
DxD: Infernal Destroyer

Abaddon Bael, the eldest son of the lord of house Bael and twin of Sairaorg Bael, was born with the power of destruction at his fingertips. He was born in the center of a political maelstrom within the Underworld as his existence meant a lot of things. How will he survive in this dark world that’s full of conspiracies and betrayal? How will his existence affect the course of this huge and complicated world? ============================================= MC is a normal devil with the power of destruction. No plot knowledge and no bullshit cheats. Just overpowered, though it’s a gradual growth as he isn’t instantly the strongest of all worlds. Also slight AU, I guess. Also, I'm gonna be going slowly and developing the characters in this one, adding some slice of life to the story along with some fun action. If you’ve read my other works, you know that I write quite a bit of R-18 in my content. And DXD is a story ripe to be milked when it comes to that kind of content (Not a pun). I hope this is a fun ride. ============================================= I'm open to criticism so lay it on me if you have any genuine problem. Join my discord, you can give me suggestions and communicate with me regularly to get updates. https://discord.gg/c3kCBE32vn If you want to support me check out my Patréon. I post advanced chapters of the story on my Patreon along with some exclusive R-18 scenes. Check it out! www.patreon.com/addyctive ============================================= Also, none of the art is mine. I got it from Reddit. If the creator sees this and wants credit or wants me to take it down, just let me know. This is purely a work of fan fiction. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the characters.

Addyctive7 · Anime & Comics
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131 Chs

DxD 0084: Faithful Knight (1/3) *

Abaddon spent the rest of the day enjoying his time with the girls in the pool. He then took Akeno out for her date that night and delivered her the promised punishment. Though if her pleased expression was anything to go by, she enjoyed it plenty.

The next morning, after doing their usual morning thing, Abaddon had Aika clean him up in the shower and went to the bottom floor of the mansion to meet Xenovia and finalize everything.

Abaddon patiently walked down the stairs before reaching the door to the dungeon. As the door opened with a click, Abaddon saw Xenovia kneeling on a mat beside the bed. Her hands rested over her thighs and her legs were tightly closed together. She was completely naked with not a scrap of clothing on her body as she presented her body for his viewing pleasure.

"Abaddon-sama…" Her face showed an expression of difficulty as she looked at Abaddon with desperation oozing from her tone.

"Xenovia, my lovely knight…" Abaddon walked to her with a gentle smile, "Good morning, how do you feel?"

"Desperate and aching…" She said as she looked at him imploringly.

"I see…" He nodded sagely and said, "We'll see. For now, service me as I examine the current status of your reincarnation. Then we'll get some breakfast." He told her. His Power of Destruction was still dormant so he wasn't able to use his hack of using Aether to sustain her.

Xenovia nodded as she brought her hands to his pants, Abaddon lightly slapped her hands away and said, "No hands." Xenovia nodded as her eyes practically dripped with lust and brought her hands back down to her thighs.

She used her mouth and teeth to open Abaddon's pants with clumsy actions as she wasn't very familiar with the actions.

Meanwhile, Abaddon enjoyed Xenovia's service as he lightly put his hand on her head before passing a stream of his demonic energy into her body to examine her state, 'It's almost finished…' He thought to himself.

'In the end, she only needed around 5 days instead of the whole week. I guess accelerating the process of cleansing the Holy energy within her body whenever I had the time made a big difference…' He mused as Xenovia took him into her mouth, only able to take in half of his length before she pulled back and repeated the motion.

He knew that Xenovia's reincarnation would be concluding today, that's why he said to Rias that he would be taking her out on Saturday instead of today.

Meanwhile, Abaddon passed his demonic energy into her body and started finalizing the remnants of the Holy energy that was left within her from her prolonged exposure to holy swords and the like.

Gently caressing her head and combing her hair, Abaddon enjoyed the amateur blowjob that Xenovia gave him. It was incomparable to Aika's practiced actions, but there was a different sort of enjoyment in what he was receiving from Xenovia.

Meanwhile, Xenovia's hands that were resting on her thighs started trailing along her thighs and reaching her core as she slightly parted her legs. She was instinctively doing the action, having been in an edged state for the past 5 days. And with her amplified emotions that were practically bursting out of her, she could only hold back so much.

Just as her fingers brushed against her drenched core, Xenovia screamed in pain before pulling back from his cock, "Ahh!" An electric shock had just traveled throughout her body when she touched her core. And she had felt most of the pain in her pussy and uterus where the shock originated from.

"Continue," Abaddon said with an amused smile. This wasn't a new scene for him. This had happened multiple times in front of him and presumably much more behind his back. This was a fail-safe that he'd put on Xenovia's reincarnation circle. He'd made the design over her pussy so much more intricate because of this exact reason. An electric shock would travel through her entire body if anything other than him touched her pussy.

