
Interdimensional FBI

"Oh my god! What do I do!?" Akemi freaked out as Gold was bleeding out on the ground.

"Relax, it's just a mortal wound." Gold said uncaringly as blood continued to spurt out from his wound that smelled a bit burnt considering it was a light spear.

"AAAH!" she jumped in fright at the sight of the dying man casually standing up. "How are you still alive!?" she asked with an incredulous expression

"It's just a burning stab wound that punctured a lung." he pointed out as the wound was still sizzling from the heat.

"I think.... you should be more concerned about that..." Akemi's uncertainty was due to the fact that she had never seen him mortally injured before.

"I've had worst." he responded nonchalantly while patting the dust off his clothes. "Anyway help me back home, I'm bleeding out here and I've got some potions I'd like to test out back at the lab." he said as Akemi began to help him back home. He would have drove home in his truck, but he didn't want to get bloodstains on his seats.

"By the way, how was the date?" he asked to make conversation.

"It was nice, despite ending weirdly. Do all fallen turn into strippers?"

"Not all of them. Reminds me, we should go pay them a visit later. I could use some more helpers around the house." He believed it would be nice to have a maid or a butler.

"Let's just focus on getting you home first." She sighed as the two continued their slow trek back to the house.

Okay, since I've accomplished pissing off the reader. I can get back to doing whatever it is that I usually do.

Honestly, that light spear burned like hell. It's not that I don't feel pain anymore, it's just that I've built up a tolerance towards it. My body might be a bit more durable after raising up stats in dark souls but it's not like I can stop energy and blades with my skin without reinforcement. Pretty much why I still have the need to wear armor.

Maybe I should find a way to make myself more durable, or get some sort of increased regeneration? I usually just drink potions or estus, so there was never a need for it in the past. Two of my alternates did that. One of them is incredibly difficult to kill, while the other keeps on regenerating even when he has no energy.

I'll consider my options another time. For now I can see my house in the distance. There was some potions that I wanted to test for wounds like this. Could get some interesting results, so this is actually convenient.

"Koneko?" I hear Akemi say out loud

"Yo Koneko! What's up?" I called out when I noticed the familiar albino devil pacing outside of my house. She seemed to jump in fright, guess she wasn't expecting us.

"What happened!?" Her eyes widened at the sight of my bloody form. Huh, she usually isn't this expressive when it comes to me being wounded. I mean, you would think that she would be used to this by now.

"Oh you know, the usual. Needed to piss off readers so I had a light spear stabbed into me." I nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I watched her run up to me to inspect the burnt hole through me. I'm getting a little light headed to be honest, the bleeding slowed at least. It's really weird seeing her without her usual stone-faced expression. Then again, I haven't seen her since I broke the news about her sister. Maybe it's just the loss of blood making me hallucinate.

"TSSSS" I hissed out when she touched a part that stung like hell. That actually made me jump a bit. Oh hey, her grip just got tighter. Based on past scenarios, this is usually the time where she smacks me over the head or something.

I silently reinforced my body to handle any possible physical smacks because devil strength is no joke. However, the annoying anime cliche of getting smacked for no reason didn't come. Instead I noticed her small frame clinging to me.

"Stop doing this to me." Oh god is she crying? What did I do!?

"Psst, Akemi. What did I do?" I whispered to her. She just gave me a blank look in response.

"You're the worst." Not you too!

I glanced back to the girl crying on me. Unsure of what to do, I stayed silent for a moment to ponder what to say.

"Uhh, sorry." I really don't know what I'm apologizing for.

"Come on, we need to bandage the wound." She wiped her tears and began to force me to follow her by the arm.

"Actually, I was gonna test out some potions I just made recen-" I was cut off when she turned to give me one hell of a death glare

"No self experiments." her tone left no room for argument.

Well that's no fun.

"Oh Raynare, welcome back. Did you get done with your mission?" Kalawarner asked when she noticed her come through the doors of the abandoned church.

"You seem a bit off today. Did something happen?" Dohnaseek asked noticing how distraught she looked.

"Yeah you look a bit jumpy." Mittelt added

Raynare returned still confused of what just transpired. All she had to do was kill the girl with a sacred gear at the end of the date. But then all of a sudden some random guy showed up and jammed her light spear into him. Nothing made any sense!

"KAAAH!" She screamed in pain as she was about to tell the rest of her group what had happened, she felt a vice-grip clamp down on one of her wings.

"Who the hell are you!?"

The rest of the fallen became on guard when they finally noticed the appearance of another person. Raynare's black wing seemed to crumple up like a piece of paper from the newcomer's grip.

"YoU SHoULdN'T hAVE TOuChEd hiM." The twintailed girl's voice seemed to come from deepest parts of hell itself. A cold shiver ran down everyones spines when they noticed the girl begin to tug at the wing.

