
Chapter 19

Seeing that the girls were engaged in a lively conversation, Yuu decided not to interfere and let them interact. He was actually curious to see what would come out of this culture clash. And it seemed that both of them had quickly come to some conclusions.

After a moment of silence, Yuu finally explained:

"You all come from different worlds. Or to be more precise... from completely different realities."

"Different realities?"

Loki had thought it was just different worlds, but what did he mean by different realities?

"That's right," Yuu said. "Jasmine comes from the Primal Chaos Dimension, a universe with its own rules. And beyond the barrier that protects this plane, there are other worlds with even more powerful cultivators. Places where those with a True God Realm swarm the streets."

Well, one of the most frustrating aspects of cultivation novels is the constant appearance of even more powerful forces. Just when the protagonist believes they have reached the pinnacle of cultivation, a being from a higher plane typically appears to whisk away one of their wives to some faraway sect and expose the abysmal difference in power.

Thus, the protagonist would be forced to go to that plane, only to realize that their strength pales in comparison to the cultivators of those worlds. They are treated like ants, easily trampled and humiliated by those with far greater power.

Jasmine froze when she heard this. She knew that the Primal Chaos Dimension contained millions of planets and galaxies. She also knew that a barrier protected them from something outside. But were there really planets outside?! More importantly, were there so many True God level cultivators in those other realms?

Naturally, she was worried. What if those cultivators decided to invade their dimension one day? Even the top experts wouldn't know how they died!

On the other hand, she did not think for a second that Yuu might be lying. After all, from her perspective, someone with a power like Yuu's had no need to resort to deception.

"What I'm trying to say is that places like the Primal Chaos Dimension or those outer worlds out there are just tiny bubbles in the larger order of creation. It is known as the multiverse, where infinite bubbles or universes float side by side. And far, far away from the bubble that houses Jasmine, there is another. The reality that Loki comes from. There, different laws, unique types of power, and beings that have adapted to a different kind of energy exist."

"And so it was decided by the Will of Creation. So it is with the rest of the bubbles, or verses as I call them."

Both Jasmine and Loki felt their smallness in the midst of the vast expanse of creation. However, this feeling only served to amplify the awe they already held for Yuu.

He had just transported them from their own universes into the boundless multiverse. Did that not make him a being capable of erasing all existence with a mere thought? It was truly terrifying!

Fortunately, this mysterious figure did not appear to be an evil being...

"So... what is this place?" asked Loki, looking through the castle window. Outside, there was only an endless whitish void.

Yuu noticed the awe in both women's eyes. However, he had no intention of correcting their misunderstanding of him. If they considered him a supreme being, so be it.

Then the figure on the throne finally nodded and said, "You have all been brought here by me. This place exists outside of time and space. It is known as the Pillar: Hall of Destiny. It is here that the threads of destiny for all living beings in the multiverse are woven."

Yuu's answer soon echoed through the hall and dissipated into the void. Nevertheless, his words continued to resonate in the hearts of Jasmine and Loki, causing wave after wave.

They had never expected this place to be so important. Although he didn't mention it directly, Yuu told them that this castle was what kept everything in order!

However, just as Jasmine was about to make a proposal, she thought that she still didn't know the name of this mysterious figure, and continuing to call him "Senior" was very impolite to her.

"Senior, how shall we address you?"

Yuu rested his elbow on the armrest of his throne, his chin thoughtfully resting on his hand.

A name... he had many names in his life. Some brought joy, others sadness. But only one was chosen when he ascended into existence.

Looking at the people, Yuu smiled faintly and answered after a short pause.

"You may address me as... Aegis."


As Yue murmured his name weakly over and over again, he gave her a gentle smile and stroked her head in a comforting gesture. Despite her attempts to hide it, he could clearly see how frail and hungry Yue was. If only he had the strength to nourish and replenish her battered body...

For a moment, he considered giving her a drink of his blood. But he quickly dismissed the thought. His blood was not something a mortal could endure. Who knew what effect it would have on the vampiress, or if it would be too much for her. He certainly couldn't risk her life like that.

Meanwhile, after a few seconds of silence, Jasmine stood up. With a smooth movement, she lifted the hem of her red skirt and bowed gracefully before him.

"Lord Aegis, would you allow me to make a bold request?"

