
DxD: Golden Peerage

[Do you desire to save your race from extinction? if so... accomplish a mission for me and I shall bring your race not only to salvation but also... supremacy!] Those were the words prompted in the mysterious screen in front of her as blood kept pouring out of her wounds, for Grayfia Lucifuge, a devil in the middle of the civil war against the Old Satan Faction; there could not be more treacherous yet hope-inducing words, it could be a trap, but it could not. She had the option to choose between 'Yes' and 'No'. For her who was at the edge of death with a family that needed support and a cause to fight for, there was not much of a choice. Little did she know, the mission she was tasked to do wouldn't be a simple or common one. In the faraway multiverse of Helius, one of the most powerful entities in endless existence slumbered atop his myriad treasures when his senses perceived something that shouldn't be possible. Intruders were common; Intruders remaining in his realm this long without perishing... were extremely rare. Upon appearing before the silver-haired maiden in odd attire, he huffed a breath frightening enough to make the strongest gods flee on the spot, but she remained in place - conflicted, but in place. "Before you perish, tell me... what is an ant like you doing in my realm? and why are you still alive?" Disbelief was concealed in his mighty voice. The maid thought a lot about what words had to come out of her lips for her to survive this hurdle, eventually, with her century-worth of experience in romance, she managed to find a fitting answer. "You're the Primordial Golden Dragon God, Richter-sama, right?" She asked with serenity. "Sama? I don't know about that... but you're correct. With your foot standing on my treasury realm, do you still dare ask about my identity, Demoness? you haven't-" "Richter-sama... my name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm here to conquer your lonely heart" "..." ** ** https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to join my discord server to have novel discussions with your peers, get illustrations and participate in polls! Get up to 30 advanced chapters in my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere

Photosphere · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

All Pieces in Place; Seraph of Death.

Home of the Shinto Faction, Takamagahara

A fierce confrontation between the Sun, the Moon and the Storms took place in the place that could be considered the home of the Shinto faction, a parallel hidden dimension where only deities resided. Access to this place was restricted and sacred, but there were ways for foreign gods to make their way into this holy land.

Tsukiyomi stood up with determination in front of his two siblings. The Goddess of the Sun and leader of Shinto, Amaterasu and his brother and greatest genera

"What is the meaning of this, Tsukiyomi!?" Amaterasu yelled, her senses and divinity focused on Japan where a foreign god was running rampant. It is widely known in the community of gods that pacific entrance into the territory of another pantheon without permission could already be considered a threat. A god's life is tied to their divinity and hence, faith.

To have a foreign god in one's land was no different than having an outsider reaping one's goods inside a secluded household.

The only ones from the supernatural community that were allowed by the Shinto Faction inside Japan... were the devils, the angels and the fallen angels. The moment Ares entered he'd have to face the wrath of Shinto, however... someone stood in the way.

One of their own and a god that had been previously taken to the underworld by Lady Calliope, the God of the Moon Tsukiyomi who belonged in Sirzechs Lucifer's peerage.

"Everything will be explained in due time, sister... Lady Calliope is no more and you know that... no one can protect them this time, we have been preparing for this, the moment is now".

He released his aura and flawless flashes of moonlight resurfaced in front of his two siblings, he wasn't the strongest... but also wasn't the weakest... if it came to a fight it would be at a standstill. The rest of the Shinto Gods remained on guard, witnessing the events and waiting for orders, but... Tsukiyomi wasn't on his own.

"I won't allow you to cause destruction in my territory just for a delusion!"

Great flames imbued the skies as Amaterasu charged forward, clashing with her brother. Susanoo was doubtful. The Shinto faction had long since spread to two ends... those that hated the devils, and those that sided with them. Most of the latter side did so due to fear towards Lady Calliope. The conservatives had been kind to the Yokai and Onmyojis, but... the devil supremacy faction had to be erased or at least the families supporting it.

This was a common fact known by every Pantheon.

Two great Shinto Gods fought together, however... it was then that a brilliant light shone in the skies of Takamagahara, resurfacing an unparalleled Aura that didn't lose to even Amaterasu.

Everyone immediately got on guard as that divinity doesn't belong to Shinto. The light transformed into the silhouette of a gorgeous lady with purple hair and golden staff.

When Amaterasu saw her, she retreated and regarded her grimly. The lady walked towards the panting Tsukiyomi's side protectively.

Watching this behaviour; the Sun Goddess was even more outraged.

"Goddess Parvati! what makes you think you're qualified to meddle in my Shinto's matters!?" Amaterasu got ready to release everything and give it a go, her long black hair waved together with her kimono as nine fires appeared around her.