*TEAR sfx*

"AAAAAAAHHH!!" Raynare shrieked out in pain, falling to the ground. Everyone looked on in horror as the one wing that was just ripped off in the twin-tailed girl's hand seemed to shatter as if it was frozen beforehand.

"YoU SHoULdN'T hAVE TOuChEd hiM!" The girl repeated much loudly this time as her blue eyes seemed to stare into their souls.

"DIE!" Dohnaseek and Kalawarner rushed the insane girl with their light spears.

"I'm out of here!" Mittelt opted to run away after pissing her pants.

"What's going on?" some random priests that were in the basement started to show up from all the screaming.

"AHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA!" The mad laughter echoed out through the church.

All that was left of the abandoned church at the end of the day was a giant ice shard that seemed to pierce the heavens.

Well, unfortunately I didn't get to test out my new potions. For whatever reason Koneko demanded a room so I just gave her one. Not like I'm low on available rooms, this house is actually pretty large. So I got an extra housemate, I should consider cleaning out the third floor. I've been a bit lazy about cleaning up the third floor. Lydia offered to clean it, but I told her to take it easy.

Anyway after browsing the multiverse catalogue, I've ended up finding something that could help me make my body stronger. A body enhancing paste and bone marrow cleansing paste. Fortunately it was on sale, so I just had to sell some relics I found in Skyrim for the credits. There goes 8000 credits down the drain. Feels bad.

"You called for me Lord Gold?" Lydia showed up as I was setting up the small circular tub in my room. I spreaded and mixed the paste into the water and allowed it to set.

"Indeed, I need you to get in this tub with me and suffer the hellish pain for our bodies to become stronger! It's going to hurt a lot, but the benefits will be worth it!" It's just basic early foundational cultivation crap. But it should be enough to make our human bodies match up to devils. So regular swords and bullets won't be an issue in the future.

"Understood." She immediately got naked. There was no embarrassment since I've conducted experiments naked in the past, plus she's a warrior so she doesn't care much.

We both sat down into the medicinal waters. She didn't scream but her expression was hardened as she let out some grunts. If I had to give a description of what it felt like, then it would be like a bunch of ants crawling around your body and biting you.

"Hey Gold, you ca- What the hell are you two doing!?" Akemi yelled out as she pointed at the two of us in the circular tub.

"Shush and just get in the damn tub! This was very expensive and I have a boner while this is going on!" I immediately shushed her. This was incredibly expensive and my boner wasn't helping. I think it just made the pain worst.

"B-but why!?" Akemi asked while covering her face while peaking through a slit of her fingers.

"Body enhancing shit! Now get naked and get in the damn tub before the medicine wears off! This is some expensive stuff!" I retorted as the pain started to rise.

After a couple seconds of inner struggle she let out an exasperated sigh as she disrobed and joined us in the tub.

"Aaaaaaah!" She seemed to be reacting to the pain. Good, she needs to build up a tolerance to pain anyway.

"Hmm?" Did I just hear the door open again? I turned to the side and froze. Shit.

"Now Koneko, this is not what it looks like." I spoke slowly.

Koneko seemed to be standing there with a blank expression. I'm in a tub naked with two other females. This might look like I'm gettin freaky with two woman at the same time, but it's not what it looks like! It may not help that I still have a boner. Kind of hard to calm it down right now. Haven't relieved myself in awhile.

"Koneko?" I asked noticing she was getting closer. "Oi, what are you doing?" I asked as she took off her clothes.

My eyes widened in horror as I watched her jump into the small tub. There wasn't much room left in the tub so she fell right ontop of me.

"Aueughhh~" Of all the places she could have landed on. Oh shit I hope the FBI doesn't find me.


"Sir! We can't find him!" A suited man in shades reported to his bald superior. Gold's specific dimension couldn't be found by other R.O.Bs let alone the people that worked under them.

"That's not an excuse! If we can't find him..." The bald man stood up revealing a board that displayed rows of people. The one thing each of them had in common was that they all had 'Aversis' in their names. "Then we check everywhere!"

"You can't hide from us Gold Aversis!" he roared out


"What the hell?" a gray haired magician seemed to feel something odd as he looked around.

[Master Hessian, I've noticed a large magical anomaly forcing it's way towards you.] his Onyx colored belt informed

"Wut?" he blinked as a portal seemed to tear open in space. Multiple men in black suits and shades stepped out with their weapons drawn at him.

"Hessian Aversis von Schweinorg! You're coming with us!" the leader of the group ordered to the dumbstruck magician.

"BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THIS TIME!" Hessian shouted indignantly


[System has detected magical anomaly forcing it's way towards Host.]

"To me?" A crimson-haired man asked as he was gaming on his computer.

"Shiro Aversis Gremory! You're coming with us!" Shiro jumped in fright as a bunch of familiar black suited men somehow got inside his house without him knowing how.

"BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING THIS TIME!" He cried out feeling wronged

On that day, everyone in the multiverse with the name Aversis in their name were forcibly detained and questioned about the whereabouts of Gold Aversis.