
Chapter 66 finally finding her words.

Chapter 66 DxD: I got Isekai'd in Titties World

Shin stood up. "Well, it looks like Rias is finally ready. I should go join the rest of her peerage now. It was very nice meeting you all, I hope to do this again sometime." Shin said as Grayfia arrived at the table.

Riser's father, Robin, yet another bird name, rose along with him. "Yes, it was quite a good time wasn't it," Robin said as he extended his hand out to Shin, in which Shin gladly met with a firm handshake. "Feel free to call if you ever need our help in the future. As far as I'm concerned, you've become a friend of the Phenex family." Robin said good naturally as Grayfia stood, waiting to relay the information she came for.

Shin smiled, quickly glancing over everyone at the table. "I'll be sure to do that," Shin said as he released for the handshake and turned to walk away. "Before I go though, I apologize in advance," Shin said, drawing confused looks from everyone there.

"For what?" Riser asked. Shin sighed, his eyes glancing back to Rias' peerage. Riser's face adopted one of realization. "Ah, I see. I should have expected as such." Riser said, everyone else still feeling confused.

Shin sent one last apologetic look towards the Phenex family before turning and leaving, faintly hearing Grayfia inform the Phenex family that Rias was ready.

With one scan of the banquet hall, Shin quickly spotted the Gremory peerage, sans Issei, gathered near the southeast corner of the room. Walking over to the group, Shin's eyes locked with Akeno's, her eyes portraying an air of confidence in them. However, being a close friend of Akeno for a little over a year, Shin could see the worry present underneath the mask she was portraying.

Shin smiled at Akeno, stopping a few feet in front of her, stopping to take a once over of what she was wearing. A simple black yukata that really brought out her purple eyes. "Well, don't you look ravishing." Shin said with a large smirk plastered onto his face.

Akeno rolled her eyes, very much used to the playful personality of Shin. However, she couldn't help but do a once over of his body, chuckling at the way he was dressed. "I see you're dressed up for the occasion," Akeno said jokingly.

Shin looked down at his Rogue t-shirt, simple jeans, and sandals. Quite obviously out of place for such a formal gathering. "I'll have you know I save this shirt for very special occasions," Shin said matter of factually.

Kiba snorted from where he was standing. "Special occasions? You've worn that shirt 3 times this week already."

Shin glared at Kiba. "Well, they don't know that," Shin stated matter of factly.

Kiba just rolled his eyes as a chuckle left his mouth. Sure, the two of them hadn't spent much time together, however, they had spent enough time together for Kiba to know that this was just who Shin was, and honestly, Kiba found Shin an amusing person.

"Do you know where Issei is Shin? He should have been here by now." Akeno asked, curious. If anyone knew where Issei is it would be Shin.

Shin looked contemplative for a second. "Well... If that guy I bought those drugs from was right..." Shin trailed off to look at the non-existent watch on his left forearm. "He should be unconscious for another three hours. But, the tranqs haven't been used on a dragon before so who knows." Shin said casually as if stating the weather.

Everyone just stared at Shin, not sure what to say. "What?" Shin asked. "Is there something on my face?" Wiping at his face and then looking at his hand to see if anything had come off.

"You what?" Akeno asked, finally finding her words.

Shin awkwardly looked between the three other members of Rias' peerage. "Ummm, I'm getting the feeling I shouldn't have said that," Shin said.

"Shin... Why did you drug Issei?" Akeno asked a dangerous undertone to her voice.

Shin, unaffected by Akeno's not-so-subtle threat, explained his reasons. "Honestly, because if I didn't, the idiot would have burst in here challenging Riser to a fight, and we know how that went last time. That wasn't so much a fight as it was a slaughter." Shin said, calming the three of them down slightly, but not fully.

"At least it's something though! Now, what will happen to Rias? Be doomed to live a horrible life?" Akeno asked heatedly. Shin just looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I think you misunderstand what this marriage will consist of, but to answer your question, no. Rias will not be marrying Riser, she never was." Shin said.

Confused, Akeno stopped for a second to try and figure out what Shin was saying, but couldn't. "What do you mean?" Akeno asked.

Shin sighed. "I don't mean any offense by this, but I know you and Rias like to think you know politics and how they work, but frankly you know nothing of them," Shin said, igniting Akeno's ire. Just as she was about to burst out at him, he raised his hand to stop her from talking. "Let me explain before you yell at me. For starters, Rias was never marrying Riser. Riser was marrying her." Shin said, confusing Akeno.

"So, what difference does that make?" Akeno asked.

Shin rolled his eyes. "A huge difference Akeno. However, I don't have time to explain right now, I have more important things to do." Shin said as he noticed that Riser had just finished introducing Rias and knew now was the time to make his move. Moving forward, he steeled his nerves, which were going haywire at the moment. He liked to have a confident outward appearance and was quite adept at hiding his nerves, however, this was completely different. The only time he had ever felt more nervous was when he met Sirzechs.

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