So, not only could she not use her hands, she couldn't even use any toys. And considering that Abaddon had made this place a sex dungeon that came straight out of a high-end kink club that specializes in this kind of audience, there were far too many toys and gadgets in this room that tempted Xenovia all the time.

She nodded with difficulty and got back to her task as Abaddon continued his own work.

'It's pretty much done…' He thought as he tightened his hold over Xenovia's head and pulled her back, making her release his cock. She looked up at him questioningly with a look that asked for her usual morning drink.

"Tell me Xenovia… Would you like to lose your virginity today?" He said while caressing her beautiful blue hair.

Her expression quickly brightened up and she nodded vigorously, "Yes, please…" Her eyes were filled with lust and desperation.

"Mmm…" Abaddon nodded with a devious smile on his face as he said, "Get up. Let's go eat…" He said as he stepped back, letting her stand up.

He put his arm around her waist and brought her to a door that led to another area on the floor. It was a resting area that was completely free from any tools or materials related to sex. There was a simple bed, a couch, a round table with two chairs around it near a fridge and microwave. The room was like a cheap single-person meal plan college dorm where the occupants would have to manage their food themselves.

As he walked into the room and closed the door, his hand slid down to Xenovia's butt, "How are you getting used to the butt plug?" He said as he pushed the base of the plug with his thumb, pushing it deeper inside Xenovia and making her squirm.

"I'm getting used to it… It's a larger size than previously so it's still a little uncomfortable. Especially sleeping…" She said as her cheeks reddened.

"It's good you're following orders." He smiled as he took a seat and pulled Xenovia into his lap, wrapping his right arm around her waist and settling his hand on her inner thigh, close to her dripping core that was already making his pants wet.

He cast a magic circle and a plate filled with food appeared on the table in front of Xenovia, "Akeno made breakfast today. It's amazing." He said while rubbing her thigh, ignoring her needy pussy.

"Oh, I love Akeno-san's food…" Xenovia couldn't wait to dig in and pulled the plates toward herself before gorging herself on the food.

At the same time, Abaddon decided to play with her body and make sure that she was ready and begging for his cock.

He squeezed her thigh before letting go and brought his hand to her butt before casting a magic circle at the base of the butt plug. As the effects of that magic circle hit, Xenovia's muffled moan was heard. It started vibrating inside her ass. He'd enchanted it with quite a few functions like keeping her clean and ready at all times, not allowing her to take it out by herself, or making its size variable so that as her butt got used to the size, the plug would automatically get larger. He wanted her to be able to accommodate his cock without too much trouble.

"Fill up, okay? When I start, you won't be getting free from me until the night." He whispered in her ear while biting her earlobe, making goosebumps rise all over her hyperactive body. She started thrusting her hips on his lap instinctively while continuing to eat the food.

Meanwhile, Abaddon's other hand reached her breasts and started manhandling those beautiful lumps of flesh. As he flicked her nipple, he grabbed the base of the butt plug and started pulling it out, making her squirm as she felt the invader that was peacefully nested inside her ass being pulled out, widening her anal rim in the process. He then freed his grip over the plug as it nestled itself back inside.

Abaddon repeated this process a few times as he played with her tits and nipples, messing her up and making it difficult for her to eat peacefully. After he was done teasing her ass, he trailed his hand along her waist and brought it back to her thighs and close to her dripping core.

This time, however, he didn't tease her for too long before bringing his fingers between her legs and giving her the touch that she'd been craving.

"Ahnn~" She moaned loudly as he slipped a finger inside while rubbing her sensitive and neglected pussy.

The next couple of minutes went by like this as Xenovia gorged herself on the food with difficulty. Akeno's cooking was indeed phenomenal to the point where Xenovia took only a few minutes while stuffing her face even as Abaddon teased her torturously.

"Good. Now that you're done, we can move on to the main act…" Abaddon smiled at her gently as he wiped her lips with a napkin. Xenovia just looked at his contrasting actions in a daze. She hadn't expected him to be gentle with her after all the denial that she'd been forced to experience the past couple of days.

Especially when Abaddon put his hand behind her head and pulled her in for a kiss as she ground herself on his lap like a horny slut. All Xenovia could do was leave everything to her instincts, unable to understand Abaddon's actions.

She didn't realize when, but at some point, Abaddon had brought her out of the resting room and back to the dungeon. When she got her bearings, she was stuck under Abaddon on the bed as he violently kissed her lips with his tongue invading her mouth. His hands weren't idle as he was playing with her breasts with one hand while teasing her pussy with the other.

The butt plug was still vibrating inside her ass with a painfully slow frequency, making her feel all sorts of messed up as she couldn't even climax because the vibrations weren't enough.


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