if he talked about weather, while the actually was scary. And it seems like his words might come true.

Our nine-tailed fox looked at it, and had mixed emotions. While he seems like he is helping her, it actually has fun along the way. But she couldn't keep up anymore and so she collapsed from exhaustion.

Sukuna looked at her, and saw that she fainted away. While it saddens him a bit, that she couldn't see his glorious performance, he can understand her. To be under attack for 3 days staright without even a minute to relax, while still having a mixed thoughts and emotions about humans. He thought that she would take one side faster, but it seems like she still hestitates. But he will make sure to show this world for her in all it's colors.

When he moved a bit closer to her, he placed a barrier around her, so no one could kill her. He took his time killing all those soldiers. He cuts off their limbs, deals most painful strikes on different parts of their bodies. And now he got it. It certainly was worth watching this kitsune fighting for 3 days. Now he can finally hear more screams of agony mixed with hatred and fear. Even after so many years, it feels too good to refuse.

While he was thinking, he remembered that those maggots were calling this woman a demon, evil soul and so on. It makes him want to laugh. He could say that this fox is pretty pure actually, at least for now. She is still hestitant to kill them, even with all those words that were said towards her and being on the verge of death.

Those who were still alive, and could still mutter any word, were cursing Sukuna with all words that they could ever think of. In all honesty, he doesn't care about those curses that were sent towards him, he got used to them. It rather amuses him, one could only imagine how many times people cursed him. He could literally be called King of Curses by now. Now that he thinks of it.. it's rather suitable title. He is still half human half cursed spirit, but he likes to be cursed spirit more than human. Also he haven't found any cursed spirit, that was actually as strong as him, or at least somewhere near.

While he was continuing his carnage, generals were trembling with their whole bodies. They know who he is, or at least they have heard about him. The Demon, he was called so all over the Japan. Emperor had sent many soldiers to eliminate him, but all this was for naught. After he killed all soldiers, mostly only one was left alive, to deliver Demons message to Emperor.

Those message mostly contained that he wanted to have more "fun". But Emperor couldn't afford to send armies upon armies to kill him, but he also couldn't stand still. Because while Sukuna was waiting for new armies to come, he was continuing to massacre villages, towns and even small cities. It is still mistery that Shinto gods haven't taken any move.

Sorcerers, Five Principal Clans, and even youkais tried to hunt him down, but to no avail. He would just slaughter those "hunters" like they were some kind of pigs. And now, almost no one dares to send more forces against him, because they have lost quite a lot people. Of course, if he would come near the capital, then they would take more drastic actions. But so far he hasn't, though no one knows for how long will it keep up.

For all they knew, he can be gathering his very own army to attack them. And the most annoying thing is that they don't know what motives he has. If he really wants to have "fun" as he stated, then it would be a massive problem, because negotiations would be useless. Even if he would be defeated, it would cost Japan as a whole quite a lot. And that's why they fear him.

And now, he was going around and slaughtering their soldiers, yet the generals didn't do anything. He was described as a living being from deepest part of Hell. Seems like rumors about him were true all along. You can see from his blissful expression that he actually enjoys those screams. This wicked smile of his sends shivers down their spines. He cuts off soldiers limbs, so they could feel pain for longer, at least it's what it looks like.

What made them surpised was that Demon placed a barrier around the now sleeping fox. As far as they knew from rumors, he never helped people, he only killed them, while dancing under blood rain. But something made their eyes widen from pure shock. They knew what was that made from. It was cursed energy. So it either means that this Demon in front of them is stray sorcerer, or cursed spirit. They thought that it is latter, because he clearly has 4 arms and 4 eyes, which doesn't make him look like human at all.

Even if there are some non-human like beings in clans as sorcerers, they are mostly known to other clans and for higher-ranks of the country.

"N-now that I th-think about i-i-it, wa-was-sn't there Ryo-o-men clan extermi-na-ation few ye-a-ars ago? A-and fr-from all evide-dence we got then, it was mo-most likely so-someone from i-in-inside the clan, and few da-days after clan an-annihilation, huge massacres started by D-d-demon, so may-maybe it was him? Maybe it was he, who destroyed this clan?!" He yelled at the end. From that day they couldn't get any information about culprit of this incident.

But now there he is, Demon massacring their soldiers. And if you connect all dots, then it will make sense. And now they are as pale as white sheet, quite literally. If this being in front of them could destroy whole clan on it's own, then those are very bad news. Also he is from Ryomen clan, and that clan was intermediate only because they lacked members, but they had extremely strong techniques. And if that Demon has their techniques, then even strongest of their country could barely do anything against him.

When they wanted to write it all down, and send message to the Emperor, Sukuna suddenly appeared in front of them. They almost fainted away, they could barely breath at this point.

"Hahaha, at least someone could put all the dots together. I thought this country is just full of imbeciles, apparently not. Don't worry, I will send my own message to the Emperor later.." he said while his smiled kept growing: "But for now.. you will be my spectators."

All that could be heard were screams from the abyss itself. Those screams would send shivers to anyone who heard them.

Few hours later

Kitsune woke up and slowly opened her eyes. What she saw in front of her made her gasp. Rivers of blood, all types of corpses, limbs and whatever human body could ever have. All this was in front of her, like someone made an art out of it. Art made in Hell, that is.

"Ooh~ You are finally awake? I hope you like that view in front of you, I had to work quite hard to make it." suddenly she heard voice from behind. When she turned around she literally saw a Demon. He had slightly spiky, pink hair. His face was pretty handsome by her opinion, what was strange about it were those 4 dark red eyes. He wore a very loose white kimono with black socks and wooden sandals. But what made her startled a bit, was that he was covered in blood. It's like he had a dip in a pool filled with blood.

"So let's start with introductions. I'm Ryomen Sukuna, the so-called Demon.. And my I know what's your name, lady fox?".

I hope that you liked this chapter. It was slightly longer than 2 previous ones. Thanks for all the support~

GloriousHiddencreators' thoughts
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