
Fate's Descent

"Don't you wish to save your brother? he got into so much trouble because of you, Eneva... leave it to me, I can save him... I have the power to do what your useless self can't... your silver scales are worthless to protect your brother. But I, Destiny, am powerful".

"Due to the chaos of your husband's dynasty, now the cute golden dragon has to perish; don't you feel ashamed, Aurora? to have your son involved in your past enmities? I can fix everything... all you need to do is give me your body".

"The primal spark within your body is highly coveted, Empyrean Monique... if not for your existence, Richter wouldn't be in so much danger; his scales shattered and his body bleeding... all your fault. Give me your body and I will fix everything. I who domains the well of fate, know better".


"Aren't you pitiful, Aphrodite? with your insatiable lust finally sated now you seek love from the only one that could never give that to you... I can fix that, I can give him treasures that your godly mind can't comprehend... I can earn his love for us. All you have to do is allow me in~"

The Goddess of Sex found herself enthralled, her chin grasped softly by this flawless white silhouette of a lady that seemed to have descended from a higher dimension, like a Goddess among Goddesses.

"L-Love..." She knew it, from the beginning, from their first night together... how much she enjoyed herself but how much her new 'master' seemed to not be that much awed by her display... she could recognise that gaze, one that she never thought would ever be shot at her.

The gaze a man holds when he's doing a prostitute... contempt within pleasure.

She'd never attain her master's love... she was too stained and sullied for that and although her thirst for treasures had reached the apex, Aphrodite found herself wondering if plundering the whole world would be enough to get even a wisp of his love.

As she hugged her knees in her shrine, surrounded by treasures and ready to plunder Olympus once again; this white figure descended from the grey cloudy skies, lighting everything up as if she was the sun itself.

"I-If I allow you... then... would he love me?"

"I can make him love us... more than he loves those women, he will finally appreciate what you are, Aphrodite~ he will LOVE US".

"What do I have to give in exchange?"

"Give me your body, mind and soul... I can take it without your permission, however... if you allow me in, it will be easier for us. You shall enjoy all of the advantages that I can give you... and we could even-"

The woman whispered something softly in Aphrodite's delicate ears that made her body shiver in ecstasy.

"A-Are you serious?"

"Yes~ we can".

"I accept... as long as he loves me".

Aphrodite surrendered herself to this white figure and the next moment, she entered the goddess' body, merging together as one. The Olympian gasped and her eyes switched in tone from sky blue to shiny pink.

"So wonderful... to think you made this woman feel so much pleasure; yet denied it to me, Richter... I'm so disappointed... so hurt. It won't be long before you find Helius, but in the meantime... I will keep you here a little longer and while I am at it, perhaps we could finally love each other... as we always should have".

Releasing a light giggle, 'Aphrodite' disappeared, displaying control and power over the laws of space unprecedented for anyone in this universe.

Her schemes, unknown.



[Richter's POV]

'It is just as I suspected, Fia'.

My vision turned grim the moment I felt it, trying to mind my own business, releasing aura and managing to catch an approximate direction of where Helius was located, how far it is, I have no idea. But while both Grayfia and Gabriel sparred I caught some things.

First off, Grayfia had gotten a nice hangout of her powers; more specifically, her ice Devil Fruit.

She was gliding through the void, transformed into a whole body of golden ice, separating in several parts and reshaping herself to avoid Gabriels' attacks, even creating frozen platforms out of nothingness.

For her part, Gabriel's strikes had become way stronger, my faith seemed t do exactly what it does to me, except directly controlling Primordial Gold to create and destroy gold... the faith had increased her physical strength exponentially; she was at a disadvantage compared to Grayfia, but Gabriel's combat experience was nothing to joke at either.

That said, their progress and power, although made me proud, they were not what attracted my attention.

Instead, it was the mild darkness aura they were emitting... seemingly merging itself with the void of the Z-AXIS.

Grayfia's Heart Lineage gives her a higher authority of darkness, such is the power of the Primordial Demon.

But Gabriel doesn't have such a thing, so where is that darkness coming from?

I didn't say anything... if I confront this entity right now, I can't be assured that he won't use them against me or even kill them on the spot, I have to wait for the perfect moment. And I may be able to recreate such a moment; there are two Dragoness that can help me with that.

"You two can stop now, I'm proud of you".

"Thanks, master..." Grayfia stopped her attacks, blocking a last strike coming from Gabriel and throwing a glare at the latter.

"Sorry, Grayfia, I slipped~"

"I'm sure you did".

"I managed to point out a hotspot of Helius' location... you two won't be coming with me. I want the two of you to assist Morrighan and Albedo. You're totally free to handle the underworld's situation as you see fit".

"When will you be back, master?"

"Soon enough".