For her; this is no less than disrespect... especially considering that both she and Parvati and matriarch goddesses of their respective pantheons. In a fight between them, Amaterasu held no assurance of winning, but she was also confident of being able to attain victory.

This is her turf and every single God of Shinto was watching.

Instead of backing off, Parvati puffed out her voluminous chest as if to give a discourse.

"Goddess Amaterasu... the devils have reigned long enough, swaying the myriad races into slavery and profiting out of our misery... what we are doing is for the sake of us all"

"Since when did you join the Fallen God's Faction? have you followed in your husband's footsteps!?"

"My husband desired the extermination of the devils... and now that he is not present I shall continue his will" The goddess frowned, recalling that majestic golden silhouette, she had her own reasons for being here.

"What about the Golden Dragon? do you wish to get us all killed?!"

"He is not... the Golden Dragon God Richter Golden-Haze has moved to the earth a month ago; he currently resides somewhere in Europe but he has been travelling along the world with his mate. This is the reason we are making our move now, Amaterasu. With him out of the underworld, we can be assured that there won't be retaliation... you should have known by now that Calliope is no longer within the Underworld's Lucifuge Clan, why don't you join us?"

"You can't just base your actions on guesses, Parvati" Amaterasu bit her lips and countered, she is well aware that Lady Calliope is no longer in this world, whether she died or departed... no one knows, but having held a 'friendship' with the glorious entity hundreds of years prior, Amaterasu couldn't just turn her back on the devils.

"You're the one 'guessing' by assuming the lady whom you pledged yourself to five hundred years ago, yet haven't seen a single time since; is still in this world. The devis have been manipulating us all this time, sister, they have slaved both Yokai, Gods and Onmyoji alike... Hades has spoken to Richter-sama... he won't be joining this conflict".

"What about his apostles?!" Amaterasu countered with a jab that neither of the gods could counter for a moment, but then Tsukiyomi nodded towards Parvati as if sharing a secret innuendo.

"We have already made a plan against his Apostle, Grayfia Lucifuge... the only thing I'm asking for you, sister... is that you do not support them during this ordeal".

Amaterasu clenched her teeth looking at both Gods, still with doubts.

"What is going to happen in the world, Tsukiyomi?" She asked helplessly, "Ares is slaughtering innocents".

"Sometimes sacrifices must be made, sister. The world will remain as it is, no, better... but devils shall be no more... right? Michael".


Amaterasu gasped and witnessed how another blinding light covered Takamagahara and from then appeared the leader of the Four Great Seraphs, a powerhouse of his own with his twelve white wings and golden halo.

Archangel Michael and one of her deepest allies and acquaintances.

"Michael, you-"

"The Devils are forever our angel's enemies, Goddess Amaterasu... my people slaved and tortured under their clutches have met no justice, it is time for them to know what we felt. I hope you will understand my position".

"It is thanks to Lady Calliope that you angels still exist, she worked to bring the devils to their current position, don't you recognise that? are you going to shatter the peace we currently have?"

"There is a difference between peace and quietness, moreover... I know things that you don't, Goddess Amaterasu... she wouldn't mind".

Michael's gaze turned solemn, speaking cryptic words that Amaterasu couldn't understand.

"Sister, what should we do?" Susanoo asked, ready to engage were it necessary, awaiting orders just like the rest of the Shinto Faction, he'd usually engage at the minimal intrusion as the main general of the Godly Army... but in this situation, he didn't know what decision to make. Inwardly he desired for the devils to perish; outwardly... Amaterasu had the last word".

"... I don't know, Susanoo..." Amaterasu was clueless... the future of her pantheon against her own loyalty to a being who was no longer present, it was a difficult decision to make.

It was during this junction that a last figure materialised in this world, producing such a horrendous and hideous aura that Michael's expression immediately changed upon seeing her.

She was a female with a big scythe and a black cloak, looking at everything in silence, her gaze rested on Michael for several seconds before she ignored him.

"I didn't expect you to be helping the Fallen God Faction, Eldest Sister".


"What are your motives? surely it is not hatred against the Devils?"


Michael's expression contorted but then he sighed, "Hundreds of thousands of years and... you haven't changed at all".

The woman shifted her eyes towards him again, they were pitch black like the abyss... from her black protruded twelve black wings as she turned around, and it was then that Parvati spoke to her.

"Didn't Hades order you to go and help Ares together with Samael?".

Without answering the Hindu Goddess' questions, the cloaked lady disappeared in a black mist together with her gorgeous wings... it was as if a hideous tension had surfaced from her mere presence.

"So, Hades... no wonder she's here... so she had been in the underworld all this time?"

"Who is she, Michael?" Amaterasu inquired, not having felt such a threat for a long time.

"The Strongest Angel created by Lord Father. Great Seraph of Death, Azrael".