
DxD: God's Abomination

God loved all his creations. He crafted all them with care, love, and gentleness. God was saddened by the fall of his favorite son Lucifer. God was anguished by the angels being corrupted by sin, becoming fallen angels. But God was most of all disappointed by the fighting between the three biblical factions, who he still considers his children, no matter far they run from home. Before the great war, god created a new being, This creation would be special, a hybrid between an angel, devil, and fallen angel, a way for the three factions to connect with one another. It would be his finest work, surpassing anything he ever created. God spent day and night creating this being, pouring his heart, soul, and love until it was finally done. When he gazed at his creation, instead of feeling love and pride as he did when making his angels, all he felt was disgust and disappointment. When this creation became known to the three biblical factions, they began to call him Maroth, God's Abomination.

VenerableCrow · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Morath's Punishment

"So this, is where the Biblical God, sealed him...?" An emotionless female voice asked herself as she gazed at one of the underworld's many mountain ranges.

The person in question was a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and grey eyes. Her ears have pointed tips, although her long black hair makes this feature difficult to notice. Her dark grey eyes have reptilian slitted pupils and an overall bored, emotionless expression. She was wearing what most would consider a black Gothic Lolita fashion dress.

This person was Ophis, the Dragon God known as the Ouroboros Dragon and the Infinite Dragon God.

If she were honest with herself, she didn't really want to release him of all people, but her organization, Khaos Brigade, wasn't making any progress in defeating Great Red and as much as she hated to admit it, she wasn't his match.

Although she was naive, she wasn't stupid. She could see how the different factions within Khaos Brigade used her power, promised results, but ultimately never delivered. She only ever allowed them to do so on the off chance they may actually do something, but she was left disappointed and frustrated. The only team actually trying to make progress was Team Vali, lead by Vali Lucifer, the direct descendant of the original Lucifer and current White Dragon Emperor.

Ophis wanted her silence back and she wanted it now. Who knows when she would get it back with the help of Khaos Brigade or if at all. She was running out of options and the only one she could think of was sealed somewhere within this mountain range.

"He'll probably be willing to lend me a hand against Baka-Red, if not then...' Ophis thought to herself with a smirk, 'I'll just have to put him in his place.' Although he was powerful, Ophis didn't believe he could challenge her.

Closing her eyes, the Dragon God began to try and sense any energy in the mountain range. It was extremely faint, everyone would overlook it, but it was there. Quickly teleporting to it, she landed at the center of the mountain. The mountain stood tall, surrounding her like she was in the middle of a bowl.

The surroundings seemed... off. The ground was entirely made of stone with a thin layer of dirt on the top. The flora around her was withered like something sucked the life out of them. It was strange, not even a second ago she was in a bustling forest filled with life, but now it seemed like she was in a wasteland.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, Ophis crouched down on the floor and wiped away the thin layer of dirt from the stone. Under the dirt were thousands upon thousands of seal and runes pulsating with weak white light.

'Predictable,' She thought to herself while tilting her head slightly to the side, 'But also easy to deal with.'

Placing her hand on one of the thousands of seals, Ophis began to direct her energy in it. Ophis's black energy began to spread like a corruption, devouring the weak white light and replacing it with her black void like energy.

*Crack* *Crack*

Ophis looked up from what she was doing and saw multiple cracks being formed within the air. It was almost as if reality was being broken like a glass window. The cracks continued to form and increase until it broke apart like glass, revealing what's underneath.

Underneath the illusion created by the Biblical God was a dark portal. The portal itself was a swirl of darkness that seemed to suck up any light drawn to it, giving it an uncomfortable and eerie feeling if one stared for too long.

Standing back up, Ophis walked with confident steps towards the portal, entering the gateway.

'Dark,' was the Dragon God's first thought when she came through the other side. It was a small dark room, nothing too special save for the unidentifiable figure on the opposite side. She couldn't quite make out the features of the person, the only thing she could see from the small glow emitted from the portal was that his limbs were being pulled uncomfortably from his body with multiple chains either piercing his flesh or wrapped around other parts of his body. The figure's head was limply hanging down with his long hair covering his face like a dark curtain.

While Ophis examined the figure, he seemed to be mumbling to himself while gazing at the floor.

"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."

"No. No. NO! That bastard's not my Father anymore!"

"I'll just have to kill all his other creations, then... he'll be forced to love me! Hehehe!"

"Make it stop..."

If Ophis didn't know any better, she would think multiple people were talking through his body. Obviously, 300 years of constant torment and isolation did a number to his mind.

"Who's there!" The figure's heat shot up, showcasing their crimson glow, "Oh, your not one of Father's creations..." The figure's eyes changed to a silvery white color, "Oh, I know you... your Ophis Hehehe, oh how the mighty have fallen! Your nowhere near as powerful as when we met for the first time!" The figure's eyes changed once again, this time to a vile purple color.

"Morath..." Ophis muttered as she looked at the being in front of her. If she was honest with herself, she felt slightly uncomfortable. This person was probably one of the most insane person on earth and she was here, all alone with him. She was still confident though, how could this being stand before her, The Infinite Dragon God?

"I need, your help" She told the being in front of her.

"You need my help? No one ever wanted my help before." The figure's eyes turned a silver color, before quickly changing to purple, "oh ho ho! THIS is gold! One of the most power beings needs my help! How laughable! HAHAHA!"

'Hmm, seems like the constant torture, pain, and isolation shattered Morath's personality, creating 3 distinct new ones. Difficult to work with, but I can still manage.' Ophis analyzed quickly. "I demand you help me get my silence back. In exchange, I'll free you. But you listen, to me." Ophis said emtionlessly, though one could her a bit of annoyance in her tone. She spent so long finding him and he laughs in her face?

"Demand? ...Heheeheah AHHAHA! DEMAND!? You think you can demand me, Morath! You're overestimating yourself Ophis!" Morath's eyes turned a crimson red that reflected his anger. Thick black mist began to emanate as space began to twist itself away, almost as if the world rejected him. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU ALL! I'LL KI-ACKK" Morath's insane ramblings halted as the chain around his body began to restrict, sensing his rising power and anger.

Ophis stood there, frozen in shock. When Morath's power began to raise, she became alarmed. She originally though Morath wasn't as powerful as her, but when she felt the power emanating from him, she realized how wrong she was. That power felt... wrong. It reeked of evil, madness, insanity, grief... almost every negative emotion she could think of. And his power level easily surpassed some of the most powerful beings alive, and encroaching on her and Great Red's level.

And then she realized something unimaginable...

He was still in his seal, limiting his power.