Yuu stifled a sarcastic chuckle. Knowing how proud and strong the red-haired girl was, she would never humble herself like that if she knew the true extent of his current power. If she knew that, as impulsive as she was, this pretty girl would most likely try to kill him.

'Try,' of course. Because she simply would not succeed. As long as the others remained within the walls of his castle, none of them could really harm him. A mere thought from him would be enough to seal their powers. That was the advantage of having claimed this place for himself.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Yuu finally replied. Actually, he was quite curious what she would ask.

As the eyes of the peoples pricked her cheek, Jasmine took a deep breath, as if to gather her courage before speaking.

"This princess would like to become your disciple, Lord Aegis. I beg you to accept me as your student so that I can one day reach the pinnacle of power, just like you!"

Her words echoed off the walls. After a few seconds, Loki's eyes widened in astonishment. Did this insolent girl really want to become a disciple of a being like Aegis?

But Jasmine's reasoning was simple. Just as Yuu had thought, she would never ask anyone else to be her master. At only thirteen years old, she had already achieved what many cultivators could only dream of.

Not only was Jasmine the Princess of the Star God Realm, but she also possessed the Heavenly Slaughter Star God Legacy. With this privilege, she possessed all the knowledge and power possessed by the ancient inheritors of this legacy before her.

For this reason, she had never needed a master. And even if she did, her pride would never allow her to stoop and beg to be someone else's disciple.

But the man in front of her was the honorable Lord Aegis. A being who, according to her, could destroy the entire existence just by wishing it. In the face of such power, even the pride of the talented princess wavered.

Jasmine did not beg for immediate powers or the resurrection of her brother. She did, however, ask for something genuine.

Becoming an apprentice to Aegis would not only provide her with a sure method of growing stronger over time, but also allow her to forge a valuable master-apprentice bond. Maintaining a connection with such a powerful being was highly beneficial, and she would be foolish not to seek his favor.

And her goals? Well, her thirst for revenge against those who took her brother's life could wait until she was strong enough to handle them herself. She planned to take her time and savor the taste of vengeance.

"A disciple..." Yuu stroked his chin and looked at Jasmine with amusement. "I've never had a disciple before. Besides... are you sure about this? If you want to be my disciple, you'll have to come here from time to time."

"I am delighted to come back to this castle, Lord Aegis." She raised her head and looked hopefully at the figure on the throne, "Then..."

"You may indeed be my disciple. But first... you must prove yourself."

The truth, however, was that he had no desire to take Jasmine as a disciple. If she ever discovered the extent of his current weakness, she would not hesitate to turn against him.

Well, that was just an excuse... He had enough problems without adding this headache in the form of a planet-destroying loli.

But the stubborn redhead wasn't going to give up so easily. Her eyes sparkled with determination.

"I accept the challenge! Tell me what I have to do to prove myself, Lord Aegis, I'm ready for anything!"

Yuu held back a sigh.

"A question to which you have the answer."

For a moment, Yuu was tempted to give that evasive answer just to keep up appearances. However, before his lips parted, he thought of something that interested him about this cultivation world.

Of course, it wasn't the beautiful jade-skinned women.

"I'm going to give you a simple test that matches your current abilities. I need you to find one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures for me."

Jasmine's eyes widened. These artifacts were the highest treasures in the universe! Each of them had its own unique abilities, and they could undoubtedly shake heaven and earth.

They were the stuff of legends. Countless cultivators had searched for them throughout the ages, but to no avail. And the known treasure was in the hands of great powers like the Eternal Heaven Realm.

Did Lord Aegis really expect her to accomplish such a feat?

However, it was an opportunity she could not pass up. If she obtained one of the treasures, she would not only prove her worth as a disciple, but also gain an object of immeasurable power.

Jasmine didn't think that Aegis needed those powerful treasures. Even though thet were very valuable, they didn't really matter to someone as strong as him. Therefore, she believed that if she obtained them, he would give them to her as part of his training. Many masters used to reward their disciples' efforts in this way, giving them treasures or other legacies to help them progress.

She hoped that by receiving one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures, she would be even more useful to Lord Aegis in the future.

Bowing respectfully, Jasmine expressed her sincere feelings, "It will be an honor to fulfill this mission, Lord Aegis.


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