I sliced through the Z-AXIS opening a portal to the dimensional gap which the two of them entered before it closed, leaving me on my own in the Z-AXIS.

After giving a light sigh I transformed into my full-blown dragon form, emitting the whole of my energy, not holding back at all as I have in that universe which is unable to take my whole existence.

Any individual that I encounter here, is going to be on my level, the thought alone is thrilling.

I flew along, emitting great densities of golden light towards the source of my Primordial Gold Aura... like a fish pursuing the sun underwater; the aura of Primordial Gold emitted by my entourage was my beacon back into that universe... sadly, as I moved away, the signal grew weaker, which means that I can't go too far yet without losing myself.

That said, who could have thought that I'd encounter individuals in this world so soon?

In the endless expanse of the Z-AXIS, I sensed something, it was like a patch of the void that was emitting space aura, concealed... I stopped in front of it with a contemplating gaze, if not for my laws of space, I would have been unable to sense this odd layer of void.

"SHOW YOURSELVES, OR I WILL ATTACK," I said with my draconian voice that emitted waves through space, disclosing their location and centring my aura in it.


What I received in exchange was a ridiculously powerful aura that astonished me. As expected no one in the Z-AXIS is simple. My heart got mad with a thrill as whoever was inside removed the layer of space that was concealing them.

A powerful aura washed above me when I regarded that woman imbued in darkness, beautiful and strong like I have oddly seen them.

[Primal Chaos's Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor, Jie Yuan. Ruler of Devils. Wielder of Eternal Calamity Abyss].

Her clothes were black and tattered, marred with injuries as if she had been in a fight, her skin was dark blue and her eyes were pitch black just like her hair, she also had light scars on her countenance. Nevertheless, she was breathtaking.

We both irradiated each other in our auras and she began to speak.

"Such a strong Dragon God... even stronger than Long Yin," The woman said with a frown and got on guard, not shying away in a battle against me... and she really shouldn't. This woman is at the very least a Peak Goddess in Helius.


I morphed into my hybrid form in order to have a more 'civilised conversation'. She and I are not speaking the same language, it is merely our auras translating each other.

Behind her were hundreds of people, they all emitted darkness authority, lesser gods.

"Richter Golden-Haze... Primordial Golden Dragon God, Helius".

"Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor, Jie Yuan from the Primal Chaos".

It was a brief introduction, as I expected she was also able to read my aura. After a brief mutual consensus, we decided to cease hostility and she flew towards me, away from her entourage.

"Why are you here?" She asked me, I could sense a spatial aura irradiating from her, however... it was odd... it was as if this space aura was irradiating from her, but it wasn't hers. She was using it to create a dome around her people, protecting them from the corrosive void of the Z-AXIS.

"You first, Devil..."

"Do you know devils?"

"Not as strong as you" Compared to them, the devils in Grayfia's world were a bunch of pussies.

"We were exiled from our world, several thousand years ago... I'm keeping my people alive, but I don't know how long they will last" Her gaze contained worry as she looked towards her people.

"I see..."


"I was also exiled from my world... unlike you, however, I can't find it. Your world, Primal Chaos, is just right there... whatever space aura you're emitting is leading in that direction, why don't you just make a portal?" I pointed in a direction, and although it couldn't be 'seen' I could sense that massive universe right there. It was way bigger than Grayfia's... but infinitely smaller than Helius.

I was puzzled as to why she was still here when she had strong control over space laws.

She took out something and materialised it, it was like a needle.

"I have no control over the spatial laws... this treasure has. All I can do is use this to create a protective layer around them, there is not enough energy for me to create a portal back, not for the next million years... do you have control over the laws of space?"

She explained to me, asking an important question.

"I do..." I gave a dry answer, arms crossed.

"A-And what would it cost me for you to open a portal towards the Primal Chaos...? if you can achieve this..."

My gaze fixed on the treasure she had in her hands, but she immediately concealed it, avoiding my gaze and gritting her teeth, "I can't give you this... it is the only thing I have to recall my husband".

What a pity, that's without a doubt a valuable treasure.

I saw her tattered self, then looked at her maddened underlings... sentenced to the void for a thousand years, they were exactly in the same predicament Grayfia and Gabriel would have been in if I wasn't there... unable to return home. Let alone due to my Primordial Gold Faith, they can survive, but these people aren't strong enough to survive in this void.

These people are beyond broke, what could they even pay me with?

I lifted my golden claw and she got alert; but I merely sliced through the void, creating a portal... on the other side of this portal was her world, Primal Chaos.

"Just go... you don't owe me anything".

I returned to my dragon form in front of her disbelieving gaze, at least she's lucky enough to have her world right in front... me? I don't even think I have gotten closer to Helius at all.

My new novel: Paranormal System - Ghosts in the City is available in my profile. Please go and give it some love!

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