

After reaching low-class, John remembered what God said.

"So God, I can add new skills and passives right" John asked.

[Yes, you can add three more] God confirmed.

"ok then lets decide them right now" John said as he walked behind a tree and sat down while leaning against it.

After five minutes thinking he finally thought of a good passive to have. 'Hmm, that would would be good' John thought before putting it down on the tablet.



-When killing someone you get some of their strength be it an increase in mana capacity, strength, speed, endurance, or all three

{Passive- Mind of a warrior}

-Makes one not affected to killing others.

{Passive- Mana regen}

-When meditation mana regenerates 2x faster

{Passive- Cast speed increase and spell cost decrease}

-When holding Commandment Sacred gear, the owners spell casting speed will in double and the amount of mana the spell is required will decrease by 1.5x

*{Passive- God of blades}

- 10% damage increase when using sharp weapons}

*{Skill- Stealth}

- Holding your breath you can willingly want to disappear, you can turn completely invisible and make no sound and will work on only people one whole level above you and below.(1mp to activate and lasts as long as you hold your breath) (Cool down- 10 minutes)

*{Passive- Sea turtles Lung capacity}

- Are able to hold your breathe for half an hour. Able to evolve}

After finally making the new skill and passive, {God Of Blades}, and {Stealth} John finally let out a sigh. 'That was pretty tough deciding on what to make' John thought before asking GOd a question.

"God Why couldn't I just make it so I can hold my breathe for as long as I want and a skill to be able to hide from everyone".

Hearing his question god sighed and responded [You're not strong enough. If you would make a stealth skill that good you can kill anyone as long as you have the sufficient strength needed to by pass their armor. As for holding your breath, it's actually very strong, especially for normal people. Holding your breath can increase your lifespan by preserving the health of your stem cells. Not only that but you'll eventually reach the level of godly beings, meaning you could challenge the other gods and other monstrous beings with unimaginable power like the one who governs the ocean Cthulhu for their territories and treasures].

Hearing all this John was surprised. He originally made the skill for his stealth ability. Yes he could just put a stealth skill but that would use most of his mana. While the the activation of the skill he made only costed one mp to activate and he could hold it as long as he could hold his breath.

'I cheated the system' John thought with a wide smile.

[It's good your happy but lets hurry up and leave the damn forest] God said.

Hearing him John laughed and said "What's the hurry. Let's wait for the people wanting to capture me. Free Xp baby".

[Hoho I forgot about them. Well its decided, you will kill all of them and that man, what was his name, Jean I believe. Sigh, he's too weak, I even forgot his name] God sighed as he thought about how weak all the people he has met so far were.

"How strong is Jean" John asked.

[I'd say about low Middle-class. You can turn invisible for him but remember, detection magic with enough mana poured into it can still discover you. Don't be too cocky or you'll die a quick death. Especially in this world] God reminded him.

"I know, I know. No need to worry bro" John said waving his hands.

"With that said lets hide in the tree" John said as he stood up and jumped up and got a hold of a thick branch.

John then pulled himself up and climbed even higher. After reaching the top of the tree he asked if God could teach him a spell.

[Hmm, I do have one but it would not be too beneficial too you right now. Oh yeah there's that. I'll teach you a good spell that wont require too much but is still really effective, especially against others] God said.

"What's the spell" John asked filled with curiosity.

[Shadow Bind] God said making Johns eyes glow in excitement.

[It might be harder than the fireball but I'll explain how darkness works as well and shadows] God said.

"Ok but how do you know all of this. Don't you use imagination to cast spells" John asked curiously.

[That's right but when you get strong enough you get bored, so you try different things. I have always thought the way humans cast were weak and time costly but when I tried it, it was quite fun] God explained.

[Anyways lets start the lesson. Shadows are formed because light travels in straight lines. Shadows are formed when an opaque object or material is placed in the path of rays of light. The opaque material does not let the light pass through it. The light rays that go past the edges of the material make an outline for the shadow. Use your mana and inject it to the magic circle and think about the way shadows are formed. You then have to will it move to your liking. At first you can use it to bind others but once you get good enough with it, you can boost your combat to a whole other level] He explained.

John then tried what he said. 'Shadows are formed cause of light. Moonlight also works' John thought as he look one of the leaves beside him.

He then pointed his finger and drew a small magic circle. John then injected his mana making the circle glow a faint green color.

He then thought about the formula of how a shadow is made and willed the shadow on the leaf to move.

The shadow on the leaf then move upwards and came of the leaf. The shadow then moved according to Johns finger.

He moved his fingers in circles and the shadow followed his movements.

John smiled and looked the shadow. 'This isn't that bad. I can finally do what I dreamed of, start learning magic. Alyssa and the rest probably died that day too. They might also be in this world and If they are they would probably end up going to Kuoh academy. If they're there I might finally see them again' John thought as a tear came from his eyes. 'I hope the person who ran into us dies as well as his family' He thought remembering truck that killed him that day.

After practicing for ten more minutes he finally heard God tell him that six people were on their way.

[There's one High Low-class and five Middle Low-classes. You can easily deal with them with your stealth] God informed him as John slowly climbed down the tree.

After getting down he waited walked behind it and waited for God to tell him how far they are.

[Sixty meters. Turn it on Now] God said.

John did as he was told and Turned it on, '{Stealth}' John mumbled as his body looked like it dissolved into the air.


AN: New abilities! Some of you may not like these abilities but they're useful in any fight. At first I didn't want to add the breathing but I thought It was a cool way make stealth better.

New name has been decided and will be Aizen. It had the most likes so Aizen it is.

Hope you liked the chapter and as you saw John is definietly not over his loved ones. Its just that he had no time to worry during his time at the new world. He was either escpaing, hiding or figthing.

If you enjoyed leave a comment, drop some stones and review.

As always thanks for reading!

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